Delta Unit Hinkle, will you be able to bring eggs to Juices' NY Halo 4 Release Cuddle Party?
This is a crucial question
This is a crucial question
I would like to go dark a little before release but doing stuff with HaloCouncil I cant :/
lol dude I don't really care...
The OG's of GAF hardly ever comment on new jr's and their posting behavior. It's usually guys that just earned their wings. ubu, ibme
A+, 10/10, would read again.Don't go two dark.
Delta Unit Hinkle, will you be able to bring eggs to Juices' NY Halo 4 Release Cuddle Party?
This is a crucial question
You're good homie. Do whatever, really. You seem like good people.Ok I'm sorry I wasn't trying to be Rude.
I just Joined Because I liked halo and this seemed like a good community. I just like talking Halo. I dont get many chances to post and actually get involved in the conversations.
And i try super hard not to double post. As i said before have ADD so sometime i don't think it through and just Post because i try to get my thought out as fast as i can. Or ill forget
Rockets on Powerhouse.
Snipers on Asylum.
Using the grating on Reflection to attack Rocket/Sword.
Sword on Zealot.
Plenty of starting rushes still exist.
Doesn't spawn until 2 or 3 minutes into the match, if I'm remembering right.
Rushes definitely still do exist, though. Powerhouse rockets is the best example. But I do think that powerups helped push that initial rush along. It happens far more often, or more noticeably, in Anniversary than in normal ol' Reach. Beaver Creek or Damnation are good examples, since they have centrally located powerups as well as nearby power weapons.
What Kind I make a Bangin Eggs Benedict.
Or Omelets
Well anything lol
I post like an asshat most of the time and people put up with me. Or so I believe...
The problem I have with Reach opening moments is that they are almost always linear. If Powerhouse had a sniper to counter rockets there would be a decision/calculation moment at the beginning. As it stands there is only one rush; everyone get rockets, all else is of secondary concern.
Some of what I miss is symmetrical maps with center placed power weapons and/or asymmetrical power ups. I love the idea of a truly balanced and "fair" map, but still with the timing, calculations, and choices that can make one team completely dominate another based on their knowledge and understanding of which weapon and power up combo is essential to winning.
You guys are a bunch of assholes to make fun of him. Obviously English isn't his first language. I hope...He cooks good food too. Don't you see the benefits of this guy being here? I really like eggs the morning after a cuddle party. Anyways whos around NY?
I think I'm having people over for a NY Halo 4 Release Cuddle Party.
Kinda Sad News Im moving Back West to Oregon. Any west coasters Hit me Up IN OctoberExcellent news. Looking forward two meating you/cuddling at the NY Halo 4 Release Party.
Anyone else not able to get to their Service Record on Waypoint? All I get is:
"Sorry, we encountered a problem while processing your request."
It's probably just waypoint being waupoint.
May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face.I actually consider you one of the more "real" dudes on here hahah
I get those. It's a bug. Just keep refreshing the pageAnyone else not able to get to their Service Record on Waypoint? All I get is:
"Sorry, we encountered a problem while processing your request."
Anyone else not able to get to their Service Record on Waypoint? All I get is:
"Sorry, we encountered a problem while processing your request."
It's probably just waypoint being waupoint.
I get those. It's a bug. Just keep refreshing the page![]()
Yeah, I figured as much. Really I'd have been more surprised if the site was actually working.
May the wind always be at your back and the sun upon your face.
And may the wings of destiny carry you aloft to dance with the stars.
Cheers, Georgie.
Cheers, pop.
Guy in Buy Sell Trade is selling one too but he wants 120.
Scalper kill Pax events, hope he stubs his big toe tomorrow.
Scalper kill Pax events, hope he stubs his big toe tomorrow.
This is a thread I started on the Waypoint forums. I'm curious what GAFers think about it...
I wish I had money right now.
This is an amazing cover:
Yo someone tweet me when this place is safe again
Just got off work and checked the last couple pages. Lol at some of these pricks.
Welcome Ozzy :] - I think it sounds good and all, but imagine how long it would take to match people up if it was accurate and more in-depth than the "preferences" we have now?
This is just a ploy to find custom games. You just renamed Filters as "Toggles".
what did I miss?
Me and Imperial just won a game of that 150-0.Oddball on Swordbase
Me and Imperial just won a game of that 150-0.
Well a random was ball holding. That and leaving the ball in the center would make us lose with a team of two guests.That is not how you win Sword Base Oddball...
Me and Imperial just won a game of that 150-0.
I disagree. Custom games create the need to download maps/gametypes outside of matchmaking updates and operate outside of the 343i designed/allowed maps/gametypes and settings.
This is combining the best of custom games browsing and matchmaking to deliver a new hybrid system that is fast and flexible. A small nuance of difference but a very important one.
Me and Imperial just won a game of that 150-0.
I did not mean to come off as one.Just got off work and checked the last couple pages. Lol at some of these pricks.
That is not how you win Sword Base Oddball...
Also, just thought of something; what if 343 pulls the ultimate troll and the ancient evil voice at the end of the E3 showcase is actuallythe remaining Guilty Spark?
So this system still matches players based on skill-level? I wonder how it would change matching times, surely they would increase?
If you set the toggles to strict, close skill and a small number of maps/gametypes then you would be waiting for that match. But if you set all those things then you're obviously happy to wait for a quality game.
When you want fast games you can simply toggle on/off more or less. Simple and provides choice to the players. Something we haven't really had in matchmaking before.
Sometimes player choice is not necessarily a good thing when you have certain goals in mind. Sure it would be nice to perhaps see this type of system in Halo, but I'd want to see the effective data on the most important point to me (higher than map or gametype preference) first before I'm convinced that this is necessarily better than the current vote system. When you give players the choice like this, I think a natural side-effect is that most people will choose something along the lines of Slayer on Lockout only - forever. I imagine that it would effectively skew the population so that other maps and gametypes that the minorities want to play would be much more difficult to find, degrading the experience across the less popular modes.