I only have about 300kills.
squidhands said:Pinnacle just needs to be retired. I played some SWAT magnums on it yesterday (great gametype, BTW), and it was just no fun in the slightest. Everyone just stayed on the edges of the map and waited for idiots to run up to them. I think I prefer playing The Cage to Pinnacle. The Cage may be crap, but at least it's new crap; not some rehashed version of a map I barely enjoyed in Halo 2. I don't quit out on games, but when Pinnacle is voted on every damned time it comes up I have to say that I can't really blame people who do.
Dani said:Think about this. You've just spent $10 on new maps and so have your friends. You want o play these new maps and get as much value out of your purchase as possible during the first few weeks.
You boot up Reach and see your friends online playing Reach and join them. You now have the option of playing on the new maps exclusively for the evening - with a wide variety of gametypes with slayer and objective variants supported and a larger than normal party size.
Who in the right mind would ignore this option and say to their friends that they'd rather play on Spire and Boneyard?
If any one of the folks on my Friend's List suggested this, they have have a verbal kick up the arse.
If you really want to play Invasion: Breakpoint, gather a big as party as possible and head into Invasion and you'll get it. If you don't have that many friends, get your friends to invite their friends until you have a big enough party.
Either that or play in the DLC playlist like most other folks who have purchased the maps are doing and have some fun.
Alternatively - come to HaloGAF Customs on Saturday evening. We'll be running Invasion: Breakpoint fo' sure.
BlueScrote said:I don't get the hate for the cage. It may not be the best map, but its a hell of a lot better than pinnacle.and asylum
BlueScrote said:I don't get the hate for the cage. It may not be the best map, but its a hell of a lot better than pinnacle.and asylum
electricpirate said:You could get the laser one in firefight couldn't you?
That makes sense for the infinite drop ships...as for the laser it is listed as a campaign medal...xxjuicesxx said:One level where you storm the beach has an infinite loop of dropships keep stealing their weapons and waste a lot of time?
I don't think you can get the Spartan Laser one, maybe on Paradiso BTB...
electricpirate said:Holy Blasphemy batman!
They should put the banshee back on pinnacle, with two snipers and a lock on rocket that shit would go down.
Then again, once one team gets 2 snipers, rockets, and a banshee, you are MEGA FUCKED.
aesop said:Better than Asylum? What are you smoking?
I can't go that far with you, man. :lol I do love Asylum, even if I haven't been able to play it yet in MM. Pinnacle and Ascension are the poorest asymmetrical offerings that's been produced in Halo IMO. There are really only a couple of spots apart from the insta-death middle that allow for any strafing room. Everything else is entirely too linear for my personal combat tastes. It's basically a triangle with a circle in the middle of it. Unless you like having your shields dropped immediately, you'll always stay on the fringes of the triangle, eliminating a large part of the map's use. I think it's pretty safe to say that if this design were thought up by some random forger, it would go virtually unnoticed.BlueScrote said:I don't get the hate for the cage. It may not be the best map, but its a hell of a lot better than pinnacle.and asylum
Jinjo said:Finally got Invasion on Breakpoint (and my achievement). :lol
squidhands said:I can't go that far with you, man. :lol I do love Asylum, even if I haven't been able to play it yet in MM. Pinnacle and Ascension are the poorest asymmetrical offerings that's been produced in Halo IMO. There are really only a couple of spots apart from the insta-death middle that allow for any strafing room. Everything else is entirely too linear for my personal combat tastes. It's basically a triangle with a circle in the middle of it. Unless you like having your shields dropped immediately, you'll always stay on the fringes of the triangle, eliminating a large part of the map's use. I think it's pretty safe to say that if this design were thought up by some random forger, it would go virtually unnoticed.
The Cage suffers from a similar problem as Pinnacle, but at least it's sort of fun to learn the nuances of the map. A lot of my issues with The Cage (apart from the weird spawns) could be alleviated if the Bridge, XL's were flipped upside down and doubled in width. I remember way back with urk's Incompetent Cartographer, being told that his map didn't have enough "dance floor" but The Cage has the exact same problem. Too many lengthy, narrow pathways that connect to too few platform areas.
Raide said:
Dani said:Single Wield - 1250cR
Earn {requird_count} kills with small arms weapons in multiplayer Matchmaking.
More than a Handful - 1250cR
Kill 125 enemies in multiplayer Matchmaking.
