urk said:Every sequel has been met with polarized opinions. It's easy to forget the wash left by SMG starts, dual wielding, or the Battle Rifle's bullet spread (or Sword lunging, or melee changes, or vehicle damage models, or newly introduced weapons and equipment, or even the various changes to just a single weapon - hello, magnum), but they're there and plenty of people were, and still are, really, really mad (SO MAD!) about each and every incremental alteration. Some of them even stormed off and started up websites devoted to slamming the sandbox changes from one title to the next until they ran out of steam and megabytes. Nature of the beast.
(Oh, and by my quick and dirty count, 28 of the names on the Halo: CE credits list are still present and accounted for, 44 from Halo 2, and about 80 from Halo 3. For Halo: Reach, I'd be better off counting who's left since I'd be counting single digits.)
A27 Tawpgun said:That sounds good.
Here's the thing, we all might bitch about how Halo 3 was so much better, but the reason we don't play it (my reason too) is because it got old after 3 years. I too felt they needed to change up the formulas, and I thought AA's were a decent idea on paper but I really don't like the way they were implemented.
That being said,
All of Halo 2> Halo 3/Reach
First Year or Two of Halo 3 > Reach
Reach > Halo 3 right now.
If that makes sense. Honestly, I never realized how bad the BR spread was until I played Halo 3 again.
Striker said:Outside Halo 3's spiker, I can't think of a more useless gun (Halo 3 AR). What a piece of shit.
urk said:Not his is left, but who has. Contraction fail.![]()
:lol Looks like you'll have to wait until the next Halo game comes out before this happens, haha. For me, there's little more gratifying in gaming than pistoling someone to death as they charge in with the AR. Delicious.A27_StarWolf said:...
What do you guys say? Can we talk about the great things about this game for a little while?
urk said:Every sequel has been met with polarized opinions. It's easy to forget the wash left by SMG starts, dual wielding, or the Battle Rifle's bullet spread (or Sword lunging, or melee changes, or vehicle damage models, or newly introduced weapons and equipment, or even the various changes to just a single weapon - hello, magnum), but they're there and plenty of people were, and still are, really, really mad (SO MAD!) about each and every incremental alteration. Some of them even stormed off and started up websites devoted to slamming the sandbox changes from one title to the next until they ran out of steam and megabytes. Nature of the beast.
What server and maps?Hitmonchan107 said:I'm playing Halo: Custom Edition if anyone would like to join me.
A27_StarWolf said:You know what lets talk about what Reach has done that has made you happy:
-Awesome Forge mode to keep me happy until the end of days
-Firefight experience that trumps Nazi Zombies or Horde
-A memorable, epic campaign.
-Best Music Since Halo 2, and some of them, dare I say, BETTER
-For the most part (not talking about bloom) the weapons are amazing in this game and I love them all.
-more spartan armor
What do you guys say? Can we talk about the great things about this game for a little while?
MrBig said:What server and maps?
Sorry, Randall Glass' vid is way better than that.Devin Olsen said:
A27 Tawpgun said:Forge is better... and yet, I had more fun in customs in Halo 3. Perhaps it was just the newest thing there or something... but I also still long for Foundation Zombies, Tower of Power (was the turret on Pinnacle issue ever fixed?) But the lack of physics based objects killed a LOT of the customs in Reach. Not to mention lack of Alpha Zombie, VIP, ect. We got some nice cool ones, but nothing like the fun I had in Halo 3 customs yet. But the game is still young.
Never played Nazi Zombies, and I will say, when there's no lag, Firefight is the best holdout mode I've played rivaled only by Bulletstorm with a good team. But its too hard to find one of those... (TUNAVI WE HAVE TO GET THE 50k ACHIEVEMENT) But since there is lag a lot of the times, I'll say right now that Horde is better. I had a lot of fun on Horde and it NEVER lagged. Same thing I complained about ODST. I would REALLY love Firefight if they did something about the netcode.
It was better than Halo 3's. Halo 2 still has best Halo campaign. I'll fight anyone that says otherwise (CE gets close 2nd)
Most of Halo 2's songs are still more memorable. Reach was pretty good I guess. Once again, better than Halo 3's.
Best weapons since Halo CE's sandbox. But the bloom really makes the precision ones annoying. Not to mention the sandbox killed BTB.
