The Henery

There ain't so many skins really, it seems. And two of the fifteen weapons are tied to pre-order or limited edition (bolded them).
EDIT No skin for Storm Rifle? Also, the only skin we haven't seen is the Light Rifle's skin, the rest are unlocked via specializations.
So essentially your post breaks down to 'I'd rather play a Halo/COD hybrid than play Halo with a smaller population.'I'd much rather play a Halo w/ a good population- a "competitive" Halo just wouldn't sell today. Reach had it's problems that stifled it's population (not being called 4- social progression was too few, too slow), but you'd still be hard pressed to find a current FPS that was more "competitive."
Competitive Halo thrived 5 years ago because they had a decent monopoly on the market.
Still believe adding more socially friendly aspects doesn't mean competitive needs to be removed- nor do I think it is.
Getting boned by randomness is not my idea of fun.
I'll get 'em to who ever wants 'em. I got lockout, hang 'em high, and complex and facility from goldeneye/perfect dark.
Also, who wants the game for free?
So essentially your post breaks down to 'I'd rather play a Halo/COD hybrid than play Halo with a smaller population.'
I don't agree. Halo can sustain itself just fine, and it didn't have a monopoly of the market in 2007, so I don't know where you pulled that from. A numbered Halo game will sell buckets regardless of create a class, perks, prestige, killstreak rewards (ordnance), or any other feature plundered from COD and given a science fiction art pass.
I think the core game looks great, but the peripheral changes they've made have as much chance of combining to turn Halo fans away as they do bringing COD fans over. Respected people here who've played it have stressed that there is the potential for huge gameplay imbalance due to the many perks now available (I honestly have forgotten the name they're giving them, genuinely).
Halo doesn't require a gameplay imbalance such as this to be successful, and simply ripping it from the slew of shooters currently doing it is lazy and against the franchise' tradition of moving in it's own path, creating a fresh brand of fun that wins the minds of audiences for it's unique innovation, rather than it's ability to plunder from others.
No pink weapon skin
This is just
unacceptable, 343
How did you get the codes out of interest?
How is the game, for that price im VERY tempted to buy, I havent tried the trial yet but was wondering if people here would recommend it as a good substitute for Halo 1?
Light rifle skin comes with LE Console.[img][/QUOTE]
Oh, great.
So, no Storm Rifle skin and we've seen all the rest. They look all pretty bad.
Golden skins for all the weapons would have been cool. Or some other precious metallic looking ones. Or how about human weapons covered in Covenant alloys or Covie weapons plated with steel used in human weapons?
The skins in Halo 4 currently are just boring patterns that are pretty ugly.
[quote="Defect, post: 41915714"]Since Weapon skins count as a separate weapon, does that mean by getting the Console and redeeming the Light Rifle skin it grants you early access to the Light Rifle?[/QUOTE]
Not necessarily. It is possible you still need to unlock the weapon itself before the skin is unlocked.
But also possible... i hope that isn't the case.
Since Weapon skins count as a separate weapon, does that mean by getting the Console and redeeming the Light Rifle skin it grants you early access to the Light Rifle?
I would imagine so.
Also, I'd like more info on the light rifle being 4sk over the DMR/BR. I did notice the light rifle seems to have a significantly slower zoomed in fire rate though.
Let's be honest, there will be one playlist that has restricted loadouts and such.Well, to be fair, we know that's only in certain playlists.
That said, those will be the most popular playlists.
Doesn't the LR fire 3 round bursts while unscoped but scoped it fires slower, single shots that use up 3 rounds at time and doing more damage?
Who?Someone should give Nowise 180 points so he can buy Murder Miners c:
next time you should hide the codes in Email tags.
But nice of you, is there already a GAF thread for it?
I'm guessing the only way to get maps from other people is to play on them and save it during a match?
Yeah but if you join or save when anything is destroyed they will also be destroyed in your saved version. So you have to join at the very start of the match and click "save map" or go to recent maps and do that.
How did you get the codes out of interest?
It has different damage properties and zoomed and unzoomed. I think we have surmised that it's a 4sk with zoomed and 5sk without. 12 shots in the clip, regardless of zoomed or not. Very powerful weapon.
So essentially your post breaks down to 'I'd rather play a Halo/COD hybrid than play Halo with a smaller population.'