Vengeance Found - 1150cR
Earn your 'Revenge' in a multiplayer Matchmaking game.
Five-time Champ - 2750cR
Win 5 games in multiplayer Matchmaking.
And finally able to get that achievement, too!LosDaddie said:Great. I should be able to hit Lt. Colonel either tonight or tomorrow.
I'm at 80. w00t!Dax01 said:Hit 1,000 kills earlier today.![]()
What is the credit cap?Blue Ninja said:Spent a whole day I should've spent studying reaching Colonel. I've reached my goal. I'm only a few credits away from the credit cap, too, so I might as well call it a day.
Booties said:My favorite part is when you ogretwitched at the end.
Over what time period...one day?Blue Ninja said:I think it's 60.000 credits, but I'm not completely sure.
ShinAmano said:Over what time period...one day?
aesop said:I still don't understand why they felt the need to leave the banshee out of it. As you stated, there are plenty of counters for it.
Hmm...I know i cleared about 35k yesterday...was not aware there was a cap...electricpirate said:Yea, it's over a day. Not sure if that's a rolling 24 hours, or it's something that gets reset every night at a certain time.
Yeah, the fuel rod cannon on it is waaaay overpowered.Kuroyume said:BECAUSE IT'S RETARDED
The Banshee shouldn't be in multiplayer AT ALL as long as they keep the fuel rod cannon on it. Shit ruins Breakpoint.
The banshee didn't have the fuel rod in H2 MP iirc.aesop said:I still don't understand why they felt the need to leave the banshee out of it. As you stated, there are plenty of counters for it.
What makes it even more powerful is that it now locks on to vehicles, both in the air and on the ground. On one of my first games on Hemhorrage I thought I dodged an FRG round by banking my Mongoose out of its trajectory. I had this horrible sinking feeling when the round curved and took me out anyways.Zeouterlimits said:What I think Bungie should do, is remove the fuel rod and increase the plasma turret damage or speed.
Shake Appeal said:Overheard in Arena:
"Man, do we vote for Boardwalk or do we vote for Cage? Which is worse?"
"I voted for Boardwalk, I hate Cage."
"Haha, only one vote for Cage."
Shake Appeal said:Overheard in Arena:
"Man, do we vote for Boardwalk or do we vote for Cage? Which is worse?"
"I voted for Boardwalk, I hate Cage."
"Haha, only one vote for Cage."
Shake Appeal said:It is a little weird that the DMR is a consistently effective anti-vehicle weapon.
On the other hand, the vehicles would be so unbelievably dominant without that. I do like how the greatest enemy of the warthog is usually any bump or pothole on the ground rather than the other team.
Shake Appeal said:I'm on right now, but I don't wanna drag you down!
Edit: got my wings. Now the long climb to General.
7echnicolor said:I think the two banshees on Breakpoint are fine, 1 Flag CTF would be less interesting without them.
It's not like either team has an advantage, both teams are able to use one.
This. It's not as fun to drive as it was in Halo 3. The Warthog needs to be more grounded in its physics; less floaty.-Yeti said:I hate that so much. I can't even drive around on Hemorrhage without worrying about hitting a hill the wrong way and doing 10,000 barrel rolls (slight exaggeration).
Give me Halo 3 Warthog physics, and then I'll be in love.
Bregmann Roche said:I think it's already been pointed out here that one team spawns out in the open while the other spawns around a bunch of buildings that can provide cover. Personally I haven't had too many problems vs. Banshees on Breakpoint but that's probably because I haven't played against anybody that knows how to use them.
I generally expect less out of Breakpoint right now because it's not really supposed to be in a playlist that doesn't have Invasion in the title.
As for xbox live chatter: yesterday I played some Rumble pit and came in first. Got a message from some dude that finished like 4th or 5th that said "I lost because I was distracted by your mom". Please xbox live community, if you're going to send me taunting messages out of nowhere then at least be original.
P.S. My mom is a classy lady.
Edit: Juices, you can't really complain, H3llz W1ndstaff went 6 kills 6 deaths and 3 assists! That's perfectly reasonable for a second banana in a slayer game...Plus he spelled Hells with a 3! You don't find that sort of talent every day!
Dax01 said:This. It's not as fun to drive as it was in Halo 3. The Warthog needs to be more grounded in its physics; less floaty.
Captain Blood said:It is depressing that this thread is already 6 pages deep before I knew it was up lol.