Hey Guys, So Glad it was not permanent

Xbox if you want to play with all the cool kids.
Can't wait.
Hey Guys, So Glad it was not permanent[img][/QUOTE]
Dude. Awesome Barlow did it already. Sigh.
I'll see you next week, when hopefully our weekly communication will be music to your ears.
Praying for a music clip that sounds like it could belong in a Halo game instead of...whatever the heck that last music clip was months ago.
It's just a horrible practice that serves no greater good. I can't think of 1 benefit to come from it. I'm just a tad more salty because I use to play CS on the OG xbox but the servers got shut down, now my laptop can't handle CS:GO so now I'm stuck with a day off:/
Xbox if you want to play with all the cool kids.
Can't wait.
I think this is easily the most fitting thing they've shown so far. But it's not like previous Halo games haven't had some weird music. There's usually some sort of fast-paced piece that wouldn't really sound like a Halo track out of context. Whatever track that plays in the Firefight sequence at the end of NMPD HQ in ODST comes to mind.Praying for a music clip that sounds like it could belong in a Halo game instead of...whatever the heck that last music clip was months ago.
As someone who is spending around £500 on Halo 4 stuff when launching I say.
Keep the exclusivity of the Digital Content for about 5-6 month and then unleash it on everyone.
Give the LE and Console buyers something similar to a nameplate to put next to their names or an exclusive skin or something but for the content that really interests people like Armor do not keep it exclusive for ever.
If 343 has more diarrhea of the ears planned - count me out.
If it's something that somewhat resembles what a Halo game should sound like - color me excited.
Halo 4's music has done nothing but underwhelm me so far, and I'm really not used to being anything other than enamoured by Halo music. Sounds like a generic, run of the mill score from the likes of Crysis, or something. Devoid of clear personality, in my opinion.
Marty was so good at capturing 'Halo', everything I've heard from Davidge could easily be ripped out and placed on top of a slew of merely decent shooters and go relatively unnoticed. It doesn't stand out, or make the hairs on my arm stand up, at least what we've heard so far, although if there was a clear, distinguishable, franchise redefining melody then I'm pretty sure we'd have heard it by now, what with the multiple articles and behind the scenes videos we've already received about the music.
That might come across as harsh, but I can't really apologise for it, as a Halo fan. It's my honest opinion, and not one I'm hamming up to be particularly melodramatic in order to nick a response about the BR, or matchmaking, or whatever.
I'm also unreserved in my disapproval at having received all this information about the music, including a 'vidoc' of sorts, and there's still tons we don't know about the actual game this close to launch. It's bemusing, and unashamedly poor from a fan engagement perspective.
We know that's not part of the OST at least. Probably has something to do with the little creative bit they're planning on the "other" pieces of music coming along with the launch that they haven't clarified yet.
I will say I fully and completely disagree with your opinion good sir!
So far it is far better than Zimmer's mundane Modern Warfare stuff. The movie theater trailer we had last week was fantastic.![]()
I'm glad they're going in a new direction, because if they tried to imitate what Marty had done they'd probably fail. I like the more synthy-electronic vibe they've got going on so far.
I just wish the Halo theme had stayed, or at least a new iteration of it. The score just won't be the same without it.
The weapons clip music is so, so awful.
I just wish the Halo theme had stayed, or at least a new iteration of it. The score just won't be the same without it.
Will join in a few.Hopping on for some Halo 3.
Let us Halo 3 together.Hopping on for some Halo 3.
Halo 4's music has done nothing but underwhelm me so far, and I'm really not used to being anything other than enamoured by Halo music. Sounds like a generic, run of the mill score from the likes of Crysis, or something. Devoid of clear personality, in my opinion.
Marty was so good at capturing 'Halo', everything I've heard from Davidge could easily be ripped out and placed on top of a slew of merely decent shooters and go relatively unnoticed. It doesn't stand out, or make the hairs on my arm stand up, at least what we've heard so far, although if there was a clear, distinguishable, franchise redefining melody then I'm pretty sure we'd have heard it by now, what with the multiple articles and behind the scenes videos we've already received about the music.