Was I the only one disappointed with the Armor in Reach? I felt they kind of dropped the ball here. Many of the chests are boring and look the same, same goes for a lot of the other pieces. Most of the shoulders are ugly as hell too.
There's my retort.
What can I say, it set the standard for fun.A27_StarWolf said:tl;dr You love halo2
What is that exactly?Kibbles said:Got the LASO challenge, woo! That Save and Quit thing really helped.
I severely miss the old Juices...xxjuicesxx said:Yea I haven't had a smooth Firefight game since I stopped getting host after the second week of Reach.
and campaign is just a vacation break.
Its all about testing your skills, knowledge, and experience against other humans, competitively. Thats what keeps Halo alive, like any game/sport.
No, there was nothing broken with Halo:CE. And anyone who didn't like the pistol, they are the ones who should be playing a different game. There was a balance in Halo:CE that none of the subsequent Halo games have had.op_ivy said:yup. i think a lot of people have rose tinted glasses when it comes to the other games. reach isnt perfect, but it has fixed a lot of the issues in past halo games, and introduced a new set of issues. that is what each halo has done --- fix the broken stuff from a previous game and introduce new stuff, some of which is destined to be seen as broken in the future.
You and I should be friends. Where's Apollonia?Lake Minnetonka said:Lake Minnetonka
Lol.Deputy Moonman said:I just played 3 consecutive games where I had my ass handed to me because, yet again, it was people running around with the assault rifle and power weapons just ripping me a new one. There is no balance in that and I'm sick of it. Bloom means pacing shots when there is absolutely no time for it in Reach.
Probably common knowledge for everyone else but when I had difficulties because you have to restart the mission everytime you die someone here said you can just go to "Save & Quit" when you die and then Resume Campaign and you'll start at the last checkpoint. I did not think of that, and it totally made things easier.Hydranockz said:What is that exactly?
I like bloom and the effect it has on Firefight and Campaign. But I don't like the effect it has on Multiplayer, and it's the only mechanic I've been split on like that. Usually I critique the impact of a decision on the game entire. I've gotten used to it, mind you. But I still find it frustrates more than anything.op_ivy said:i like:
- the weapons, all of them (magnum owns, even if i preferred a larger clip)
- sprinting
- forge
- firefight (unearthed is amazing)
- campaign
- the bloom (yes, unpopular as it may be!)
Domino Theory said:Very glad to see some nice discussion going on in here for 343's first Halo title. Ellis told me during the GDC event that they really care about these types of discussions and take them seriously even if no one from 343 responds to them (although it's obvious why). Continuing to give your thoughts in a mature manner will make things better, in my opinion.
And @Tashi: I consider Halo's core gameplay to be the fast and smooth transition between weapons, grenades and melee as well as the simple functions that each of these factors represent.
In Halo, when you pick up a weapon, you know exactly what to do and can transition between no weapon and no firefight to having a weapon and getting into a firefight because the game communicates that to you since you don't have to worry about iron sights, different fancy scopes, varying bullet damage because of a perk or attachment and whether or not your opponent has a flak jacket that allows them to take extra damage.
With melee, the game communicated common sense to the player in that if you did X amount of damage, you could kill your opponent with one melee, and rightfully so, because it makes sense. Halo 3 still harped on this but magnified it by allowing one melee to take out ALL of your shields. I believe that the Halo 3 Beta perfected Halo's melee system: one melee takes out half of your shields, two melees killed you.
With grenades, you always knew that as soon as a grenade bounced off of or on to something, it exploded and the game, once again, communicated common sense to you that the higher you aim your grenade, the farther it will go up to a certain point in which case it would start to land closer and closer to you when you reach the maximum height for aiming.
Then came Halo: Reach which stripped all of these and took a huge step backwards. Guns deal less damage (to think that Spartan IIIs are cheaper and weaker than Spartan IIs yet take more shots to kill just shows how absurd these changes were), melee can take out your entire shields or a fraction of your shields, grenades take 0.8 something seconds longer to blow up and deal more damage, bloom is introduced which slows down gunplay too much while you can get into simultaneous [insert every possible scenario imaginable here] kills.
Too many layers have been added on top of Halo's sandbox.
