NullPointer said:Some of the pics came out great but I'd like to download a few to share. Any ideas?
Falagard said:Hopefully the MLG playlist is fixed by the time I want to play it tonight ;-)
Although I wasn't a huge fan of the MLG playlist in Halo 3 because I'm a crappy player - I look forward to the movement speed, jump height and only sprint to see how that plays in the real world.
If a tree falls in the forest and...Tashi0106 said:If it weren't an MLG playlist how many of you guys would be laughing?
Tashi0106 said:I like the banshee just the way it is. Team shoot it to take it down you fools
It seems pretty good apart from the screw-ups. I like the movement speed. Rockets/sniper on Countdown is truly weird, though. And me and my friend got rolled 3-0 in both games of Asylum CTF we played, though both times we were matched against teams of four.Tashi0106 said:If it weren't an MLG playlist how many of you guys would be laughing?
electricpirate said:It's not only sprint!
Armour abilities are on map pickups now
Plywood said:My first MLG experience:
If any of you get matched up with I KaYoTiiC I tell him Xenowood says "FUCK YOU DON'T TELL ME I SUCK THEN GO NEGATIVE AND RAGE QUIT" it's also important to mention that I was second most positive in the game, despite losing.![]()
No thanks to him and his butt buddy quitting out on us.
I'll give that a shot tonight.Gui_PT said:I believe it's possible to download them to your 360 and upload to fileshare.
iknorite i was so shur we wuld winAlienshogun said:When a player has a tag with intermittently placed capital letters, you know he's pro.
Arnie said:Baring the glaring mixups, MLG is the most fun I've had on Halo: Reach. Finally a movement speed that doesn't make me feel I'm playing a different franchise altogether. Once they fix the jump height it'll be golden. This and the DLC playlist will have my attention for the foreseeable future.
Still though, I'm going to reiterate that whatever system Bungie are using for Reach's matchmaking is considerably worse than previous games. Trueskill? :lol
Arnie said:Baring the glaring mixups, MLG is the most fun I've had on Halo: Reach. Finally a movement speed that doesn't make me feel I'm playing a different franchise altogether. Once they fix the jump height it'll be golden. This and the DLC playlist will have my attention for the foreseeable future.
Still though, I'm going to reiterate that whatever system Bungie are using for Reach's matchmaking is considerably worse than previous games. Trueskill? :lol
Alienshogun said:You're bitching about being matched against random skills in a playlist that just released?
You know they all have separate trueskill rankings and you need to give it time before you have an accurate matchmaking experience in new playlists, or ones you don't play often, right?
It's TrueSkilled by individual playlist, so your first few games are always going to be all over the place.Arnie said:Still though, I'm going to reiterate that whatever system Bungie are using for Reach's matchmaking is considerably worse than previous games. Trueskill? :lol
My first few games in Arena this season were absolutely humiliating. Left a really bad taste in my mouth, but I'll probably stick it out for a little while to see in hopes it gets better for me. It may be that there aren't enough crappy players in Areana for me to get properly matched against, but I'll give any playlist without Armor Lock a shot.Shake Appeal said:It's TrueSkilled by individual playlist, so your first few games are always going to be all over the place.
Alienshogun said:You're bitching about being matched against random skills in a playlist that just released?
You know they all have separate trueskill rankings and you need to give it time before you have an accurate matchmaking experience in new playlists, or ones you don't play often, right?
Oozer3993 said:The system is fine. You have a separate TrueSkill rating for each playlist. Since the MLG playlist just went live, everyone has the same TrueSkill in it, from the most bowl-cutted of pros to the scrubbiest of the bks. It will take a little while to even out.
I didn't realise, I thought True Skill was a system used behind matchmaking which gave you an overall skill value, not per playlist. That explains it. Still doesn't hide my dissatisfaction at having frustrating games up until the point at which the system evens out, or even a visual marker to indicate to me that the system has allocated me a skill level, but I guess that was one of Bungie's design goals with matchmaking in general outside of Arena.Shake Appeal said:It's TrueSkilled by individual playlist, so your first few games are always going to be all over the place.
Is the skill column show in post-game stats your trueskill rating?Arnie said:I still maintain though that in general, Reach has been much worse at matching me with players of a similar skill to myself than previous games. Perhaps the problem is exasperated by the lack of in-game UI communicating the trueskill value to me.
Arnie said:I didn't realise, I thought True Skill was a system used behind matchmaking which gave you an overall skill value, not per playlist. That explains it. Still doesn't hide my dissatisfaction at having frustrating games up until the point at which the system evens out, or even a visual marker to indicate to me that the system has allocated me a skill level, but I guess that was one of Bungie's design goals with matchmaking in general outside of Arena.
I still maintain though that in general, Reach has been much worse at matching me with players of a similar skill to myself than previous games. Perhaps the problem is exasperated by the lack of in-game UI communicating the trueskill value to me.
squidhands said:My first few games in Arena this season were absolutely humiliating. Left a really bad taste in my mouth, but I'll probably stick it out for a little while to see in hopes it gets better for me. It may be that there aren't enough crappy players in Areana for me to get properly matched against, but I'll give any playlist without Armor Lock a shot.
Dax01 said:Holy crap at the MLG mess ups. :lol :lol :lol
I can't breathe.
TrueSkill is only shown in one place, and one place only, and that's in the Arena, where the badges correspond to particular percentiles of TrueSkill for players in that playlist who have completed conditions of ranking (4 games on 5 days).NullPointer said:Is the skill column show in post-game stats your trueskill rating?
That and I don't feel the matchmaking system is creating competitive games for me even in playlists I've frequented since launch. Such as this, this, this and this. In previous games I rarely got outcomes like this once a skill level had been locked down, maybe Reach's system takes longer to ascertain a players Trueskill, I'm not sure. Three months on and I'm yet to reach a level where I feel I can enter a playlist and know I'm going to get a well balanced, competitive match.Alienshogun said:So, your only real complaint is that you can't see your trueskill per playlist.
