The P of Poland
Was that Polish, Tawpgun? I'm not actually from there...
(though my aunt is)
(though my aunt is)
Was that Polish, Tawpgun? I'm not actually from there...
(though my aunt is)
Those forearms..
I don't understand the game altering perk that unlocks at the max of the specialization. The fact that it is called "game altering" scares me makes it sound OP. What is the perk that you get? Also who wants all this cool stuff when your maxed out? It would be worth the trouble if there was a real ranked playlist you can use it in. Oh another thing. Why has 343 let IGN fuck up another reveal. The game reveal for Halo 4 are a complete joke so far.
Uncaged AR starts over DMRs on Countdown. What is wrong with people?
Which one was vertically at the top?
Uncaged AR starts over DMRs on Countdown. What is wrong with people?
Uncaged AR starts over DMRs on Countdown. What is wrong with people?
Which one was vertically at the top?
I can't think of a mature response to this currently.
The proper response is actually your username.
Once we achieve one of the gameplay changing specializations in the article, we can never rank up towards another specialization to be able to switch between them?
I don't know what you mean by this. Ellis sat down for an interview to explain a (somewhat) complex customization feature in Halo 4 to some guys that aren't nearly as versed in the Halo verbiage and series overall as we are. They took some notes and wrote an article. It's not like they sent the article to Ellis to proofread before it was published. They likely didn't know the right questions to ask, or how to get the answers communities like ours would've liked to have gotten. Like Ellis said; they left out pieces of the interview that could have better clarified some of these things but weren't relayed through the article. They get the media attention from the article and will clarify in detail tomorrow.Why has 343 let IGN fuck up another reveal.
You'll never get that through to people haha. Lots of people are going to use the wrong word/spell it wrong.That's not the right wooooooooooooord.
I meant to reply to Ghaleon's post about that, and I'm almost positive it's the second option. As we stand right now, you don't get knocked out of scope in H4, so the perk has to be reduced kickback.And this.
Regardless of how we feel about some of the things in H4, Halo 4 should be Halo 4 in matchmaking. None of this pathetic half-assed attempt to make people happy that want to play the previous game in the new game. The MM experience should be H4, for better or for worse.I bet you 1000 spartan points that they will put Infinity Slayer on the top of the "Competitive" playlist. So all a player's gatta do is hit A a couple times, and they are in. Look at how populated Team Slayer is in Reach :\
Agreed that people attempt to win the games regardless of an investment system, but investment systems should be emphasized on performance of the players and team. That is the only way that it's engaging, with Reach's system it doesn't even matter that is exists because the overwhelming majority of your points come from random jackpots and simply completing the game.This is so fallacious. People want to win matches, period. In-game reward systems only stands to bolster that drive; you can't "take away" that drive with an incentive system (unless you designed it backwards, like rewarding losing more than winning).
Reach gives credit bonuses to winning teams--meaning winners rank up faster than losers, Arena is based solely on winning, and your win % even factors into outside systems like BPR.
Rewarding players for completing games discourages quitting for those invested in the incentive system. Which is a good thing.
You should reaaaaallly just take a breather, and wait for the in-depth explanations and the game to come out first.
So no one knows if your gameplay changing specialization choice is permanent with no option to choose another?
There was extra information about level caps and such that I talked about in the interview. I don't control what quotes hit the cutting room floor.
Great attention-getter for a long post.Yeah
Just like halo 3
And reach
Which are still shit games in comparison to halo 2
What do you mean "choose another?" It sounds like once you hit level 50, you get an imaginary "token" to pick a spec. Once you do, you level up another 10 levels, and get another imaginary token to pick another spec.
I preferred halo 2 to this bastardized experience. Unlockables. Randomization. Trying to make the game more "real". Why is everything so damn complicated now?
was anything explained in the last six hours or so? I was really confused right after reading about the specializations
also Tawpgun, Gears?
COD and BF happened. They sell millions and millions and for a FPS console game to compete it has to do the same. It's never going back to the old days of Halo.
Maybe look forward to what Bungie is going to release?
No it really doesn't.COD and BF happened. They sell millions and millions and for a FPS console game to compete it has to do the same.
MLG settings will save Halo 4, as it did Halo 3, don't worry. Possibly. Maybe. ...
Bulletin tomorrow Efinit
Wouldn't it make more sense to release the information on Halo's official website, then let the press have at it?
MLG settings will save Halo 4, as it did Halo 3, don't worry. Possibly. Maybe. ...
Wouldn't it make more sense to release the information on Halo's official website, then let the press have at it?
Wouldn't it make more sense to release the information on Halo's official website, then let the press have at it?
How does one make rules with no support?
Wouldn't it make more sense to release the information on Halo's official website, then let the press have at it?
Mlg dropped Halo completely? I'm pretty sure they will pick it back up since it will have more customization than Reach.