Mik2121 said:Posting this from the Halo OT:
++ Check this out plz, it's my current forge map. ++
This is a video of my current Work in Progress stage, The Extended Yard. It's based on "The Longest Yard" from Quake 3 but made larger and adapted to the Reach gameplay.
As you can probably tell, the level is not yet done. It's lacking small details almost everywhere, as well as the second to third floor ramps and the man cannons on the third floors connecting each side.
What do you guys think?
Hey! Yeah, someone said that on the OT, this is what I replied:timetokill said:Looks pretty good, mik! Definitely noticing the lack of cover in some of the large open areas though.
Step 1: Edit the Race game type.Neuromancer said:Wait what?!! How?
No, don't tell me- just do it and give me a link!
Mik2121 said:Hey! Yeah, someone said that on the OT, this is what I replied:
Yeah. The bottom will have some boxes around to use as covers. I didn't add the boxes yet because whenever I move other geometry around, it hits the them and make them fly around :/, so I will add all the boxes and small objects at the end (I only added those sand bags there, but there will be more stuff around).
And yeah, either way the bottom level is a killbox, as you say. You still have to go there to use the jump pad to the floating platform, and you also have 9 "exits" (6 ramps and 3 jump pads to different locations).
My map's basic geometry isn't done either, but yeah, there's a way to reach the top of the bases on the left and right. There are ramps on the outsides that connect the first, second and third floors. I just added them now though, so in the video they are not showing up.timetokill said:That makes sense. For my map, I made the general layout before placing anything else, as it's like you said -- things start flying if the geometry isn't totally set :lol
Also, is there a way (other than jet pack) to the top of the bases on the left and right (if looking from the "extended" part of the yard? And are you going to have any sniper rifles?
Something I've been struggling with personally is trying to make areas for snipers, but not making them too easy to hide in/away from enemy fire. Jet packs actually sort of help solve the problem, but I'm just curious what you're planning on adding for it.
Also, do you see this being used as an objective map at all?
Mik2121 said:My map's basic geometry isn't done either, but yeah, there's a way to reach the top of the bases on the left and right. There are ramps on the outsides that connect the first, second and third floors. I just added them now though, so in the video they are not showing up.
And yeah! There's already a sniper rifle on the floating platformThere isn't much space to snipe around, but hey...
As for the mode, I think both free for all deathmatch and teams work fine, but not sure yet about using it as an objective map. Maybe some oddball? Have the ball in the first floor and have to bring it to the top of one of the towers, or something..![]()
GhaleonEB said:Step 1: Edit the Race game type.
Step 2: Place the checkpoints in the sky.
Step 3: Spawn players with Banshees instead of Mongeese (players/vehicles invincible: recommended).
Step 4: ????
Step 5: Profit.
Two guides on Bungie.net that should be captured here:
Forging Invasion
Gametype Required Objects Guide
Of note: you can change the objectives in Invasion to be Territories, CTF or Assault(!!!). And you can have any combination of all three in the same Phase.
I've tinkered with Forge World a bit, mostly sizing up the objects and budget to scale my map accordinly. I'll start building in earnest next week, after some Firefight and MP to get a better feel for the sandbox.
OK that sounds awesome, wish I wasn't 2000+ miles away from my 360 to start making one of these.GhaleonEB said:Pilotwings map instructions
Raide said:Quick update + pic for my Q3DM17 remake attempt. Once I have finished it, I will throw it up for people to test, just so I can get the sizing and jumps right. I have not played Quake 3 in ages, so I might need to fire up Quake Live and check where all the jumps and teleports go.
I did manage to get the big Railgun jump, since I remember it could throw you off the end.![]()
dslgunstar said::O
I. MUST. Have this.
Favorite deathmatch map of all time. Tell me the moment it's finished.
Not a Jellyfish said:So I never messed with Forge in Halo 3, just getting started with it in Reach and have some questions.
