343 have shot themselves in the foot. Not only should they have simply not made a tv series but, seeing as they did, they should have thrown more money to appeal to more traditional distribution channels for the medium.
Announcements for halo 4 that would be important to me:
1)Skill based rank system2)Group or clan like tracking systems. (a system that would track whatever team you made up and on your service record it would display the team's win/loss record, best other team you have beaten, maybe an individual skill based rank assigned to the team, lastly show team roles like for instance; A player with the most oddball time, flag caps would be crowned the team's objective player, (player with most kills the slayer), player with most assists the support player, and whatever else that could be thought ofvisible plz, k thx
3)See number 1
4)See number 3
5)Party restrictions across all ranked playlists, hopefully all playlists anyway
6)Color palettes in forge, (different forge environments do not count
7)Custom game options, hopefully things like individual weapon modifiers, individual weapon reload time options, individual weapon rate of fire options
I'll give you everything but the bolded. You're asking for an entire program there running ontop of the game that's running on ancient hardware.
343 have shot themselves in the foot. Not only should they have simply not made a tv series but, seeing as they did, they should have thrown more money to appeal to more traditional distribution channels for the medium.
Theatre reveal still to come.
- Upload to Youtube
- Skip to highlights (say a killtac happens at 2.50 or a flagcap at 4.10, you'd be able to skip straight to it)
- Inbuilt montage maker
- The ability to watch movies with friends in the lobby
You people talk too much.
Could it not be that this is just for the fans more than the unknowing public? Halo 4 is going to sell, and they have plenty of ads and print media to help market it. I see FuD as a cool web series to appeal to us, and some of the base Halo fans.
I think they're doing just fine with it. Microsoft knows how to market games.
I'll be on H3 today, I expect you there at some point.
thee henery said:I should have been clearer on that. I don't mean the ability to create montages to Zola standards with effects and music, just a function that lets you splice together different clips. For instance, in one game, I could have a really nice triple then a lull of thirty seconds then a two for one. As it stands you wither have to clip it with the 30 seconds of fluff and rely on the viewers patience or you have to capture the triple and the 241 as two separate clips. It would be great if we could merge the two together.
I was being sarcasticI agree. They were very adamant early on to tell us they were going to employ conventional marketing strategies as well as some people haven't seen before. Many, if not most, fans of the series have always wanted Chief in live action. The popularity of the books and Legends affirms the idea that the games need not be the only thing fans can enjoy.
You don't talk enough.
I'll be on H3 today, I expect you there at some point.
The way theatre mode works, it replays the game in engine. That's why the file sizes are minute in comparison.
It would be impossible to put 2 clips together from 2 different maps without Halo 4 having to load each map simultaneously. I may work for same Map clips, but I don't feel a need for it.
You don't talk enough.
I'll be on H3 today, I expect you there at some point.
I'll be on Reach today, I expect you there at some point.
You and talents looking to play some h3 at 1pm est?6pm united kingdom time
I think at this point, it's better for you to say when you aren't going to play Halo 3. Would save you some posts![]()
You and talents looking to play some h3 at 1pm est?6pm united kingdom time
Dunno if 343 has access to this buuuut... It would be pretty cool if they could spare some codes to the mythic maps.
My damn mythic disc broke.
2 EST is when I will be on.
Sure, if I remember.
I shall show up for midday 3 customs.
It wouldn't effect me, but I can see it's use.
EDIT: Anyone feelin' H3 and want to jump on now?
So we have 4 or so people now?I should be able to hop on for a couple games. Hopefully we have the same luck with matchmaking again and get BRs on Citadel and Pit, as well as some good 'Hogging on Rat's Nest.
He's talking about like in cod where you can clip together multiple separate moments from the same game.
YES.It wouldn't effect me, but I can see it's use.
EDIT: Anyone feelin' H3 and want to jump on now?
I should be able to hop on for a couple games. Hopefully we have the same luck with matchmaking again and get BRs on Citadel and Pit, as well as some good 'Hogging on Rat's Nest.You don't talk enough.
I'll be on H3 today, I expect you there at some point.
Sent you a FR.It wouldn't effect me, but I can see it's use.
EDIT: Anyone feelin' H3 and want to jump on now?
Here's a post I made about the game in the 2004 GOTY re-count thread.Starting Half-Life 2 tonight...you guys like it?
To add more about the encounters: In Episode 2, Half-Life moves to more Halo-like encounters in that it never plays out the same and you have so many options at your disposal. In short, the encounters in Episode 2 are overall more versatile and the enemy AI is more adaptive. Not on par with Halo's encounters, but a a step in the right direction and a huge step up from Half-Life 2's.Okay. This is going to be hard. I have to choose between two games I really love: Half-Life 2 and Halo 2. Um...
1. Half-Life 2 I'm a single-player man, so I rank games by their campaigns first and foremost. I remember picking this up back in 2006, I think, after hearing how great it was. Played through it, didn't like it, but I was ready to give it another chance with the release of The Orange Box. 2007 was when everything clicked and I fell in love with the game. I love the Eastern European dystopian city, and how the world slowly changes as you progress through the game. I am in love with the level design – its guided exploration, and I love how I feel I can, if I was so inclined, simply turn around and end up at the beginning of the game. I love the atmosphere, I love the levels – Ravenholm, Highway 17, Follow Freeman!, Anticitizen One, Nova Prospekt – and how the story is conveyed through the levels. Honestly, I love everything about the game except two things. Thing one: weapon feedback. Most of the weapons in the game don't feel okay to shoot (shotgun, combine pulse rifle, and the .45 pistol being the great exceptions), and the rest only give very little feedback. Thing two: encounter design. Half-Life 2's encounters are almost always scripted (they play out the same way time and again) and this hurts the game's replayability. This covers the AI's bad...AI too. I wish the game was more of a sandbox like Episode 2.
