Brolic Gaoler
formerly Alienshogun
Hey You said:"That" or do you mean "it"?
The "it" I'm pretty sure is Mobile BNet. No idea what your talking about when you say "that".
Yeah, "it" was "that" but do we know for sure that "that" was "it?"
Hey You said:"That" or do you mean "it"?
The "it" I'm pretty sure is Mobile BNet. No idea what your talking about when you say "that".
Booties said:Today is super halo sunday. All halo, all day (except during the eagles game). Hit me up, I'll be playing fable until I get a party going.
I'm baking fudge brownies with a bit of peanut butter mixed in. Can I join in?kylej said:I am on too. Please join us for this special occasion. It's BYOB and we'll have some catering but feel free to bring a dessert. RSVP as soon as possible by sending "jelyk" a message. Thank you!
kylej said:I am on too. Please join us for this special occasion. It's BYOB and we'll have some catering but feel free to bring a dessert. RSVP as soon as possible by sending "jelyk" a message. Thank you!
Dani said:Xbox, Live and Halo made #13 in C4's Top 100 Toys list. <3
I'd rather let Urk fishhook my butthole than have to sit through a couple hours of Jonathan Ross.Dani said:Xbox, Live and Halo made #13 in C4's Top 100 Toys list. <3
haha yeah, I also like plugging and unplugging usb devices ->xxjuicesxx said:lol I was using the Halo Win7 theme and I just deleted my recycle bin and the plasma grenade sound went off, it was awesome.
Oh gosh I can't stand that playlist anymore. It used to be great back when no one knew what they are doing. Now if you go in there alone at my true skill level you just end up getting camped and then camping the other team and nobody ever advances. That or some party fags will come in and teamshoot everyone.The Antitype said:Invasion
MrBig said:Oh gosh I can't stand that playlist anymore. It used to be great back when no one knew what they are doing. Now if you go in there alone at my true skill level you just end up getting camped and then camping the other team and nobody ever advances. That or some party fags will come in and teamshoot everyone.
It was fun while it lasted.
e: There's probably not going to be any customs until January is there?
Organizing them at a forum is the only way that I ever play them in reach. Nobody ever gets a large party going like me and everyone else did throughout the entire lifespan of H3.
MrBig said:party fags
Fuck that game.Tashi0106 said:Anyone see the Giants Eagles game? I'm so hurt right now. I might have to hop on Halo to beat up on some kids to make myself feel better.
GhaleonEB said:Good games, Merg. You're a beast with the shotgun.
That game with just the two of us on Corvette was nuts. I got both the Firefight Challenges in it, for an 8,700 cR total payout. Felt good.
Dude, it's the same price as a one second video. It's only 57 seconds longGui_PT said:Ok, I just betrayed a guy 50 seconds after throwing a couple of grenades.
After watching what happened in theater, I saw this happened.
I'm not asking for someone to render it because it's almost a minute long, but if on your 360, give it a look :lol
Hydranockz said:Dude, it's the same price as a one second video. It's only 57 seconds long![]()
Speaking for myself, I have no problem spending minutes on (good) renders from anyone here. And that one was hilarious. Dude goes up the lift and gets pasted by three stickies. :lolGui_PT said:Yeah, but I've asked for enough renders
GhaleonEB said:Speaking for myself, I have no problem spending minutes on (good) renders from anyone here. And that one was hilarious. Dude goes up the lift and gets pasted by three stickies. :lol said:Was playing Winter Contingency, and found a new small area. When you're defending Kat while she's trying to splice her way into the relay outpost, there's a walkway you can get to by using the stairs at the back, and once there, there's an armor lock lying there. Pretty sweet.
Meh. Doesn't matter.Domino Theory said:
They also re-used that area in breakpoint in the defensive base at the plasma launcher spawn.Dax01 said:Meh. Doesn't matter.
MrBig said:They also re-used that area in breakpoint in the defensive base at the plasma launcher spawn.
xxjuicesxx said:I need more people to get on here. I have like 3 or 3 hours left to rage on this game.
That's what was going through my mind when I found it. The two places are very similar.MrBig said:They also re-used that area in breakpoint in the defensive base at the plasma launcher spawn.
Now look who's LTTP.:lolDomino Theory said:Wait what? This is news to me.
xxjuicesxx said:
Alienshogun said::lol :lol
That match was awesome, wraith taxi to win town. :lol
Devolution said:Anyone gonna play tonight? I'm in the mood to blast people away.
I'll probably hop on within the next half hour. Haven't had any good Halo in a few days.Devolution said:Anyone gonna play tonight? I'm in the mood to blast people away.
xxjuicesxx said:-My head exploding during voting process
-Me pinging dudes across map while everyone else did work
-Riding the core on the wraigh had me cracking up
-Nobody in MLG times rockets, thanks for the free power weapons!
-Extermination without an overkill
Alienshogun said:KyleJ had me dying, "OMG ____ is fat," whenever he saw a Hero or above. :lol
I think he said he's rendering that Wraith clip.
GhaleonEB said:Going into the Firefight playlist and getting Rocketfight or Sniperfight is like going into Team Slayer and getting Griffball as the most voted option. They should not be in the same playlist.
I really want to play Firefight. But I can't.![]()
CrazedArabMan said:It's official Armor Lock can go kill itself, can't even enjoy a game of Multi-team without 80% of the people abusing it because they don't know how to play the game without it. Save Me Button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
GhaleonEB said:Going into the Firefight playlist and getting Rocketfight or Sniperfight is like going into Team Slayer and getting Griffball as the most voted option. They should not be in the same playlist.
I really want to play Firefight. But I can't.![]()
CrazedArabMan said:It's official Armor Lock can go kill itself, can't even enjoy a game of Multi-team without 80% of the people abusing it because they don't know how to play the game without it. Save Me Button!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!