How do I use the rotation snap function exactly? I don't understand that aspect as well as getting surfaces to line up correctly, such as bridge pieces lining up with other surfaces. I always end up having a little bit raised or lower and it causes the player to bump up or down when they walk between the two surfaces.
I can feel your pain. The 8 cannons limit sorta kills this map, so I'm using other paths to reach the top floors.Raide said:I have put the platform in the sky with the teleport and also the jump point at the back which launches you up there. Just tweaking the man-cannon's now, just to get the right feel. I have already used 8 cannon's, so I have to figure out how to make the last two work which bounce you from the bottom to the left or right middle platform. Running out of cannons sucks. :lol
That sounds dope man. Would love to explore it.Sir Fragula said:Saw a really cool re-creation of the Pillar of Autumn the other day. Decided to try my hand at it - have built a UNSC ship with working Hangar [exit, entry ports], armoury, bridge, observation deck and airlock system. Will post some screenies when I get home from work. Next step is to build an Invasion gametype around it.
What time is it there now?Gowans007 said:Mik I'll pop on for my lunch, 12:30/1ish for an hour if your around.
I'll will be around an hour from now. I'll add you now for then.Mik2121 said:What time is it there now?
I got myself some McDonalds just now (I spent too much time "fixing small things on the map" before going out to buy my dinner, haha), and I will watch some Futurama meanwhile, but afterwards I will stay around, so just feel free to add me whenever you want!![]()
The first is "Mobile Conflict", which requires two teams to fight for control of a single Terran military factory with the ability of atmospheric flight. Using vehicles and team tactics, both teams must first board the structure and then capture its control room to fly it to the team's starting point. The structure must then land and be defended from capture by the opposing team for a set amount of time.[5]
Capture the Base, also known as Mobile Conflict, involves two teams of up to eight players trying to capture a mobile factory and bring it to their own side using infantry units, which can fight inside it;[21][20] they would be dropped off using Grizzlies.[18][20] The battle takes place on Mar Sara.[22]
Mik2121 said:Hey Gowans! Glad you are liking the map!
Hopefully I finish it today and add all the weapons and stuff.
McNei1y said:I am always up for testing peoples maps.
Someone remake Damnation and then continue with your originality :lol
Pretty obvious but... did you place the flag locations and all the stuff related to that game mode? Also both teams' spawns, etc...Mully said:I'm in a little trouble. I am pretty much done with my 6v6 CTF map, but when I try to do a custom game of CTF on it, it says it not compatible.
Mully said:I'm in a little trouble. I am pretty much done with my 6v6 CTF map, but when I try to do a custom game of CTF on it, it says it not compatible.
Mik2121 said:Pretty obvious but... did you place the flag locations and all the stuff related to that game mode? Also both teams' spawns, etc...
electricpirate said:
Read the Invasion Guide on b.net that I linked to (which really should be in the OP). You can assign objects barrier properties, and then link them to Phases. So when one Phase ends, those objects disappear to open up the rest of the map. He just assigned the rocks to be barriers, linked to the Phase that ends when the objective - in this case Assault - is completed. I was going to work up a variation where the bomb blows open some doors, and then in the second phase a big hole in the ground to access the Core, myself. But I dig the use of rocks, looks very cool.wwm0nkey said:I still really want to know how this guy made a wall blow up on a bomb part of invasion
Wait, what?! I have to see this in action; I've done a lot less forging than I initially thought (stupid awesome campaign).GhaleonEB said:Step 1: Edit the Race game type.
Step 2: Place the checkpoints in the sky.
Step 3: Spawn players with Banshees instead of Mongeese (players/vehicles invincible: recommended).
Step 4: ????
Step 5: Profit.
Two guides on Bungie.net that should be captured here:
Forging Invasion
Gametype Required Objects Guide
Of note: you can change the objectives in Invasion to be Territories, CTF or Assault(!!!). And you can have any combination of all three in the same Phase.
I've tinkered with Forge World a bit, mostly sizing up the objects and budget to scale my map accordingly. I'll start building in earnest next week, after some Firefight and MP to get a better feel for the sandbox.