I'd be happy to never play slayer again in BTB.
Too bad, that's all anybody is gonna vote for.
I'd be happy to never play slayer again in BTB.
That was my hope, but I know how BTB playlists can get pretty low in population real quick. I'm gonna assume there's a BTB, maybe a ranked BTB(lulz), and whatever the hell big new gamemode that's replacing Invasion is. IDK if I want another BTB playlist. I think I might just deal with CoHalo wackiness.
I'd be happy to never play slayer again in BTB.
Reach BTB is still around 3000-4000 people.That was my hope, but I know how BTB playlists can get pretty low in population real quick. I'm gonna assume there's a BTB, maybe a ranked BTB(lulz), and whatever the hell big new gamemode that's replacing Invasion is. IDK if I want another BTB playlist. I think I might just deal with CoHalo wackiness.
They probably shouldn't have more than one anyway, we have already seen the effects of too many playlists in Reach.
It wouldn't bother me personally one way or the other, I doubt I'll be in the classic list ever.
Am surprised...
so you like people being able to see you through walls, you like getting a waypoint placed over your head for the person you just killed, you like not knowing if someone's shields will recharge at a faster rate, you like someone being able to pop a shield to save them even though you have won an altercation by better positioning and aim, you like not knowing if someone is out shooting you because of a stability armor mod or their skill, you like that someone may know an the time and location of an ordinance drop before you simply because of an option in a menu, and more...
Point being... apart from social fun, all of that stuff is not competitively balanced Halo and traditionally might as well be found in Team Fiesta. It's as far from Halo as Halo could be and still have the title.
Both, but mostly the latter. Beams instead of "bullets" is more canonically consistent and helps to differentiate fire.Didn't they, umm, construct themselves to suit their wielder or something?
Or do you mean specifically the way the act, shooting "bullets" instead of energy beams or something like that?
Slayer in BTB is the only thing 3/4 of your team can do. I find it hilarious when a majority vote for Assault, and the game starts with the bomb sitting at each team's start point for 5 minutes.
I think you may be over-stating.
I like builds and customization more than I like everyone starting with the same guns and being exactly the same.
This is kind of like comparing Chess to Warhammer 40k. Chess is and always will be a more skillful game, but fuck is it boring. Now 40k has some random shit thrown in, but it is a hell of a lot more fun to play.
Chess is not boring.
OTB with time is maybe one of the most tense mental exercises you can go through.
...what?daedalius said:Chess is and always will be a more skillful game, but fuck is it boring.
The most celebrated strategy game in history is boring, guess it didn't have enough green monsters and dice to make it fun.
I think you may be over-stating.
I like builds and customization more than I like everyone starting with the same guns and being exactly the same.
This is kind of like comparing Chess to Warhammer 40k. Chess is and always will be a more skillful game, but fuck is it boring. Now 40k has some random shit thrown in, but it is a hell of a lot more fun to play.
Would you guys be happy if Social playlists consisted of Infinity gamtypes and Ranked consisted of Classic ones?
I think with the current "Build A Spartan" class system in Halo 4, the best game modes will be round based one sided objective gametypes.
The meta game of counter picking classes and picking classes better suited for attacking/defending will flow much better in these types of games.
Single sided Assault and Flag would play awesome. I think Assault should be played with 1 life as well, or at least tested. Something like "Hardcore 1 Bomb." The Flag variant would differ with respawns then and be based on capping in X amount of minutes.
I think Halo 4 might just require us to rethink how we play the game.
Perhaps this link works. I'm on mobile so it isn't easy to tell. I thought it was a nice topic to think about.
I think with the current "Build A Spartan" class system in Halo 4, the best game modes will be round based one sided objective gametypes.
The meta game of counter picking classes and picking classes better suited for attacking/defending will flow much better in these types of games.
Single sided Assault and Flag would play awesome. I think Assault should be played with 1 life as well, or at least tested. Something like "Hardcore 1 Bomb." The Flag variant would differ with respawns then and be based on capping in X amount of minutes.
