Worst fucking checkpoints (lack thereof) EVER.Plywood said:Huge thanks to Barrow Roll for doing the LASO run with me.
From me, too! Happy Birthday! Hail to the Firefight King!Gui_PT said:Happy Bday Ghaleon
Vehicles were just right in Halo 3. Maps had tons of ways to take them down. On Standoff you have plasma pistols, power drains, machine gun turrets, plasma grenades, regular frags for flipping and my personal favorite, the Brute Shot. In BTB I'd usually take it upon myself to destroy Warthogs because my team would go into a panic and now know how, it just depends on the map. (Rat's Nest? Stickies from the hallways.) Shoot me the video and I'll find ten places the 'Hog could have been destroyed.xxjuicesxx said:Ughh now that I remember H3... I'm 100% satisfied with the fact vehicles die easier in Reach. Fucking FOURTY THREE warthog kills. Thats all that needs to be said you can't kill vehicles in Halo 3! the weapons don't do anything to them...its basically pointless to shoot at them and they can just sit from afar and rape all game, especially if the one vehicle stopping weapon was taken.
I wasn't one of those people and I can tell you that it was pretty easy to take out a Warthog.Kuroyume said:You're just being silly. They're just right to you because you're probably one of those guys who jumped in one right away at the start of every match and just ruined people enjoyment of the game.
It only took two sticky grenades to kill the occupants in a Warthog. It was easy to flip a Warthog (as long as you had grenades or a Brute shot, etc) once it was standing still from a PP or an energy drainer.Grenades do nothing. I've written stories on here abck in the Halo 3 thread seeing warthogs take streams of plasma and regular grenades only to see them just flip around and continue going. The damn Warthog basically has to be idle for you to destroy it with grenades and it will still take more than a few.
It only took two sticky grenades to kill the occupants of a Warthog.Deputy Moonman said:I remember using stickies in Halo3 and more often than not they were completely ineffective on vehicles. One sticky almost never did anything, and sometimes even two stickies were not enough. But I was always dead after the first thrown sticky whether it hit or missed, so that method was usually not worth the effort.
Trasher said:Nah, we didn't run any customs. Around nine of us randomly decided to get on though and play a few matchmaking games.
bobs99 ... said:Also... Lake's posts seem to be getting more incoherent as time goes on, he actually started off with quite legible posts. Is this a joke or are we are witnessing his spiral into insanity?
bobs99 ... said:Also... Lake's posts seem to be getting more incoherent as time goes on, he actually started off with quite legible posts. Is this a joke or are we are witnessing his spiral into insanity?
If you're on now I'll get on for some Defiant. Or Halo 3.Alienshogun said:Juices, Gui, anyone not Dax really. I bought the maps last night, but got Wifetaculared. I'll be on sometime today to play some if you're on.
That's really the only video that's been linked for the LASO reallyDeputy Moonman said:You guys have probably linked a ton of these videos before, but I am only just now checking stuff like this out. This guy is crazy. I can't even imagine how long it took for him to perfect the route and everything before being able to do it consistently.
Tip of the Spear LASO
Alienshogun said:Juices, Gui, anyone not Dax really. I bought the maps last night, but got Wifetaculared. I'll be on sometime today to play some if you're on.
Gui_PT said:Out for a jog and some exercise.
I'll be back later
MrBig said:If you're on now I'll get on for some Defiant. Or Halo 3.
Alienshogun said:Got mine in yesterday, back and shoulders. Unfortunately I didn't warm up properly and now my back is sore as hell.
Oh well, at least I get a day off, well, when I'm not continuing to fill out these police background checks.
I'm about to get on, but be warned, I haven't played in a LONG time.
I'd be willing to play Halo 3 again.MrBig said:If you're on now I'll get on for some Defiant. Or Halo 3.
Alienshogun said:Juices, Gui, anyone not Dax really. I bought the maps last night, but got Wifetaculared. I'll be on sometime today to play some if you're on.
GhaleonEB said:Vehicles were just right in Halo 3. Maps had tons of ways to take them down. On Standoff you have plasma pistols, power drains, machine gun turrets, plasma grenades, regular frags for flipping and my personal favorite, the Brute Shot. In BTB I'd usually take it upon myself to destroy Warthogs because my team would go into a panic and now know how, it just depends on the map. (Rat's Nest? Stickies from the hallways.) Shoot me the video and I'll find ten places the 'Hog could have been destroyed.
(The spawns on Standoff, though, were horrifying.)
Edit: thanks guys.![]()
bobs99 ... said:Pffft, just link them to your bungie.net medals page, that should prove your qualifications. I might jump on too if theres space.
By the way, that hate towards dax was outta line man
xxjuicesxx said:Happy Birthday!
No vehicles were absolutely wrong in Halo 3. I've always hated vehicles but never as much as in Halo 3, at least in Reach my DMR (the go to weapon for good kids) does damage towards it and will eventually blow it up especially if teamed up on by multiple deemers.