I'd like to know everything on this list, especially vehicle health – I've been beating that drum since E3 I think. I have a bad feeling about it. About the item in bold: We know about CTF and Oddball, so what changes have been made to Assault, King of the Hill, and Territories?Things I hope to learn more about during this OT:
- Additional game types, including returning, updated classics such as CTF.
- Halo 4's matchmaking system.
- The player progression and ranking systems.
- Networking improvements and features (drop in, etc.).
- Vehicle designs and implementation (health bound to player health?).
- A larger reveal on Forge. Was what we saw the extent of the new feature set?
- What changes are coming to Theater?
- In-game Waypoint integration?
A BTS about the game, talking about the design challenges and philosophy would be grand, similar to the ones Bungie used to do. I would also like a pony.
Quote from the last thread, but I wanted to say this: Indeed it was.This was a good thread tho.
22 days. Impressive. When's the next HaloGAF Civil War?
I'd like to know everything on this list, especially vehicle health – I've been beating that drum since E3 I think. I have a bad feeling about it.
I think the fact they haven't answered the questions about vehicle health even though it has been asked multiple times here means that we won't like the answer. I'm now sure it works like Reach (vehicles have their own health).
Yup. If it's one thing I've learned it's that if the news is not good they will never say another word about it. So I don't know what you're worrying about in particular but if it's something they know you're not going to like and they're silent then the answer is obviously the answer you won't like.
That said so why were you worrying about vehicles having their own health? They did in the older games. So if they're keeping that the same then I'm happy with it. The only time I don't like it is if the vehicles die easy like in Reach. If they're tougher like the older games then I'll be ok with it.
If the vehicle was damaged, it simply increased the multiplier the player took. I much prefer it that way. The Reach way was more akin to Halo 1 without any UI to show how much damage it actually had.Yup. If it's one thing I've learned it's that if the news is not good they will never say another word about it. So I don't know what you're worrying about in particular but if it's something they know you're not going to like and they're silent then the answer is obviously the answer you won't like.
That said so why were you worrying about vehicles having their own health? They did in the older games. So if they're keeping that the same then I'm happy with it. The only time I don't like it is if the vehicles die easy like in Reach. If they're tougher like the older games then I'll be ok with it.
Yeah me too. Been trying to score one for months. Haven't gotten around to buying a new disc but I think I'll have to. They're not too bad these days I believe.Dunno if 343 has access to this buuuut... It would be pretty cool if they could spare some codes to the mythic maps.
My damn mythic disc broke.
Yup. If it's one thing I've learned it's that if the news is not good they will never say another word about it. So I don't know what you're worrying about in particular but if it's something they know you're not going to like and they're silent then the answer is obviously the answer you won't like.
That said so why were you worrying about vehicles having their own health? They did in the older games. So if they're keeping that the same then I'm happy with it. The only time I don't like it is if the vehicles die easy like in Reach. If they're tougher like the older games then I'll be ok with it.
They took damage in Halo 2 and 3 but they wouldn't blow up while you were driving them unless the driving player's health reached zero. This meant the vehicle's health was tied to the driver's health.
This was good for a few reasons:
a) You knew when the vehicle was going to blow up, there was an indicator - your health.
b) A damaged vehicle was still a viable option. It would potentially move slower, and as Karl mentioned, the driver would take more damage when shot, but you could use it and know it wouldn't explode on you from a gust of wind.
c) You could find cover and heal, then get back into the battle.
In fact, c) might actually be the reason they decided to change it because if the vehicle isn't properly balanced it allows a player to dominate with a vehicle. However I think it's the wrong approach to fix the problem, instead the vehicles should be balanced on their own merits, and by anti-vehicle weapons and other vehicles. And the whole point is highlighted by the ridiculously overpowered Banshee plasma bombs.
I want to see some light rifle gameplay. Actually I just want to see all those new Promethean weapons in action.
I approve.
Awesome <3
I hope the light rifle is the new ce pistol.
Will never happen, people think it's over-powered when it clearly isn't.
Too bad it will never happen :/
Edit: Question halogaf:
If I buy a used halo anniversary disc will it have the maps on the disc?
It will only have the CEA maps on the disc (Dammy, Beaver Creek, etc.) but none of the stock Reach maps.
I want to get the maps and be able to play on any gamertag that I end up using. For instance when I go back to college I don't want to only have the maps on my main but be able to let my roomate use them too. Help?
They could make it so once you put multiple clips together (from different matches) you can only watch in it the way someone has captured it. So you can't fly around the entire map. That would be a way to work around that problem.The way theatre mode works, it replays the game in engine. That's why the file sizes are minute in comparison.
It would be impossible to put 2 clips together from 2 different maps without Halo 4 having to load each map simultaneously. I may work for same Map clips, but I don't feel a need for it.