At this risk of posting this too early (7:00 EDT), and not getting as many responses as I'd like, I'm going to do it anyway.
And this is open to ALL fans who think Halo 3 has the best multiplayer, and don't like what they're seeing in Halo 4 with specializations and AAs.
I want to play devil's advocate for a moment. This post makes the case against the concept of not knowing all the cards in a player's hand until you meet him or her in a fight. Firefights aren't only decided by player skill and what happens over the course of the match, but what players select in a menu, too. If a player is playing a Halo game in the mold of Halo 1 or 2 – and, to an extent, Halo 3, and we'll get to that in a moment – every player knows and can see all the pieces on the board before the match starts. There's a predictability to it, and it was very much like a game of chess, as Shake implied.
However, this was not true at all times within Halo 3. During the events of the match players would pick up equipment, like a bubble shield or a regenerator, and not deploy them until they were at a disadvantage in a firefight. You didn't know a player had a bubble shield until you dropped his or her shields and that person deployed it to try to alter the outcome of a battle. This is very similar to fighting someone and not knowing they have jetpack, or camo, Promethean vision, and the like until you engage them on a map.
So, my questions is this: What specifically is the most troublesome? Is it the concept you don't like, or is it the degree to which it is applied? Or is it the implementation of the concept? Were the other factors in the game good enough to cause you to overlook the concept?
I cant really speak for Ghaleon, but I think equipment where very different in general, you had to pick them up, they where a 1 use only, and they had a very specific use. Specializations are 'passive', which by the way I think is a misleading word, in terms of effect they will impact matches pretty heavily, I can see that scope specialization and that vendetta specialisation being anything but passive. When they say passive though, I think they mean in terms of: its not something you trigger, its always there. Which I think is the problem with it, and what differentiates it from Halo 3 equipment.
As a fan of Halo 3 multi-player, as much as I liked equipment in social, in ranked or competitive customs that stuff was gone so fast it might aswell have not existed.