That might come across as harsh, but I can't really apologise for it, as a Halo fan. It's my honest opinion, and not one I'm hamming up to be particularly melodramatic in order to nick a response about the BR, or matchmaking, or whatever.
I'm also unreserved in my disapproval at having received all this information about the music, including a 'vidoc' of sorts, and there's still tons we don't know about the actual game this close to launch. It's bemusing, and unashamedly poor from a fan engagement perspective.
I remember when I'd stay in the main menu before playing just to hear that bit, sogood.gifHalo 2 OST - Epilogue is the best Halo track.
0:28 - 0:55 is the best part.
The last 35 seconds should be cut off though.
I remember when I'd stay in the main menu before playing just to hear that bit, sogood.gif
Funny how Reach's has the opposite effect and makes me dive into the menu's ASAP.
I'm digging the stuff Davidge has put out already, but I'll be really disappointed if the Halo theme doesn't make at least one appearance. Very few current franchises have such a recognizable theme. I think it would really emphasize the return of Master Chief.
I remember when I'd stay in the main menu before playing just to hear that bit, sogood.gif
Funny how Reach's has the opposite effect and makes me dive into the menu's ASAP.
Halo 2 OST - Epilogue is the best Halo track.
0:28 - 0:55 is the best part.
The last 35 seconds should be cut off though.
Glad I'm not alone, the Reach menu music drives me nuts. Never had this happen during CE-ODST.
The fuck? Swift, Strong, Brave is one of the best menu themes in the series imo.
Just finished up the last few achievements I needed in CEA: Two Betrayals with no Grunt kills and the 1+ min left Legendary Maw run. Not too difficult, but it reminded me of how much I prefer later Hogs in the series to the original's. Also, I was reminded of how much I disliked the visual feedback on shielded enemies in Saber Interactive's new graphics layer -- a paper thin blue line is no replacement for a bright shield flare. I'm very interested in how they'll handle showing the Promethean's health, given the Watcher's role in combat. They'll need something very obvious to beat players over the head with and make sure nobody charges at something that just had its health recharged.
Next time there's a Reach MP achievement lobby, I'll join in. I still need a ton of the more esoteric ones: Paper Beats Rock, All Alone, Dive Bomber, Bounty Hunter, and for whatever reason, From Hell's Heart (I'm convinced that this is bugged for me, I do this probably once every two games and it has never unlocked).
I think this is easily the most fitting thing they've shown so far. But it's not like previous Halo games haven't had some weird music. There's usually some sort of fast-paced piece that wouldn't really sound like a Halo track out of context. Whatever track that plays in the Firefight sequence at the end of NMPD HQ in ODST comes to mind. fuck? Swift, Strong, Brave is one of the best menu themes in the series imo.
Glad I'm not alone, the Reach menu music drives me nuts. Never had this happen during CE-ODST.
Thank you.It gets so fuckin loud too lol
Absolutely.Greatest menu theme song is Dragon Dogma's though.
Someone pointed it out in the last OT but you are hearing the typical Halo music between 1:29min-1:32min in the Prelude video. It is very subtle.I'm digging the stuff Davidge has put out already, but I'll be really disappointed if the Halo theme doesn't make at least one appearance. Very few current franchises have such a recognizable theme. I think it would really emphasize the return of Master Chief.
I love Marty's work in 1-3 and ODST but I was pretty disappointed with Reach. I haven't heard the OST since 2010.I remember when I'd stay in the main menu before playing just to hear that bit, sogood.gif
Funny how Reach's has the opposite effect and makes me dive into the menu's ASAP.
Someone pointed it out in the last OT but you are hearing the typical Halo music between 1:29min-1:32min in the Prelude video. It is very subtle.
I love Marty's work in 1-3 and ODST but I was pretty disappointed with Reach. I haven't heard the OST since 2010.
I remember when I'd stay in the main menu before playing just to hear that bit, sogood.gif