Yup makes perfect sense.
I'm really hoping there something surprising left to reveal. We've been kept in the dark about online multiplayer a little bit and things like Waypoint integration but I think that has more to do with that type of stuff still cooking - with 3 and Reach they had to get that information out early for the public betas.
Maybe a surprising game mode or something.
The lack of Theatre news has me suspecting the worst. Was hoping for an expanded feature set, party viewing and Youtube support or something but now I'm just hoping they reveal the game still has it.
I also don't understand the lack of Forge info. Considering they gave the entire mode to an outside developer - you'd expect they make a bigger deal of it. If it's just Reach Forge with palette swaps, a few new lego pieces and a few extra environments I'll be disappointed.
@Bold 1: LOL
Sorry, I had to.
@Bold 3: Yeah that is a little puzzling, but I think that 343 has focused on marketing stuff that sells the game to a wide audience. The simple fact is that most people never touch Forge, let alone take advantage of its deepest features.