But you are saying there are so many ways to take down those but EVERYTHING you listed doesn't work at a moderate range that a skilled warthog keeps itself at. Really the machine gun turret??? You couldn't even get out of the base long enough to get on that thing because once the warthog is terrorizing outside it becomes that much easier for the other players to lock down the middle of the map and terrorize anyone leaving the base...thats how Standoff works.
No offense but if 7 players who basically have obtained level 50s in Halo 3 can't take down a warthog there is something wrong with them...All experienced players unable to take a warthog down...I got one down with rockets at a point, but within 10 seconds there was another one up, it was demoralizing and unbalanced.
I honestly don't get how anyone could think of that as perfect. Seriously you are blowing my thoughtsicles.
Wow I thought he was only 40...Dani said:Happy Birthday Ghaleon. You're, what? 60 Now?
bobs99 ... said:To be fair there are plenty of people who think vehicle combat is a staple of Halo gameplay. I personally prefered being on foot and using a BR unless a Banshee was handy, but the notion that vehicles should suck makes me laugh.
Alienshogun said:Hate toward dax is never out of line.
Also, I don't need bungie.net medals, I have my own medals!
P.S get on!
bobs99 ... said:To be fair there are plenty of people who think vehicle combat is a staple of Halo gameplay.
bobs99 ... said:I would love to, but the clocks changing has literally caused my xbox (and laptop) to stop working, wtf this isnt the millennium bug is it? I thought we dealt with that like 11 years ago.![]()
Kuroyume said:Those people are wrong. Vehicles not vehicular combat is a staple of Halo gameplay. Getting in a vehicle and being able to use it to get around a map quickly seems like a perfectly fine thing to me. Getting a few kills with one seem like a perfectly fine thing also if that is what they mean by vehicular combat. Getting in a vehicle and staying in it for almost an entire match and just wiping everything out seems like overkill. It's obvious that vehicles in Reach were designed as a response this. Of course they also got an obsession during development with making things really explosive from grenades to FRC/tank shots so the Banshee and Tank feel very overpowered. Just gives us vehicles that handle well, can be destroyed easily with something like lock on rockets rather than a laser, and aren't overpowered with their attack options.
- Remove the FRC from the Banshee
- Improve handling of all the vehicles (more like H2/H3 rather than Reach)
- Halo 2 level health for the vehicles
- Halo 2 level firepower damage for the vehicles
- Get rid of the laser and bring back lock on Rockets
There was nothing wrong with the vehicular gameplay in Halo 2. I don't understand why they bothered to change it. Even though I preferred being on foot I didn't hate vehicles in that game. I don't ever recall bitching about them there, but I've done plenty of that in regards to Halo 3 and Reach.
Yet in Reach not even skilled drivers/gunners can escape DMR fire.... I liked the slightly OP vehicles in H3 better than the paper mache ones in Reach.Dani said:I can't believe I almost fully agree with you.
Killing streaks with vehicles should be a testament to the skill of the driver and/or gunner, not because the vehicles are too powerful or easily exploitable.
Oh yeah. There should be a warning, when you start Reach the first time with the Defiant MapPackrandomlyrossy said:Thanks to my crazily generous and awesome friend I now have a lovely new 250GB Slim 360 (he bought it, and I've to pay him back when I comfortably can). This means that I can actually play Halo Reach again! Old 360 had stopped reading Halo Reach discs specifically and was locking up alot randomly too so I was in need of a new one.
Played a little on 2 of the Defiant maps, couple of firefights which was pretty fun. Had a big team battle on Highlands, really enjoyed that map for whatever reason I really liked the uneven terrain. I got killed at least 5 times while staring at the skybox though![]()
We've got a btb party going nowRaide said:Any customs going on later?
MrBig said:We've got a btb party going now
e: everyone bailed because they're BKs
I can only speak from my experience, as you can. I spent 75% of my Halo 3 games in BTB, because I love vehicular play. So from the starting point, we've got different mind sets about vehicles, which probably plays into this.xxjuicesxx said:But...
No, vehicles were absolutely wrong in Halo 3. I've always hated vehicles but never as much as in Halo 3, at least in Reach my DMR (the go to weapon for good kids) does damage towards it and will eventually blow it up especially if teamed up on by multiple deemers.
Yeah. While I'm all for a pretty skybox, I feel like there's been this escalation of arms when it comes to making pretty ones, at the cost of frame rate. Slowdown in multiplayer is totally unacceptable, and it's sort of shocking to me that maps like Tempest and Unearthed have them even when nothing is going on. The priorities are out of whack a bit. Forge World is another example: way too much space and resources wasted making it pretty, when that gets in the way of functionality big time. My current map has several thousand dollars in budget left over and is spread over a huge area, but there's slowdown and flicker on it. There shouldn't be.xxjuicesxx said:While I'm busy playing the game at a mediocre sub par framerate I can at least take solace in the fact theres a pretty skybox up there. Thanks for that, really!