Quoted for justice.Idea for the Promethean vehicles: make them Sentinels. Here's how it would work:
-Sentinels function by themselves, unmanned, as standard enemies.
-After taking significant damage, they vary in action, depending on how much damage they receive much like vehicles.
-If they take too much damage, they simply explode and are destroyed for good.
-However, taking ~90% damage would send them into a "withdraw" mode. Examples already in-game include active:
-While withdrawn, Sentinels would remain inactive on the ground for a short period of time. This gives them two options:
-After about 10 seconds, they repair enough to get off the ground and begin fighting again. (This is assuming Sentinels would have regenerating health.)
-If you go up to them, it prompts "Press X to Board Enemy Sentinel."
-Doing so would initiate a light transformation sequence where the Sentinel rearranged and contorted to function as a vehicle for you, using levitation, possibly boosting, and whatever weaponry it had at the time.
Basic vanilla Sentinels explode and are destroyed like usual, but there can be four other options:
1. Super Sentinel. Light Recon / "Promethean Ghost"
Active Mode: Central concept.
Withdrawn Mode: Bottom-right.
Vehicle Mode: Top-left.
This would be the quickest of the Promethean vehicles, capable of levitating off the ground and getting some aerial capacity, but is better at horizontal/lateral movement rather than ascent. It can boost. Its only weapon is a modified Sentinel Beam, which does about 90% damage of a regular Sentinel Beam, but slows down and stuns targets, similar to the Halo CE Plasma Rifle.
2. Promethean Enforcer. Middle-Level Vehicle / "Promethean Warthog"
Active Mode:
Withdrawn Mode:![]()
Vehicle Mode: ?
This would be similar to a Warthog, and could theoretically hold two allies in the lower modified "arms." It loses its ability to crush other vehicles but can still float a considerable height above the ground, but is fairly slow for a mid-level vehicle. Its weapons include a mortar-like ballistic missile launcher that the driver can use (which requires recharge), and the two passengers can also control Promethean Needler shots--roughly equivalent to using two buffed Needlers at once per "turret," recolored red. It can use its frontal shield, but it will automatically deactivate to accommodate passengers.
3. Promethean Retriever. Heavy Vehicle / "Promethean Scorpion"
Active Mode: Right concept.
Withdrawn Mode: Left concept.
Vehicle Mode:![]()
While initially levitating, being occupied by a Spartan would force it to convert to a grounded "walker" form, with the slowest movement time, comparable to a Scorpion tank. Rather than rely on explosives, the Retriever could fire an incredibly powerful set of three Sentinel Beams with enough power to destroy a rival Scorpion as long as the entire beam connected (which would last about five seconds). It would take a four-second recharge and while it can turn on a 360 degree axis, the Retriever cannot walk while firing its beam. Its downsides include its wide top being exposed to a variety of fire, legs getting heavily damaged by grenades and heavy fire, and the two side "vents" could be boarded to place grenades in.
4. Forerunner Tank. Context-sensitive, situational "Super" vehicle
This vehicle's properties are unknown, minus having a single beam attack capable of leveling entire cities using a form of "Hardlight Glassing."
Doesn't deserve to die on the last page.