Not to mention that you're slower, can't jump as high as you used to and have gone back to using health packs. Really? It's 2011 and you want to have slow gunplay, slow movement, slow health/shield recharging and health packs? It works in this generation and previous generations for games like Battlefield and Left 4 Dead because that's how those games were BUILT FROM THE BEGINNING. It's part of what defines those franchises (yes I know health packs were in CE; which was 10 years ago).
That's my 2 cents. If you managed to read this far then know that I bought 2 more Defiant MP codes today. They go to GAFfers first and then what's left goes to my second home, HBO.
I didn't quite understand that first paragraph I quoted. If you could elaborate, please do. I agree with the rest of your post too it should be noted.Domino Theory said:With grenades, you always knew that as soon as a grenade bounced off of or on to something, it exploded and the game, once again, communicated common sense to you that the higher you aim your grenade, the farther it will go up to a certain point in which case it would start to land closer and closer to you when you reach the maximum height for aiming.
Then came Halo: Reach which stripped all of these and took a huge step backwards. Guns deal less damage (to think that Spartan IIIs are cheaper and weaker than Spartan IIs yet take more shots to kill just shows how absurd these changes were), melee can take out your entire shields or a fraction of your shields, grenades take 0.8 something seconds longer to blow up and deal more damage, bloom is introduced which slows down gunplay too much while you can get into simultaneous [insert every possible scenario imaginable here] kills.
Ironic. I kept on using and coming back to each base picking up fresh ones cause no one was using it. I was killing people like crazy. I mainly used it to disorient people and soften them up before going for the needle headshot. I went 32:2neoism said:I played Elite slayer this morning on it. No one used the focus rifles, because they suck. :/
Kuroyume said:What's wrong with the no melee thing? It makes a ton of sense.
Not really going to bother arguing why since it's not going to happen but at the very least I would be happy if they removed the lunge. That's just complete crap. If I'm doing pretty good and shooting the crap out of you then you shouldn't be able to make a last desperation lunge to knock the life out of me. If you want to melee then get very close. Walk over. When I think of a good melee system I think of KZ2. It's melee system was so damn retarded that you would rarely use it. It had no lunge or automatic animations or any of that nonsense. You basically had to be kissing someone to kill them. That's the way it should be in the next Halo. Let the gun battles flow well without this melee nonsense disrupting the gameplay.
Hydranockz said:I didn't quite understand that first paragraph I quoted. If you could elaborate, please do. I agree with the rest of your post too it should be noted.
Until that second paragraph. While the majority of it is well founded and true for the most part, I really don't undertand how bloom slows the game down. The way I see it is this, Halo 3's gunplay was like driving a car at 100mph. You could not go faster than that but you could go slower. I feel that Reach lets you push around 120mph except that after 90, shit starts getting too hot to handle. I guess if you take stable RoFs along with spamming the trigger in Reach you can imagine why I thought of those figures. I think that the added 'danger zone' as it wre that bloom adds is a good addition to the game.
But eventually you got used to it, and figured it out. The addition of the lunge simplified the melee's use, and now you have people in Reach who almost rely upon it.A27_StarWolf said:I remember Halo CE on the PC, it had no lunge. It was so awkward.
Hydranockz said:I didn't quite understand that first paragraph I quoted. If you could elaborate, please do. I agree with the rest of your post too it should be noted.
Until that second paragraph. While the majority of it is well founded and true for the most part, I really don't undertand how bloom slows the game down. The way I see it is this, Halo 3's gunplay was like driving a car at 100mph. You could not go faster than that but you could go slower. I feel that Reach lets you push around 120mph except that after 90, shit starts getting too hot to handle. I guess if you take stable RoFs along with spamming the trigger in Reach you can imagine why I thought of those figures. I think that the added 'danger zone' as it wre that bloom adds is a good addition to the game.
You know, this is something I never noticed until you pointed it out. Without that mechanic, the two weapon system doesn't hold as much weight.GhaleonEB said:My hope for the next Halo game from 343i is that they go back to leveraging the two-weapon carry limit to impact the game, and not supply us with the right weapons at the right times in every instance. I want to have to make agonizing decisions that alter how encounters play out again.
