Oh, I thought it was just your first time in the playlist and you hadn't been ranked yet. The amount of ff games you have tells a different story :lolGhaleonEB said:I was playing people of roughly equal skill level to my own.
TrueSkill doing its thing.
Seriously. I have like, one great moment a month in MP. Lemme savor it, ya bastard.
:lolkylej said:Yeah of course Reach sucks but it's still fun to run a train on retards in Noble or BTB so everyone get on tonight and lets insult people, turn at least 15 idiots into COD players and wash away those sad Halo feelings!!!
Some days, you can stand strong, and hold off wave after wave of enemies, whose incessant cries of "noob", "gay" and other vulgarities ring across the map like tribal drum beats. Those days, you are a God and the other players are merely playthings, to be extinguished for your amusement. On those days, Death is but a minor setback, a mere bone you throw at the enemy to give them a sliver of hope, which you then just as quickly remove from their hearts by plunging a knife deep into it.Letters said::lol
Too bad I don't have the luxury of actually being better than other players consistently.
I will be on tonight!kylej said:Yeah of course Reach sucks but it's still fun to run a train on retards in Noble or BTB so everyone get on tonight and lets insult people, turn at least 15 idiots into COD players and wash away those sad Halo feelings!!!
kylej said:Yeah of course Reach sucks but it's still fun to run a train on retards in Noble or BTB so everyone get on tonight and lets insult people, turn at least 15 idiots into COD players and wash away those sad Halo feelings!!!
Letters said::lol
Too bad I don't have the luxury of actually being better than other players consistently.
Booties said:Every now and then a situation forces a man to do things greater than himself. Such as that flag run I had ftw.
xxjuicesxx said:Nah Shogun I love the yelling I do it all the fucking time! Its like at least I know you're into the game I had a buddy who would play with me in college and just sit there quiet the entire time, I never even knew if the kid was even enjoying himself.
Blastin' and Relaxin'
Kill 500 enemies in any game mode in Reach.
A Friend in Need
Earn 10 assists in Firefight Matchmaking.
Heroic Demon
Kill 20 Elites in Firefight Matchmaking on Heroic or harder.
Blast Radius
Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades.
I think you mean For the Lose, we lost that game and my epenis shrank a little.
xxjuicesxx said:I think you mean For the Lose, we lost that game and my epenis shrank a little.
kylej said:psh, if Booties and I can get some OGs together it doesn't matter. Devin was in the midst of one of our BTB trains not long ago.
TOOT TOOT here comes the donging.
Delete anything you dont need or can re download. It will save you some time...if I remember correctly going from 20->120 it took about an hour.LosDaddie said:HaloGAF: I figure you guys would be as knowledgeable about this as anyone on GAF. I'm getting ready to upgrade from my launch, 20GB X360 to the new 250GB X360S today!I remember some of you talking about doing your own upgrade recently, so I'm hoping you could offer some advice.
Now I know I need the transfer kit. Is there anything else I need? How long am I looking at to do the transfer (my 20GB is almost full)?
Also, how does Reach run when it's streaming off the HDD?
LosDaddie said:HaloGAF: I figure you guys would be as knowledgeable about this as anyone on GAF. I'm getting ready to upgrade from my launch, 20GB X360 to the new 250GB X360S today!I remember some of you talking about doing your own upgrade recently, so I'm hoping you could offer some advice.
Now I know I need the transfer kit. Is there anything else I need? How long am I looking at to do the transfer (my 20GB is almost full)?
Also, how does Reach run when it's streaming off the HDD?
I did (upgraded a few weeks ago).LosDaddie said:thanks, guys.
Did you transfer over the game/DLC licenses too?
MrBig said:I'm on now and will probably be on all day. GUI is also on now.
Playing BTB and maybe some MLG.
none of those were ever broken. The cage doesn't suck, and the new maps are good.zlatko said:Curious if Bungie ever tweaked in their updates or ever fixed:
1) Armor Lock
2) Matchmaking times
3) Spawn points
4) Bloom
Also, were the new maps good or was it more Cage level of suck ?
I miss this so much. Though I was only 12 or so and did it once a monthThe Antitype said:Wow, so much negativity about Reach in here.
I don't think I've been this addicted to Halo since the daily Halo:CE LANs my buddies and I had in college.![]()
I'll be on later tonight if you want to buddy up for some FF. An extra veto for Rocketfight couldn't hurt, and I'll be able to wrap up the weekly.GhaleonEB said:Thought I'd try for one FF game before work. Just got Rocketfight on Corvette. Shoulda known better.![]()
bobs99 ... said:Sarcasm Kapura!?? :lol
Either way the new maps are good, and the Cage is apparently getting fixed. Armour Lock doesnt exist in the Arena and the MLG playlist pretty much so good times.
Bloom and matchmaking times are still downsides though.Maybe im just used to it now, but Spawning hasnt really been an issue for me I dont think.
I just got pounded in MLG. I think I'll take a break and read a book outside, I'll be back.electricpirate said:who's still on?
Hide behind the tanker truck on the high end of Courtyard with a Drop Shield and let the Skirmishers come to you.Squall ASF said:Only bastards (skirmishers) that annoy me on Sniper Courtyard. More prudent to swap to the pistol for most of that wave if they rush you.
