So it's just for show in Campaign? Ballin'.
Also, in MP, are there initial pick up and empty clip special animations? If so, are they annoyingly slower like in reach?
Because Invasion...
seriously, that's weird.
TOLD YOU GUYS.Not Narrows and that wasn't an MP locale.
How would you know?This game looks like sex.
Seriously. All I need now is a campaign TV ad that is even half as good as the ones for Halo 2, and my hype will be through the roof.Wanted to wait until I saw more about the new enemies but I'm on board now. This is the most hyped I've been for a campaign since H2.
So it's just for show in Campaign? Ballin'.
Also, in MP, are there initial pick up and empty clip special animations? If so, are they annoyingly slower like in reach?
The campaign certainly looks beautiful.
Can't wait!
This is our NARRATIVE director talking about the evolution of story - it's a direct sequel to Halo 3 - a REVOLUTIONARY story would be the tale of Sgt. Johnson's college years with no sci-fi and no cinematics, just a series of arthouse experiences where you flail around in the darkness trying to find your Oddball bong.
Seriously. All I need now is a campaign TV ad that is even half as good as the ones for Halo 2, and my hype will be through the roof.
This makes the final line before his death all the more poignant. "Send me out...with my bong." He spent the entire game with a "self-rolled cigar" in his mouth, he wanted to start the Great Journey with a trip to a Safeway for some munchies.This is our NARRATIVE director talking about the evolution of story - it's a direct sequel to Halo 3 - a REVOLUTIONARY story would be the tale of Sgt. Johnson's college years with no sci-fi and no cinematics, just a series of arthouse experiences where you flail around in the darkness trying to find your Oddball bong.
Extra power to be used elsewhere since they removed motion blur and changed HDR method make the game look HOT.I still find it hard to believe that this game will run on seven-year-old hardware.
Seriously. All I need now is a campaign TV ad that is even half as good as the ones for Halo 2, and my hype will be through the roof.
Me too! So good. I want to explorrreeeeeeThis one reeeaaalllly got me
No, it means that Frankie thinks television is a dead medium, and he balks at my suggestion.Are we to take this as meaning that you guys have something along those lines planned?
I'm still on a seesaw with the Promethean Knight design; I understand the ethos behind representing the organic centre of them entombed in this technological shell, similar to how the Didact is also encased in his cryptum, but the skull just looks incredibly goofy, and almost childish. The bionic toy is very much how it looks to me, and it also looks too overtly 'evil'.
To me it's just a bankrupt idea to connote menace with a skull, which is why I did warm to the idea of the skull being more a representation of life, not intent.
I'm still learning how to make gifs.
Extra power to be used elsewhere since they removed motion blur and changed HDR method make the game look HOT.
And FXAAAND it's natively 720p!
Dat assplate.
Reach used a form of temporal AA. Blurfest.Was Reach MSAA?
Never forget the beta...Reach used a form of temporal AA. Blurfest.
Dat assplate.
Totally a smiley face on that ass plate
Yes and no, he used to have an armoured diaper but now it's just a slab of armour stuck on his butt looking like it's not attached to anything.thats new right? because its really dangerous riding a moongose][/QUOTE]
Amazing. I really like the shield pop.
[quote="Rickenslacker, post: 42051859"]Yes and no, he used to have an armoured diaper but now it's just a slab of armour stuck on his butt looking like it's not attached to anything.