I remember when I lurked Brian Jarrard posted here fairly frequently. What happened to him?Lazslo said:Speaking of Bungie Folk- We haven't heard or seen much of Mr. Joe Staten at all since ODST shipped in 2009, I guess it's safe to say he's been one of main dudes hard at work on the Story aspects of TNBT. Ugh, Just tell me what it is already- I won't tell anyone
That's because of Halo PC's terrible netcode. (which actually turned it into a skill, lol)A27_StarWolf said:I remember Halo CE on the PC, it had no lunge. It was so awkward.
Fair point, but I always thought the risk/reward element was a good mechanic in Halo. Sure you can stick to a safe 90. Or you take the risk of going faster and you either spin out and have the dude going at 90 calmly drive by or else you nudge ahead and win the duel. I like that personally.Domino Theory said:To go along your analogy, I prefer to stay at a constant and stable 100mph than to have the risk of crashing drastically increase after I hit 90mph, but that's personal preference.
343 can have it so that there's no bloom, Halo: Reach Beta recoil and the addition of bullets disappearing after a certain amount of range for every weapon so that we have that freedom for the RoF. That's something I'd be happy with. I'm sure they're experimenting with it right now.
IT isn't that bad. In fact Reach has the best melee system in the series. The lunge is the best also(As in not that bad).. H2 was the worst the 3s. I haven't noticed it at all. Hell even the sword lunge isn't as bad as H2's.Trasher said:But eventually you got used to it, and figured it out. The addition of the lunge simplified the melee's use, and now you have people in Reach who almost rely upon it.
BADASS Kibbles... lol at the last pic!Kibbles said:Epic flag run - http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=15620013&player=xI Ace xI
Would've been better if the warthog actually had a gunner, since I'm sure we could've taken him out were he to make it to us, but it was still pretty crazy in the heat of the moment.
Here's a bastardized picture version I made quickly.
We basically repeated the mongoose flag runs, this was the 2nd of 3. The first was just a good chunk into the game, I was sick of no flags being taken and decided to a take a run myself, was picked up by my buddy for a swift capture. Then the final one, which was delayed a bit because we ended up dying, we just took out some guys at the base and made another speedy flag delivery.
Well, really, Halo 3's melee system was pretty bad itself. Simultaneous melee, or whoever has more health, even if you hit first, wins. Halo 2 had the large lunch factor, but at least it dealt with power pending how you hit them, i.e. jumping, falling, standing still, moving, etc. I rather have that factor than anything else moving forward. Reach's current system is flawed as well due to the melee damage, which would be sufficed by being weaker, as they're trying to implement into the Classic playlist.Trasher said:But eventually you got used to it, and figured it out. The addition of the lunge simplified the melee's use, and now you have people in Reach who almost rely upon it.
Dax01 said:Campaign wise, I hope 343 continues to follow the design philosophy of having a single level constructed around one objective.
Hydranockz said:Bloom is by far a better mechanic than using recoil or no bloom at all. No bloom would break most weapons as seen in that mod video from a while back. So without bloom I can only hope there would be some kind of strict RoF like that of the BR minus the bullet spread. Is that really the game you guys want? Halo 3 will forever burn the sound of the BR into my brain. I like how adaptive te use of bloom can be on the situation. If a dude is close to you, you spam the first few shots to the body and settle for the headshot at the end. You take your time at distance. There, you are now able to combat AR spam (without grenades/melee/AAs getting involved).
Rendered. But this still reigns supreme.Kibbles said:Epic flag run - http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Reach/FileDetails.aspx?fid=15620013&player=xI Ace xI
Would've been better if the warthog actually had a gunner, since I'm sure we could've taken him out were he to make it to us, but it was still pretty crazy in the heat of the moment.
Here's a bastardized picture version I made quickly.
We basically repeated the mongoose flag runs, this was the 2nd of 3. The first was just a good chunk into the game, I was sick of no flags being taken and decided to a take a run myself, was picked up by my buddy for a swift capture. Then the final one, which was delayed a bit because we ended up dying, we just took out some guys at the base and made another speedy flag delivery.
What's the DMR in your mind so? It is an all around versatile weapon. Difficult to master yet effective enough at most ranges.thee henery said:Yes...
tl:dr please put a hard to use yet effective utility weapon in the next Halo
Awesome, thanks! Yeah, in no way did I think that would go down in history or anything, just thought it was sweet. Holy shit at that video O_OA27 Tawpgun said: