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Halo: Reach |OT3| This Thread is Not a Natural Formation

Mizzou Gaming said:
Oh no, I'm not saying its perfect, I'm was just surprised at the tone is all.

Well in my defense, when a developer consciously chooses to shit out bad gameytpes and refuses to acknowledge or deal with them, ALONG with the gross mishandling of so many fun and easy gametypes and maps and playlists when they were your favorite developers and you poured your heart and soul in to trying to help and be constructive and take their word for it and they laugh in your face, the tone isn't surprising.

Since I'm on a roll.

This game feels like it would be better played with a keyboard and mouse.

To expect the accuracy in this game with a control stick is kind of (definitely is) incredibly frustrating. Especially when the pistol doesn't even have an accurate reticule to aim with. I got back on the play a couple games and it only reaffirmed my frustrations.

If you told me 5 years ago that the newest Halo game would be using grey as the map color of choice with a red and blue stripe somewhere I would laugh in your face.

No offense but you consolidate the forge maps to one map consciously deciding to make every environment look the same.... you can't even add different texture options on the forge pieces?

And we still dont have headlong. Or a correct Zombies game. Or a competent objective playlist.

I think Bungie's eyes were already set on their next project about halfway through this game.

EDIT: I'm going to ignore the Bungie Defense force aboce me because valid points don't mix with you.

You seem to be stuck in the PAST. Bungie used to do everything that made me proud to be a fanboy and supporter of their games. Hell, even the new map pack everyone is gushing over ins't even theirs!
I think the first (if there haven't been found any other yet) eastern egg has been found on Condemned
Here are the links to the pic and the Bnet topic:

It's speculated that the spartan seen in the picture is actually James, the Spartan who went MIA during Master Chiefs mission to destroy the navigation data abourd a station (which is Condemned if I'm right). James truster pack was shot and he flew unccontrollably in space.

If this is James, it is another awesome detail added by 343/CA to show their dedication to Halo's canon.


urk said:
Faces? Nah. Feets, maybe.
Speculation ENGAGE.

Speed pick up? Jump height increase? Jetpack turns into rocket boots?

Mizzou Gaming said:
What's the problem with power weapons on Highlands? I've only played it once, because FireFight Heaven(UNEARTHED) is hard to leave so I am asking a serious question, I really don't know.

Rockets AND sniper spawn in each base. And they spawn really fast.
Laser on one side of the map, Plasma Launcher on the other.
Nade Launcher in the middle.

My Protips: Keep sniper in the base. 1 at a time, long respawn (Valhalla, Blood Gulch ect.) Put rockets with 2 shots on each side of the map.

Not sure about the middle. I feel there needs to be SOMETHING there. Something better than a launcher.


yeah the power weapons do spawn a bit fast, was able to get a "be the bullet" because my Sniper would constantly have 20 shots since it respawned next to me.
Tha Robbertster said:
I think the first (if there haven't been found any other yet) eastern egg has been found on Condemned
Here are the links to the pic and the Bnet topic:

It's speculated that the spartan seen in the picture is actually James, the Spartan who went MIA during Master Chiefs mission to destroy the navigation data abourd a station (which is Condemned if I'm right). James truster pack was shot and he flew unccontrollably in space.

If this is James, it is another awesome detail added by 343/CA to show their dedication to Halo's canon.
According to the dudes, who posted in this BNet thread, it is a fake.


A27 Tawpgun said:
Speculation ENGAGE.
25% speed boost for 20 seconds. No actual overshield.

And it still will make coordinated teams go:

Speed spawns in 30 seconds, let's go!! Let's go, rush it rush it, guy one shot coming in from the left trying to get it!! I GOT HIM, LET ME GET IT!!!... Have it.
*enjoys the great next 20 seconds*


Crucio said:
Truthfully I'd rather have them leave weapon pick ups in FF Arcade. I don't like getting stuck with rockets and pistol. I want to be able to use the needler and precisions. I mean I can manage with what they give me, but having already maxed out Get Loud, Heavies feel boring to me now.
The general consensus I've seen is, turn weapon pick ups off on the specialized gametypes that depend on the specific spawning weapons to play out a certain way, and leave them on for Rocket and FRGfight.

Fistfight, for example, sucks hard when you're trying to play it straight and everyone else is rocking the FRG. Ditto Plasmafight, Sniperfight and Grenadefight. But for something where you start with heavy ordnance - rockets, FRG - it doesn't matter if you're picking stuff up. Using the Needler won't bother dudes blowing stuff up.

Right now every single game, regardless of starting weapons, turns in FRG fight, which undercuts the purpose of the playlist.

Random Arcade game suggestion: Needlefight. Nerfle primary, Needler secondary. Normal damage, 2x shield, Tough Luck turned off.
Lead Based Paint said:
EDIT: I'm going to ignore the Bungie Defense force aboce me because valid points don't mix with you.
Much of the "Bungie Defense Force" has made many these same points, on this very page. The difference is we're not a dick about it.
Lead Based Paint said:
Well in my defense, when a developer consciously chooses to shit out bad gameytpes and refuses to acknowledge or deal with them, ALONG with the gross mishandling of so many fun and easy gametypes and maps and playlists when they were your favorite developers and you poured your heart and soul in to trying to help and be constructive and take their word for it and they laugh in your face, the tone isn't surprising.

Since I'm on a roll.

This game feels like it would be better played with a keyboard and mouse.

To expect the accuracy in this game with a control stick is kind of (definitely is) incredibly frustrating. Especially when the pistol doesn't even have an accurate reticule to aim with. I got back on the play a couple games and it only reaffirmed my frustrations.

If you told me 5 years ago that the newest Halo game would be using grey as the map color of choice with a red and blue stripe somewhere I would laugh in your face.

No offense but you consolidate the forge maps to one map consciously deciding to make every environment look the same.... you can't even add different texture options on the forge pieces?

And we still dont have headlong. Or a correct Zombies game. Or a competent objective playlist.

I think Bungie's eyes were already set on their next project about halfway through this game.

Whoah calm down, your credibility in my eye's had just bottomed out with the way you decided to present your complaints in that first post I quoted. I thought you might be one of those that kicks, cries and screams at everything without offering any sort of reasoning and/or solution to the issue.

I haven't been following Halo GAF very long so I probably missed any of your earlier complaints. So with that being the first time I've heard your complaints it was hard for me to gauge if you were making legitimate complaints or just hating because its HALO. I do apologize, I should have taken time to go back and read your earlier posts instead of just assuming. With that said I wish you'd be a bit more mature about the issue because it sounds like you've got some valid complaints.


Hey Urk I still think you guys should put ash55's Tempest version of Lockout in (version 5 is the best) for people who have the DLC, it will be a rare map to get probably but it will still be great to get it once in awhile :)

Nelo Ice

just read the bungie update and damn i need to start playing reach again

so tempted to pull the trigger on noble/defiant map packs now


Nelo Ice said:
just read the bungie update and damn i need to start playing reach again

so tempted to pull the trigger on noble/defiant map packs now
Do it. The 5 MP maps are easily better than any of the default maps. They definitely made me start enjoying Halo again.
Kibbles said:
Got a noble achievement, without having the noble map pack. F yeah. 8)

I was actually thinking about this the other day. Which of the DLC Achievements must be accomplished on the DLC maps they came with? And which do not? I Hope that makes sense.

I only need the DMR across the map achievement to close out all 3 Noble Pack achievements. Its really starting to chap my ass too because Ive shot people from extremely long distances but I guess not far enough.


I sure hope the scale is right on these classic playlist maps, because on that Pit we played last night it felt like I was playing a Mario ice level. :| Still not really sold on the classic settings in general, the rockets killed me last night and I was a good 10 feet away from the blast, just had like half shields, pretty stupid. The grenades are pretty OP as well, I give the playlist a few days before all of you start complaining about it. :p

I'm kind of bamboozled that things like flag settings can be changed, but individual weapon power can't be changed, seems like that would be a much higher priority to get in, oh well.
Mizzou Gaming said:
I was actually thinking about this the other day. Which of the DLC Achievements must be accomplished on the DLC maps they came with? And which do not? I Hope that makes sense.
I believe you can get the achievements on any map, dlc not required.
Except for "You Blew It Up!" the Noble achievement for Invasion on Breakpoint as Elites getting access to the core.