I think Halo 4 might just require us to rethink how we play the game.
I think with the current "Build A Spartan" class system in Halo 4, the best game modes will be round based one sided objective gametypes.
The meta game of counter picking classes and picking classes better suited for attacking/defending will flow much better in these types of games.
Bulletin said:These armor mods will work exactly like all other tactical and support mods in the game. They are not tied to specific armor for each Specialization, so you don’t have to wear the armor to use that particular mod.
For those wondering, this is the text to the Halo 4 Edge cover story from issue 243, which is why the information seems dated to E3: that's when it was written.
I forgot how much more fun Halo is with ranks. Winning actually matters.
Ok maybe the Inheritor thing was an exaggeration, but I would like the system to work so that any player will only be able to unlock 1 (MAYBE 2) specializations. Whether it be by restriction or time investment constraint.
It takes like an actual, literal, IRL month -- if not more -- to reach Inheritor. Playing for 730+ hours to fully earn one specialization would be a bit overkill.
Edit : Saw your other post. Yeah, I think it's too early to tell. Maybe the grind after the first and second specialization does take a long time?
I think with the current "Build A Spartan" class system in Halo 4, the best game modes will be round based one sided objective gametypes.
The meta game of counter picking classes and picking classes better suited for attacking/defending will flow much better in these types of games.
Single sided Assault and Flag would play awesome. I think Assault should be played with 1 life as well, or at least tested. Something like "Hardcore 1 Bomb." The Flag variant would differ with respawns then and be based on capping in X amount of minutes.
I think Halo 4 might just require us to rethink how we play the game.
1-50 comment
I forgot how much more fun Halo is with ranks. Winning actually matters. Just now I was playing a BR match on The Pit. We were a few kills behind practically the entire match but right towards the end we took the lead and won by a handful of kills. Winning that game was probably more satisfying than any of the games in Reach that I've played in the past 2 years. It actually meant something because if we had lost I would've probably gone down a rank, instead I only improved my ranking.
In Reach if you win (which happens a lot without the tight trueskill restrictions that Halo 3 has) you go "yay...." and move on to the next match. In Halo 3 ranked you have a much higher chance of actually getting a close match and if you win you go "Fuck yeah!". Hell, even 5 years after launch I get better match ups in Halo 3 than I get now in Reach, it's sad really.
There are definitely still problems with the system. Every now and then I run into a deranker which sucks for the team that he's on. And there are people who will cheat to win their games or buy their 50's and all that jazz. Honestly, if 343 can't find a way to prevent this sort of behavior they should just implement an easy-to-use report system which allows you to report players quickly. Having to bring up the xbox menu and go through a number of menus can be cumbersome and slow so having a fast system build into the game would help tremendously. Just imagine if derankers got reported several times and 343 looked at the player's rank history only to notice that he used to be a high rank and suddenly lost a lot of levels, that would be incredibly suspicious. A high amount of reports would never result in an automatic ban but it would just alert 343 about a player's actions. They could then decide what to do.
I think a good measurement against people buying 50's is to have ranks go down one level if the player hasn't played in that playlist for a month. (this is just an example) This means that in order to keep his 50 he has to keep playing but if he's not good enough to actually be a 50 he'll lose his rank eventually. This would make it less appealing to actually but accounts with high ranks. I really dislike the idea ranks being reset after a season because it makes it feel like all you did was for nothing. It also discourages people to start playing ranked matches right before the season ends. Let's say someone wants to play some ranked matches for the first time but he notices that the ranks will be reset in a week, why would he bother?
In the end I think the 1-50 system really adds a lot to the game and I don't think it's worth removing because of people who abuse the system. With some changes in the system and some heavy monitoring it could work out great.