I don't agree. Halo can sustain itself just fine, and it didn't have a monopoly of the market in 2007, so I don't know where you pulled that from. A numbered Halo game will sell buckets regardless of create a class, perks, prestige, killstreak rewards (ordnance), or any other feature plundered from COD and given a science fiction art pass.
I think the core game looks great, but the peripheral changes they've made have as much chance of combining to turn Halo fans away as they do bringing COD fans over. Respected people here who've played it have stressed that there is the potential for huge gameplay imbalance due to the many perks now available (I honestly have forgotten the name they're giving them, genuinely).
Halo doesn't require a gameplay imbalance such as this to be successful, and simply ripping it from the slew of shooters currently doing it is lazy and against the franchise' tradition of moving in it's own path, creating a fresh brand of fun that wins the minds of audiences for it's unique innovation, rather than it's ability to plunder from others.
Luke Smith said it best in a Reach vidoc when he said Halo's about the better man always surviving, more so than ever that isn't the case in Halo 4. The element of chance, luck, and dice rolling is at an all time high, regardless of the bloom situation.
Oh awesome! Im loving the Halo 1 influence! It kind of looks like you guys went out of your way to make Halo 1 playable over live, and added a cool map building element, looks awesome, cant wait to try the trial!
The trial lasts like 5 minutes. Be aware of that.
So yeah, I'd rather give have these changes when compared w/ the option of waiting 30-minutes for an onyx level Arena match- having to search 2s if I want to play w/ friends- because the pool is so small.
Oh awesome! Im loving the Halo 1 influence! It kind of looks like you guys went out of your way to make Halo 1 playable over live, and added a cool map building element, looks awesome, cant wait to try the trial!
The trial lasts like 5 minutes. Be aware of that.
Why? Do you really believe the population of Halo 4 would've been meagre and somehow debilitating without these divisive changes?I'd rather play "Halo" with a bigger population, but that isn't going to happen. This number of Halo fans potentially being turned away is incredibly small. These hardcore Halo fans that left Reach, where did they go? H3? That's such a small percentage. Did they stop playing FPS? Doubt i.
My response to this is going to be admittedly limited because I haven't played Starcraft 2, so I can't dissect the analogy too much. What I will say though is that the fundamental difference between the two genres makes comparing the game from a macro level seem, to me, wonky.Before I ask you to elaborate on this, can you tell me if Starcraft 2 at the highest level is competitive?
Because I seem to be coming up short when I think of gameplay additions which rely heavily on luck or dice rolls. We already know recoil in this game is predictable (ie. without randomness).
I think what you believe to be luck is the ability to change your loadout. I know Ghaleon had said he almost felt apologetic for using the Thruster AA as well as unlimited sprint at some point but was it luck that let him beat other players using that or was it strategy? If the optimal strategy was to use that AA then where is the luck in what is a very open choice?
The thing with Starcraft is that there are 3 completely different races wach with dosens of strategies and build orders that can drastically change the game. The highest level of play doesn't ust restrict it to one race and a specific build so that the real skill comes simply from how fast players can perform all the actions. While that is definitely an important part of higher level play, the difference comes from the stratey each player rolls with. Yes certain units will absolutely demolish other units but there are mos certainly always counters and there is never an 'optimal' strategy. I can't remember the last time I heard 'Zerg Rush' being mentioned but I know for a while it was the thing to do to kinda get an upper hand. What changed? Strategies. People learned how to counter this one strategy.
To apply this to Halo, I don't agree that because someone chose Thruster and beat me while I had Hologram that somehow they were lucky or they beat me by chance. I chose my strategy. I chose something I thought could give me the upper hand. If someone identified I had Hologram and so didn't fall for it and then beat me, was that luck?
I just hope that the imperfect balance exists in 4 as it does in Starcraft.
so just listened to Halo 2 OST vol. 1 for the first time in years (usually just listen to CE or halo 3). I forgot how much I dislike the incubus/breaking benjamin songs
Yep, that was definitely our goal from the beginning. We miss Halo 1!
It's actually 8 minutes, but yeah it sucks, we have no control over that.
