Hypertrooper said:It was just a kind of a joke. Because Zayne won the game and nobody noticed it.(His cheat method is called luck)
Oh haha, ok. I take it that Zayne isn't that great then?
Hypertrooper said:It was just a kind of a joke. Because Zayne won the game and nobody noticed it.(His cheat method is called luck)
ZayneH said:Seashell: Timetokill, I'm feeling like a total dick when I say this, but I absolutely hated this map.
Blue base was easier to defend than red base, which is usually the opposite for asymmetrical maps. It also had a mancannon directly facing it, with red team having one off to the side that seemed easier to go off in, grab the flag, and capture it.
There's no barriers where there should be to tell people that if you step there, you'll die due to spartans not being able to stand in water the depth of a kiddie pool.
The middle of the map was camped nearly every time I went there, with the sword being way too dominant on a seemingly open and big map. It also seemed the blue team's sniper spawned faster than Red team's.
The spawns were also messed up for red team with a spawn that made us face the ocean/quarry and not the map. And the rest of the island was exposed and not blocked off with something, which could've been fixed by a colosseum wall or two.
Sikamikanico said:I'm glad to see positive Kingdom comments, worked very hard on that map! If you can send me the saved film of the game I would be very grateful. Everyone still logging on in 50 minutes for more games? I'm staying up especially. (Much to my darling wifes annoyance)
ZayneH said:Truss: We played Team DMRs (5v5) so it was a bit too big for that party size, but it seemed like it would be ok for 8v8. Moving around it was confusing, with sharp turns everywhere. The mancannons have a small Soft Kill Barrier when you lift from them, and there's a few places where you can jump to where you can hide out at that it seems like you shouldn't be able to.
Trestle: Pretty much the same as Truss, except for the size being pretty good for 4v4-6v6. Though, I noticed that there's way too many areas that only have one way to it, or just being a hallway without anything interesting there. They also had spawning problems where I'd spawn at Red base when I was on blue team.
Personally, I'd try to make a nice combination of Truss and Trestle. Either make it a 4v4-6v6 map, or a 6v6-8v8 map. The way it's laid out makes me think it'd be better as a 4v4-6v6 map. I'd make the bases have more up top, and a better way to get up there from the bottom. I'd also remove the man cannons from the sides to one at each base's bottom window, shooting you to the middle island.
But don't get me wrong. It's a great layout and a great idea, and it has the ability to be a great map, just make it simpler and make sure to have a few more ways to get to every area on the map.
Don't hate me op-ivy
ZayneH said:Yeti-Dome: FFA on this was a great way to start this week's ForgeGAF customs. It's small, but 8 player FFA was fun, chaotic, and reminded me of FFA in in Marathon, and Halo 1/2. Not as bloody as Myth, though.
Winning the game in 3rd place with 25 kills (it was to 25 kills), with Hyper and five in 1st and 2nd with 24 was weird, though.
op_ivy said:i thought it would be ok for 4v4 or 5v5, but yeah, it was built to handle more players, i'd love to get it tested for 8v8 with the GAF group latter.
i must say, i'm confused about the "moving around it was confusing, sharp turns everywhere" bit. i guess i could see that for the bases, but the bridges (the star of the show, by design) should have been pretty straight forward. maybe its just an issue of first time on a map confusion? can you try to elaborate a bit on the "only one way to it, or just a hallway without anything interesting" bit. where exactly are you referring to? the only thing i can think of would be the side "tower" pieces, which are there to facilitate movement via the man cannons primarily.
the spawn system was by design, as team slayer should freely move you around the map based on team placement when you spawn. unless of course, you spawned at the other team, with the other team present![]()
ZayneH said:The bases were the parts that were confusing, more so on Truss. Trestle was easier to orient myself on after awhile, so it probably was due to it being the first time I played either map.
The bridges weren't confusing, but they were bare and pretty much only a way to travel from base to base without anything to pick up like a grenade launcher or a concussion rifle. If one of them had one of those, with the other having a sniper (which was one too many on Truss, especially with how open it was), it would have something to go for instead of just ignoring. That's what I meant by the "hallways without anything interesting" comment.
The Mancannon towers could be made more simple, not made out of a spiral tower, with middle sniper towers on Truss cut out due to not really having a purpose (in my opinion, of course)
As for spawns on Trestle, we played Multibomb on it and I spawned at Red Team's base when I was on blue team. When no one on my team was around me, and when their base was empty. I'd put down Respawn areas for separate gametypes (CTF, Bomb, Team games) so that if you're playing Slayer what you want to happen can happen, but in objective games, that's not good.
Hopefully that makes sense, kinda got confused by what one was Trestle and what one was Truss.
ZayneH said:Moonpool: Got slowdown in the middle, and the spawns were messed up where we'd keep on switching bases throughout the match. The middle was a mess of swords, grenades, and shotgun blasts to everyone's back. Though, I like stuff like that, but I have to say it should be opened up more, with more ways up there (maybe something like Sanctuary, with ramps on the sides of the map, and tunnels to that middle top?).
Though, I have been a fanboy of the map since it was first shown on here, and it still reminds me of Marathon maps (Duality/Gemini, but fitting in more with Halo's gameplay more than Gemini did).
Bregmann Roche said:Moonpool: I know it's cramped, and I know there were framerate issues, but I liked this map. I would love to play it some more if it could be adjusted to deal with the framerate. This map also looked great but in almost the exact opposite way that Yeti-Dome did. This feels very much like a forge creation but it's such a good-looking forge creation that I can't help but be impressed. Not playable in MM as it is, but personally I feel like it has potential.
Bregmann Roche said:Yeti-Dome: This map seemed ready for FFA matchmaking. Doubles Arena could be a possibility as well. We never played 4v4 but 3v3 was pretty hectic as it was and it seemed possible that a 4-man team could do a good job of pinning down the other team on one side of the map. This would be not fun. On the flip side, FFA was tremendously fun. Of all the forge world maps, this one feels the least like a forge creation and the most like a new map. This has everything to do with the layout and object choices. Good work and thanks.
Retro said:too long didn't oh wait I did
ZayneH said:Kingdom: The only map that got two games on it due to my moronic decision to "hay is KOTH ok? oh, one hill 'cuz that's what halo 2 and 3 could do but reach has a bug but LETS TO IT DO IT" and have the hill in the corner to the right of red base.
And let's never speak of that again.
So, the game of Team DMRs we played on Kingdom was one of the best Slayer matches I've played on Reach. It actually felt like a Halo map from Halo 2 or even 3. It's a great map that only really needs walls blocking off the somewhat huge top of the map where people might want to jetpack up to.
Bregmann Roche said:Kingdom: This map is ready for matchmaking except for one thing and it's really a tiny issue. There is a health pack that is set into a column/wall type thing that is sort of hard to get at because it sits so far back in the column. There's also a plasma pistol in front of it that I inevitably picked up over and over when I meant to grab the health pack. Love this map though. Nothing but good games on it.
I saved a (fantastic) Slayer match, I'll send it to you in a bit.Sikamikanico said:Thanks very much for the feedback on Kingdom - I'll check out the healthpack and correct that, but I'm glad everyone enjoyed it.
Did you guys just player Slayer on it?
If not, and chance that you tried some objective out on it?
Did anyone save their films? (Would love to watch them just to check the spawn, how people play and what they do etc)
It was my favorite map of the night. Switching the sword and rocket might be good though, as to draw people into the middle of the map. All the fighting was happening in the corners.Sikamikanico said:Thanks very much for the feedback on Kingdom - I'll check out the healthpack and correct that, but I'm glad everyone enjoyed it.
Did you guys just player Slayer on it?
If not, and chance that you tried some objective out on it?
Did anyone save their films? (Would love to watch them just to check the spawn, how people play and what they do etc)
-Yeti said:No no, thank you!
I honestly didn't think you guys would like this map that much. It's nice to read all this good feedback.![]()
ZayneH said:Heh. "Bad things happen here" is probably one of the funniest things I've read this week.
ZayneH said:The slowdown wasn't bad to where it was unplayable, but it was a nag. As for lights, I'd remove all of them
ZayneH said:I don't know if Special FXs help in anyway when it comes to slowdown. I'd maybe try a combination of Juicy, Next Gen and Colorblind if you have the budget, or Purple and Juicy.
ZayneH said:As for my meager forge offerings, I actually broke down and started in on Downpour, but on the Quarry and not on Alaska. Got most of the initial pieces down, and have a pretty good idea of what the bases will look like. Hopefully the half natural, half forerunnium (Bluegreyium?) metal look doesn't make the map look gaudy.
And I think I might start on a fresh version of Roost to try to iron out most of the bumps that comes with forge pieces.
Bregmann Roche said:Enjoy it while you can. Your next map will probably suck and when we review it we'll all sound like the bitter jackasses that you know us to be.
Imagine there's a small image here of a round yellow face smiling. This image would, in this context, denote a congenial, friendly tone. I believe someday we, on the internet, will develop the technology to display such an image as part of our webforum-y postings.
Blue Ninja said:All right guys, thanks for playing. It's true, Lookout's meant for FFA, the team slayer spawns haven't been attuned yet. Needless to say, I'll make sure to fix 'em, and add in some alternate movement paths. I've got some time tomorrow, might start rebuilding it from scratch.
FYI, there's technically three ways to get up to the sniper nest: you can go through the grenade zone of doom, use a jetpack, or climb the big rock that supports it. The latter's a bit 'hidden', but it works.
Retro said:I've been toying with an idea for a few months that I'd like to try, but I want to get MP put to bed first. If you log in and see me on, shoot me a message or hop into my game (I always leave it open if i'm in forge), maybe check out my spawn issues. I don't want to be "That Guy" who needs help, but I'm at the point where I'm tearing open other maps to see how they did it and still not able to get it to work.
ZayneH said:That's ok, I'm usually "that guy" when I invite people to look at my map either way late at night or a few hours later way early in the morning. Plus when setting up Roost's spawn zones I looked at Atonement's zones. I'm dumb when it comes to zones.
Sorry i missed that in the test. I heard someone mention Grifball but i thought you were joking because i was there. Just so everyone knows, the place to submit Grifball maps is the GrifballHUB forums. Once posted, the map is tested by several Grifball league players and, if requested, i go through the map in forge and bring it up to matchmaking (or A.G.L.A.) specs.MrBig said:Bikini Atoll
That'd be cool, sent you a messageNOKYARD said:Sorry i missed that in the test. I heard someone mention Grifball but i thought you were joking because i was there. Just so everyone knows, the place to submit Grifball maps is the GrifballHUB forums. Once posted, the map is tested by several Grifball league players and, if requested, i go through the map in forge and bring it up to matchmaking (or A.G.L.A.) specs.
Since you posted it here (and because i was procrastinating on another task) i took the liberty of repairing it for you. Msg me on XBL so i can get the new version to you.
Yep, but in the last couple months we've only been averaging 8-12 players though.Digital Limit said:So you guys just play once a week on Saturdays? I'd be interested, although I imagine you already have full games.
ZayneH said:
I forgot to mention that you can hit a soft-kill barrier while jetpacking within one of the bases.Sikamikanico said:Placed very small soft kill barriers on the large brace above each base (Just below the light)
NOKYARD said:I forgot to mention that you can hit a soft-kill barrier while jetpacking within one of the bases.
Retro said:Had kind of a crazy idea last night and I lack the Forge Knowledge to know if it's even possible to make.
Can you set objects to switch on and off at set intervals, specifically soft kill zones and light objects?
I was thinking of a small map with 4 rooms connected by open walkways. At set intervals during the game, the red lights would switch on and everything outside the rooms would become a soft kill zone; unless you want to die, you have to get to the 'safe rooms' and hope an enemy player isn't there waiting for you.
I was thinking it could be placed in a cave-like area over water, with some light objects maybe making the water look like lava or acid or something.
It sounds like it would be fun on the same level as the notorious Low Gravity Gravity Hammer Bowl Bash we did early on in ForgeGAF Customs.
Retro said:Low Gravity Gravity Hammer Bowl Bash
Sikamikanico said:Sadly not possible. You could do it in sequence, but it would be the same everytime.
ZayneH said:El Gee Gee Haych Bee Bee? Tell me more!
Retro said:I forget who made them, but in one of our early ForgeGAF customs, we had two awesome map/gametypes.
1. "Dodgeball"; everyone has Evade, unlimited Grenades, no weapons, and no jumps. The map was essentially a wide open room with a partition in the middle. Now imagine 4v4 , everyone chucking grenades at each other non-stop.
2. "Hammerbowl"; No AA, no grenades, no jumping, Very Low gravity, no damage. Everyone starts armed with a Gravity Hammer. The map is one of the Dish objects; a shallow bowl floating in water. 8 Players, FFA, the only way to kill anyone is the knock them off the bowl into the water.
It was INSANE, and INSANELY FUN. Everybody was laughing their asses off the entire match.
ZayneH said:Those sound really awesome. Maybe before ForgeGAF customs start "proper" this week we could play Hammerbowl and get to Hey You's Bereavement. Or have the crazy gametypes in between the regular forge maps?
Though that's less about testing out maps and more like playing fun gametypes which happens during regular customs so I don't wanna step on Dani's toes more than I feel like I'm doing with Forge customs..
Retro said:I went back through the thread, but I have no idea who made it. The map was called Quadrant and the gametype was Gladiators. Timetokill was hosting that night, I think, anyone remember the crazy hammer match?