.Ramirez said:Even with the problems, the MLG list is still the most fun I've had out of this game. Sanctuary should replace the abomination known as Asylum in regular playlists. It's also amazing how something as simple as not allowing you to sprint on spawn changes the game in a drastic manner.
I guess because I mostly play it in Arena I'm used to it being Shotgun/PP with no radar, which is fine. It agree it was pretty shitty when it had both CQC power weapons and radar so people just corner-camped, but that seems so long ago.Ramirez said:Shake, how is Rocket/Snipe weird, but Shotgun/Sword is A-OK on Countdown? Such a better set up. Perhaps MLG will salvage this game into something I play on a regular basis.
If true, then what is that skill rating shown in the post-game lobby? If its not used to match you up with other players, whats the point of it?Shake Appeal said:TrueSkill is only shown in one place, and one place only, and that's in the Arena, where the badges correspond to particular percentiles of TrueSkill for players in that playlist who have completed conditions of ranking (4 games on 5 days).
What skill rating? The Arena-style number? Just for show/personal statkeeping like the K/D spread, at least outside of the Arena.NullPointer said:If true, then what is that skill rating shown in the post-game lobby? If its not used to match you up with other players, whats the point of it?
Just curious really.
kylej said:Haven't tried MLG yet. Booties and I are about to start shitting on kids in Noble. Send jelyk a message if you want to play.
If you check post game stats, one of the screens shows a 4-digit "skill" number for each player (usually between 1100 and 1700 is what I've seen). I don't play Arena much (maybe 3 or 4 times ever) but I do see it in Team Slayer and other playlists.Shake Appeal said:What skill rating? The Arena-style number? Just for show/personal statkeeping like the K/D spread, at least outside of the Arena.
Yeah, that's just applying the Arena formula to other playlists to give a comparative indicator of how you did. It doesn't actually represent or impact anything outside of the Arena.NullPointer said:If you check post game stats, one of the screens shows a 4-digit "skill" number for each player (usually between 1100 and 1700 is what I've seen). I don't play Arena much (maybe 3 or 4 times ever) but I do see it in Team Slayer and other playlists.
New Arena season has been up for a week now...Alienshogun said:Definitely the go to playlist from now on, not having asshats armorlocking all the damn time is a godsend.
Shake Appeal said:Yeah, that's just applying the Arena formula to other playlists to give a comparative indicator of how you did. It doesn't actually represent or impact anything outside of the Arena.
New Arena season has been up for a week now...
enzo_gt said:Is MLG still using that ugly POS version of Sanctuary I saw in videos? Could they not have recreated it on top of the Colosseum? Why didn't they?
Otherwise I bet it does play better than Asylum.
Snapshot of this moment:Willeth said:Wow, has anyone tried the co-op campaign playlist recently? Ghost town. I hope Bungie are reconsidering the commendation credits only being obtainable here.
Playlist Players % of Total
TEAM SLAYER 13,153 20%
TEAM SWAT 8,026 12%
MLG 6,079 9%
RUMBLE PIT 5,363 8%
FIREFIGHT 4,775 7%
INVASION 3,585 5%
LIVING DEAD 3,258 5%
MULTI TEAM 3,077 5%
TEAM ARENA 1,457 2%
Total 66,013 100%
Shake Appeal said:Yeah, that's just applying the Arena formula to other playlists to give a comparative indicator of how you did. It doesn't actually represent or impact anything outside of the Arena.
New Arena season has been up for a week now...
GhaleonEB said:Snapshot of this moment:
Code:Playlist Players % of Total TEAM SLAYER 13,153 20% TEAM SWAT 8,026 12% MLG 6,079 9% BIG TEAM BATTLE 5,747 9% RUMBLE PIT 5,363 8% FIREFIGHT 4,775 7% NOBLE MAP PACK 4,051 6% INVASION 3,585 5% LIVING DEAD 3,258 5% MULTI TEAM 3,077 5% TEAM SNIPERS 2,563 4% DOUBLES ARENA 1,493 2% TEAM ARENA 1,457 2% SCORE ATTACK 1,216 2% TEAM OBJECTIVE 806 1% FIREFIGHT VS 793 1% CO-OP CAMPAIGN 571 1% Total 66,013 100%
I wonder if Team Objective is long for this world.
I've always wished there was a Big Team Objective: Flag and Bomb games only. (2-flag, 1-flag, 1-bomb, 2-bomb, neutral bomb)Alienshogun said:If they had a CTF only playlist I bet more people would play it. Same with Big Team CTF.
GhaleonEB said:I've always wished there was a Big Team Objective: Flag and Bomb games only. (2-flag, 1-flag, 1-bomb, 2-bomb, neutral bomb)
But the split between that and BTB Slayer would probably split the player base too much.
Genesis Knight said:My BNET profile still shows my launch night armor. What the fuck.
Alienshogun said:If they had a CTF and Bomb only playlist I bet more people would play it. Same with Big Team CTF.
Team Objective Gametypes:
1 Flag CTF - Awesome
1 Flag Pro - Awesome
Multiflag CTF - Awesome
2 Flag Pro - Awesome
2 Flag Classic - Awesome
Neutral Bomb - Awesome
1 Bomb Assault - Awesome
Team Headhunter - Poop
Oddball - Poop
Team Hot Potato - Super Poop
Stockpile - Poop
Stockpile Pro - Poop
3 Plots - Poop
Territories - Poop
Crazy King - Very Poop
Crazy King Pro - Very Poop
GhaleonEB said:I wonder if Team Objective is long for this world.