Gui_PT said:
Hop on in guise.
What are you guys up to? I can't pull off synchronous smoothly with you euro guys across the puddle, but if it's some kind of Vs I'm in, need to kill some time till the madrid game.
K. I get a game of Highlands BTB Slayer. The game starts...

*runs for the Pro Pipe*
*attempts to run back to base, but gets sniped from all the way across the map*
*spawns at blue base, gets killed by blue guy with rockets*
*spawns back at red base, gets sniped from all the way across the map*

Highlands needs to be fixed ASAP. It's probably my favorite map if it weren't for the weapon spawns and placement.


Letters said:
What are you guys up to? I can't pull off synchronous smoothly with you euro guys across the puddle, but if it's some kind of Vs I'm in, need to kill some time till the madrid game.

We were playing Defiant but then switched over to BTB because of the party size. I left though.

Good games guys.


So I finally got in on some firefight arcade games on Unearthed, what a great map and great design. By far the best firefight map.


Ramirez said:
I sure hope the scale is right on these classic playlist maps, because on that Pit we played last night it felt [email protected] I was playing a Mario ice level. :| Still not really sold on the classic settings in general, the rockets killed me last night and I was a good 10 feet away from the blast, just had like half shields, pretty stupid. The grenades are pretty OP as well, I give the playlist a few days before all of you start complaining about it. :p

I'm kind of bamboozled that things like flag settings can be changed, but individual weapon power can't be changed, seems like that would be a much higher priority to get in, oh well.

I feel like Bungie should just leave the damage settings at default. With 110%, it makes explosives crazy strong, and body shots from a DMR or pistol feel way too effective. The sniper rifle is pretty ridiculous, as well. All someone needs to do is land one shot with the DMR/pistol(I think the needle rifle, as well - not 100% sure on that though; I rarely use the NR), and then one hit with the sniper anywhere on a spartan to get a kill.

If the increase in damage made the DMR/Pistol a 4 shot weapon, I would be all over it, but since it doesn't....not really seeing the point of altering the damage.
Thermite said:
I feel like Bungie should just leave the damage settings at default. With 110%, it makes explosives crazy strong, and body shots from a DMR or pistol feel way too effective. The sniper rifle is pretty ridiculous, as well. All someone needs to do is land one shot with the DMR/pistol/needle rifle, and then one hit with the sniper anywhere on a spartan to get a kill.

If the increase in damage made the DMR/Pistol a 4 shot weapon, I would be all over it, but since it doesn't....not really seeing the point of altering the damage.

Making the DMR/Pistol a 4 shot really breaks the game, and even breaks the DMR and Pistol because when they are 4 shot kills, they are 5 body shots to kill, not rewarding players who pace and aim for the head.

I assume they are doing 110 damage for Needle Rifle starts (6 shot kill). Otherwise changing damage doesn't really make sense.


Steelyuhas said:
Making the DMR/Pistol a 4 shot really breaks the game, and even breaks the DMR and Pistol because when they are 4 shot kills, they are 5 body shots to kill, not rewarding players who pace and aim for the head.

I assume they are doing 110 damage for Needle Rifle starts (6 shot kill). Otherwise changing damage doesn't really make sense.

I should have clarified better. I meant that if the damage increase to 110% made the DMR/Pistol a 4 shot kill, while everything else stayed as is with the current classic settings, I would be all for modifying the damage. :)


GhaleonEB said:
The general consensus I've seen is, turn weapon pick ups off on the specialized gametypes that depend on the specific spawning weapons to play out a certain way, and leave them on for Rocket and FRGfight.

Fistfight, for example, sucks hard when you're trying to play it straight and everyone else is rocking the FRG. Ditto Plasmafight, Sniperfight and Grenadefight. But for something where you start with heavy ordnance - rockets, FRG - it doesn't matter if you're picking stuff up. Using the Needler won't bother dudes blowing stuff up.