With Over talking about 1-50...I don't think I could do another 2-3 years without ranks, I stop playing Reach after a few months and returned when NB came out because I just had no reason to get on, it wasn't enjoyable. Granted it could have been because of no bloom and a lack of maps too. Now I'm bored again with Reach, give me incentive to play, I don't care about daily challenges, jackpots, or getting my character up in experience. I want to play the best and lose to the best with visual representation into what I've accomplished online. It isn't about shit talking, bragging, or trying to sell accounts. Without it you've lost a lot of fans that already sold off or stop playing Reach already and decided to give Halo another shot with Halo 4. I just hope there's something there. I <3 you all.
Winning is winning. .
I would say that the lack of quality maps is just as big a problem in Reach as some of the gameplay mechanics like bloom, bad Armor Abilities, or the virtually meaningless ranking system. There isn't a single map in Reach I'd ever feel nostalgia to play again, which is really depressing when I consider how much (alleged) effort and care were put into the game by the seasoned staff at Bungie.With Over talking about 1-50...I don't think I could do another 2-3 years without ranks, I stop playing Reach after a few months and returned when NB came out because I just had no reason to get on, it wasn't enjoyable. Granted it could have been because of no bloom and a lack of maps too. Now I'm bored again with Reach, give me incentive to play, I don't care about daily challenges, jackpots, or getting my character up in experience. I want to play the best and lose to the best with visual representation into what I've accomplished online. It isn't about shit talking, bragging, or trying to sell accounts. Without it you've lost a lot of fans that already sold off or stop playing Reach already and decided to give Halo another shot with Halo 4. I just hope there's something there. I <3 you all.
I really like that I won't be tied to a certain look to enjoy a certain ability. But it would help making the gameplay much clearer and more understandable.
Maybe something in between, as mentioned by others, would be best? Small attachments, but not entire armor pieces?
I don't need a number rank to get me to play the game or play like there's something on the line. Ranks would be awesome though.
I get this argument (the HiredN00bs argument), and I certainly do want to win all the games I play as well. But, in Reach, I don't give two shits if I lose a game if I personally performed well... Because I get my stats and there's no "punishment" for losing. I chalk it up to "well my teammates just sucked... Oh well.. Next game..."Eh, to each his/her own.
I still want to win no matter if I have a number beside my name or not. It's not like you take that visual rank away and suddenly I want to lose every game, or just don't care. Winning is winning. As a very competitive person I want to win whether I have a visual rank, or just a win/loss ratio in stats somewhere.
I get why people like the visual rank, but not having it certainly does not cause me to stop playing a game. I still have that drive to win (my own skill at Halo aside) so an experience system in place of a ranking system doesn't bother me. The incentive to play for me is not seeing a number beside my name tick up, it's winning, having fun, playing with friends, etc. As soon as a number rank becomes the only reason you play a game, it might be time for a break.
The one thing they do need to get right is skill-based matchmaking though. Visual rank or not I want to be matched with people my own level.
Just my two cents.
I would say that the lack of quality maps is just as big a problem in Reach as some of the gameplay mechanics like bloom, bad Armor Abilities, or the virtually meaningless ranking system. There isn't a single map in Reach I'd ever feel nostalgia to play again, which is really depressing when I consider how much (alleged) effort and care were put into the game by the seasoned staff at Bungie.
Halo 4 is TOO FAR AWAY.
I don't need a number rank to get me to play the game or play like there's something on the line. Ranks would be awesome though.
New visual ranks: Hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbows and the red balloons! That's yer lucky ranks!It's not a question of needing it in order to motivate you... it's that if it's there, it provides a little more juice, and makes it more enjoyable for competitive people who like that juice.
New visual ranks: Hearts, stars, horseshoes, clovers and blue moons. Pots of gold and rainbows and the red balloons! That's yer lucky ranks!
Can't hurt peoples feelings with with delicious marshmallow placement.
ship it
Would Seasonal play/ranking and tight skill matching replace this 1-50 idea you guys have?
Frequent online tournaments?
Or does it have to be all ranked all the time?
2/10 (Marty scale)
I laughed a lot, hope I did the scale right