Wow! You can get this in a Sniper Attack game (Grenade pickup disabled) by sniping dropped grenades.xxjuicesxx said:1800cR
Blast Radius
Kill 40 enemies in Firefight Matchmaking with grenades.
Fo sho. I'm at work right now and I'll be watching a movie at a friends place tonight so I'll try to get something up tonight or tomorrow.Zeouterlimits said:Been away from Reach for about 9 days, do miss it.
Please do, what I've seen so far of those SE Reach figures has been amazing.
Neuromancer said:I'll take that as a no. ='(
I desperately need more firefight maps.
I much prefer the Grunt bonus round. It's crazy fun racking up massive multi-kills while a dozen grenades and FRG rounds go off all over the place. On the Rocketfight match this morning, I snagged the Plasma Launcher for the bonus round, and it was Elites. I affixed all four rounds onto an Elite that was charging me, and he still has his shield on when they were done going off; one bonk and I was down.squidhands said:I'll be on later tonight if you want to buddy up for some FF. An extra veto for Rocketfight couldn't hurt, and I'll be able to wrap up the weekly.![]()
I'm not a big fan of the bonus round either, especially in the normal Firefight. It never fails that all of the big weapons are already gone, but even if they weren't you wouldn't be able to make a kill on your own anyway. It sucks even more when you've been able to go the entire match without a death, only to get your ass handed to you at the very end by some Elite asshole you've sunk 4 sniper rounds into at close range. blargh.
I'm quite fond of the three Round structure, my only beef is I wish more of the skulls were leveraged. You do have to play a bit differently each Round as the skulls stack.xxjuicesxx said:Firefight is so bad now that it is longer. I mean I liked Firefight in the beginning when it was SHORT matches I played like 400 matches of it, now that its longer I just get bored...
Also the damage system towards the end gets so fucking borked, like yes I enjoy shooting two rockets into that elite then him rushing me for a melee and then I respond with three melees to him yet he beats me down...makes perfect sense!
Hey thanks for giving all those elites and brutes concussion rifles, my screen wasn't shaking and exploding with random shit enough already!
Uggh utter garbage. BASURA I SAY! Fix it to when it wasn't broken.
GhaleonEB said:I much prefer the Grunt bonus round. It's crazy fun racking up massive multi-kills while a dozen grenades and FRG rounds go off all over the place. On the Rocketfight match this morning, I snagged the Plasma Launcher for the bonus round, and it was Elites. I affixed all four rounds onto an Elite that was charging me, and he still has his shield on when they were done going off; one bonk and I was down.
The Hunters on Sniper Attack are pretty awesome though, especially if you can snag an FRG.
I'll be on tonight for sure, so I'll look for you. Probably around 8:00 pacific time. I'll just hang out in the lobby for a while to try and partner up, if no one is on I'll grind some Score Attack.
And it means that Aerospace is far enough along that they can start with that kind of thing, if it is for their new IP.Lazslo said:So the new jobs posting today must mean they are making an awesome app for their new IP. I can't wait, an iPhone app for Reach would of been amazing but now that Microsoft has no influence in this new project, I'm sure the app will be killllerrr brah.
Most MP games, notably shooters, are generally more fun with friends. I never had fun playing by myself on Halo 3, only with friends. I get that same feeling playing Reach MP without friends, also, but at least there's a heavier version of Forge and FireFight to keep me inclined.Alienshogun said:Hop on Halo, I was playing Blackops thinking how much Halo sucked a month or so ago, then got back on Halo and was amazed how wrong I was. Reach is a good game, even with its flaws, and in my opinion nothing out currently even comes close to how it plays or how fun it is, especially with friends.
Striker said:Most MP games, notably shooters, are generally more fun with friends. I never had fun playing by myself on Halo 3, only with friends. I get that same feeling playing Reach MP without friends, also, but at least there's a heavier version of Forge and FireFight to keep me inclined.
Actually, it depends on the Elites. The white guys (spec-ops? I don't know what they're called) take TWO overcharges to strip shields with Mythic on. As I discovered by hitting the first one with one, then switching to my DMR and headshotting the bastard, only to find he still had shields.GhaleonEB said:Even with Mythic on, it just takes a single overcharge to strip shields. Like this. (I belive the term is, like a boss.)
I've never run into that in regular Firefight, just the Gold Elites in Mythic Attack (though I know you haven't run into themLouis Wu said:Actually, it depends on the Elites. The white guys (spec-ops? I don't know what they're called) take TWO overcharges to strip shields with Mythic on. As I discovered by hitting the first one with one, then switching to my DMR and headshotting the bastard, only to find he still had shields.![]()
Ya, I'll get on right after the newest UDK finishes downloading so that you won't have to play a slide show.Hydranockz said:Hopping on for some FF, anyone wanna join?
Hydranockz said:Hopping on for some FF, anyone wanna join?
It took me too long to understand what you were trying to say... In fact, I still don't think I got the gist of it yet haha.MrBig said:Ya, I'll get on right after the newest UDK finishes downloading so that you won't have to play a slide show.