This is kind of interesting. I was looking at the profile of that guy who "totally has Halo 4 achievements", and I found this:
He returns
My response to this is going to be admittedly limited because I haven't played Starcraft 2, so I can't dissect the analogy too much. What I will say though is that the fundamental difference between the two genres makes comparing the game from a macro level seem, to me, wonky.
The enjoyment and thrill attained from a game like Starcraft is learning to read and build in accordance with what you think the opponent will be doing in any situation; that's not the same as a randomer picking a special reload boost that just happens to give them an advantage in combat. In Halo it's combat that's the deciding factor, not the 'strategy', because that's how Halo's always positioned itself within the shooter genre, and that's the corner of the genre that is most competitive.
You were correct in my labelling of 'chance, luck, and dice rolling', and by that I meant things like the perks and ordnance. Whilst the changes aren't huge, they are enough to tip the fight in a player's favour regardless of their grasp of the core mechanics. In a shooter that isn't rewarding, this isn't an RTS game. It's not enjoyable to be respawning because the opponent had an innate advantage, and these perks don't balance off each other like a strategy game because the layer of combat is monumentally more involved; in Starcraft you're clicking to engage, in Halo it's a much more intimate experience.
The skins in Halo 4 currently are just boring patterns that are pretty ugly.
So does anyone here want to make a Muder Miners OT? I suck at making OTs so I wont even try lol
Before I ask you to elaborate on this, can you tell me if Starcraft 2 at the highest level is competitive?
Because I seem to be coming up short when I think of gameplay additions which rely heavily on luck or dice rolls. We already know recoil in this game is predictable (ie. without randomness).
I think what you believe to be luck is the ability to change your loadout. I know Ghaleon had said he almost felt apologetic for using the Thruster AA as well as unlimited sprint at some point but was it luck that let him beat other players using that or was it strategy? If the optimal strategy was to use that AA then where is the luck in what is a very open choice?
The thing with Starcraft is that there are 3 completely different races wach with dosens of strategies and build orders that can drastically change the game. The highest level of play doesn't ust restrict it to one race and a specific build so that the real skill comes simply from how fast players can perform all the actions. While that is definitely an important part of higher level play, the difference comes from the stratey each player rolls with. Yes certain units will absolutely demolish other units but there are mos certainly always counters and there is never an 'optimal' strategy. I can't remember the last time I heard 'Zerg Rush' being mentioned but I know for a while it was the thing to do to kinda get an upper hand. What changed? Strategies. People learned how to counter this one strategy.
To apply this to Halo, I don't agree that because someone chose Thruster and beat me while I had Hologram that somehow they were lucky or they beat me by chance. I chose my strategy. I chose something I thought could give me the upper hand. If someone identified I had Hologram and so didn't fall for it and then beat me, was that luck?
I just hope that the imperfect balance exists in 4 as it does in Starcraft.
Me you silly goose. I have 65 followers on Twitter, so im big.
Kind of wonder if we should start a Murder Miner thread, game is pretty fun lol
EDIT: Missed JFizzles post above me, might make a thread soon.
I'm one of the developers!
Hate to bring back the armor discussion, but after it was announced Mk VI would be unlocked via beating Legendary, I'm curious how many other armor sets will be unlocked by achievements.
I think I'm the only one in HaloGAF who enjoyed armor through achievements though. :_|
Just found a shop with this in stock. Tastes good man.
I'm going to try and organise a Mountain Dew foreign exchange program for any US gaffers wanting to try some.
Cool, thanks for sharing this, Im downloading now.The digital game art magazine Vertex by Ryan Hawkins is definitely worth a read if you are digital artist. Furthermore the first issue is interesting for the normal Halo fan because Ryan sat down with 343i's lead concept artist Nicolas "Sparth" Bouvier. A great person who talks about his approach to the universe, his inspiration sources etc. The best thing? Vertex is available for free!
Aren't you the one who posted a video where Day9 used a baseball/frisbee analogy to demonstrate how BW is a better game than SC2? What Day9 is talking about there is precisely what some Halo fans are concerned about.
I was not a fan of the skins until I saw them in-game at PAX. They looked all pretty good.I think the Arctic Skin for Game/Gamestation and EBGames Canada is quite awesome.
So does anyone here want to make a Muder Miners OT? I suck at making OTs so I wont even try lol