On a scale of 1-10, how OP is it?
Sounds like a destroyer of worlds![]()
Well, it's a fucking rocket launcher, so it's incredible powerful. You only get one shot prior to reloading though, and the reload time is lengthy.
On a scale of 1-10, how OP is it?
Sounds like a destroyer of worlds![]()
Another ONI patch being given away. Answer to win.
Who captains the UNSC Infinity in Halo 4?
Another ONI patch being given away. Answer to win.
Who captains the UNSC Infinity in Halo 4?
Another ONI patch being given away. Answer to win.
Who captains the UNSC Infinity in Halo 4?
Another ONI patch being given away. Answer to win.
Who captains the UNSC Infinity in Halo 4?
Andrew Del Rio?
Taco del mar.
Did I win?
To put it mildly.
Domino now addicted to Taco del Mar after PAX.
Captain Tashi
Excellent! Reach's Solo Legendary was less than hard for me, and I want a challenge akin to Halo 2 Legendary again, just hopefully with less Jackal snipers.
I should've bought like three Mondos instead of one and a brownie.![]()
Halo 2 or bust.
i dont remember halo 2 being particularly hard. in fact, i'd say the hardest battle on legendary in the entire series is on tsavo highway in halo 3.
Nah, here's what you do: Get a Mondo burrito and get a combo that comes with chips and salsa/chips and queso and a soda.
Be super happy for about 20 minutes. Have a massive heart attack. Die.
i dont remember halo 2 being particularly hard. in fact, i'd say the hardest battle on legendary in the entire series is on tsavo highway in halo 3.
As soon as I came across the word "combo", I was expecting all the bacon & eggs to follow it.
I would have to give it to Cortana, that level was stupid hard, and bad.
Halo 2 in certain sections was unfair, but I never found it a great challenge.
I found Halo CE harder on legendary then I did 2.
Personally, all the rest are pretty easy. Never had a problem with them, just took my time.
I find Tsavo Highway to be easypeasy. Just took my sweet time.why do i struggle so much with tsavo highway? fucking bullet sponge brutes with canons, thats why
Yo could anyone hook me up with a 48 hour code right now?
Can't wait for the variant with a white sheet draped over it. Oh, those Forerunners and their famous Halloween antics.Newer justification for the Prom Nom Nom hardlight skull: *Cryptum spoilers*I'm sure it would be difficult psychologically having to go up against a nine-foot-tall armored hardlight death knight cyberbeast that not only surpasses you technologically but is constantly wailing and roaring to try and shake you. Plus, if theThey fought ancient humans in the past.weren't significantly armored, it probably could have bitten or even eaten its enemies.humans
Another ONI patch being given away. Answer to win.
Who captains the UNSC Infinity in Halo 4?
I seem to remember some sort of reference to Fist Of The Unicorn in the Pillar of Autumn I think in CEA... I should go back and look at that...
Can you increase Spartan Rank through Spartan Ops?
I don't know how much MP I will play with my internet connection so I might end up playing a ton of Spartan Ops, but it would be disappointing if experience gain is super low in it.
Might I say what an incredibly terrible name Battlewagon is?
Hopefully Chief or Cortana never utter that out-loud and it's just a part of the extended fiction...
And by terrible, you mean THE BEST.Might I say what an incredibly terrible name Battlewagon is?
Hopefully Chief or Cortana never utter that out-loud and it's just a part of the extended fiction...
That map is poop. The only reason it got put into matchmaking is because it looks nice.
And by terrible, you mean THE BEST.
I'm sure this has been pounded into the ground, but I want one of these headsets:
I think you solved the FOTUS riddle lol
Nothing would make me happier than finding out that the writers over at 343 have somehow managed to work the BATTLEWAGON, a food nipple and maybe some romantically involved space apes into a single sentence.How am I supposed to be taking the story seriously when people are talking about Battlewagons.