Right now every single game, regardless of starting weapons, turns in FRG fight, which undercuts the purpose of the playlist.
I'd take that. Fistfight and Sniperfight are types that shouldn't be hindered by other players stealing kills with heavies.
so should I play unearthed for some firefight awesomeness, or defiant MP where after I accidentally yoink some guys assassination from like 500 yards away on highlands, because god forbid I see 2 people close together and try to help my teamate out from long range, he proceeds to melee and shoot me constantly for the rest of the game even while he is getting shot and killed by the other team.

tough choice.
witness said:
So I finally got in on some firefight arcade games on Unearthed, what a great map and great design. By far the best firefight map.

Its nice isn't it.

Only a few things I'd like to change about:

1. Add a Ghost or Revenant for the Score Attack games. While were on the topic, I'm not being reaIistic here but I think it would be unbelieveably fun to have a Chopper available too. It gives me a chub just think about it.

2. The conveyer tracks on the upper levels should be moving or at least implement a switch to turn them on if desired. This could make for some hysterical gameplay moments.

3. I'm not sure if this is even being realistic but how bout a Scarab or two on this map?
Dax01 said:
K. I get a game of Highlands BTB Slayer. The game starts...

*runs for the Pro Pipe*
*attempts to run back to base, but gets sniped from all the way across the map*
*spawns at blue base, gets killed by blue guy with rockets*
*spawns back at red base, gets sniped from all the way across the map*

Highlands needs to be fixed ASAP. It's probably my favorite map if it weren't for the weapon spawns and placement.
Yeah I think the sniper needs to be removed- at both bases.


Zeouterlimits said:
Rooster Teeth continue to push the boundaries.
Season 8 was arguably the best season, Monty's addition really gave the series a new life.
No, I meant story-wise. It's almost as if there's too much going on now and since I haven't followed RvB since the Halo 2 days I don't get any of it. :/


7echnicolor said:
Yeah I think the sniper needs to be removed- at both bases.
343 should make the sniper rifles in Highlands spawn into mancannons that fling them in an unpredictable pattern into some place around the middle of the map. You want to snipe? You better expose yourself too while you look for the rifle you motherfucker.


Mizzou Gaming said:
Its nice isn't it.

Only a few things I'd like to change about:

1. Add a Ghost or Revenant for the Score Attack games. While were on the topic, I'm not being reaIistic here but I think it would be unbelieveably fun to have a Chopper available too. It gives me a chub just think about it.

2. The conveyer tracks on the upper levels should be moving or at least implement a switch to turn them on if desired. This could make for some hysterical gameplay moments.

3. I'm not sure if this is even being realistic but how bout a Scarab or two on this map?
Yeah, it needs a single-player vehicle. And I was saddened the convener belt wasn't moving, that would have been awesome.

I still do a double take every time I'm about to get mauled by 2-3 Elites at a time. I'm so used to dealing with one at a time during normal waves. What I appreciate about Unearthed is it's actually hard to survive; it's a steady challenge.

Did video rendering for the maps get turned off or something? The two clips I took from last night on Unearthed won't render - still in progress - even though the ones from Highlands worked as normal.
Letters said:
343 should make the sniper rifles in Highlands spawn into mancannons that fling them in an unpredictable pattern into some place around the middle of the map. You want to snipe? You better expose yourself too while you look for the rifle you motherfucker.
I approve of this idea.


Letters said:
343 should make the sniper rifles in Highlands spawn into mancannons that fling them in an unpredictable pattern into some place around the middle of the map. You want to snipe? You better expose yourself too while you look for the rifle you motherfucker.
This has made me wonder if ordnance drops in multiplayer would work. It's not for this, game, but it's a nice design idea - at least in concept.


It's mainly a matter of it being too easy to defend bases. When I first played the map it was glorious. The CTF pick up and extraction flowed really well, unlike most CTF maps where the flag is in some goddamn fortress or you have to walk it across an open field.

But then people found the rockets and sniper...

Put sniper somewhere else in the bases, NOTHING on flag tower.
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