I see tons of people getting excited for Halo 2 BTB. I must admit, Halo 2 BTB was my favorite of the Halo games. Coag, Containment, Relic, Terminal,Zanzibar, etc...

I see tons of people getting excited for Halo 2 BTB. I must admit, Halo 2 BTB was my favorite of the Halo games. Coag, Containment, Relic, Terminal,Zanzibar, etc...
Halo 3 BTB yay... Or am I the only one interested?
Halo 3 maps.... But Halo 2 BR?Halo 3 BTB yay... Or am I the only one interested?
Halo 3 BTB yay... Or am I the only one interested?
Halo 3 maps.... But Halo 2 BR?
To be fair I'm only going to play rats nest and avalanche if I can help it the rest of the time will be CE btb or 2 whichever I fancy.Halo 2 BTB >>>> Halo 3 BTB, this is just fact.
Halo 3 maps with 2's gameplay?Halo 3 maps.... But Halo 2 BR?
The Halo 3 BR should be a lot better with dedicated servers.
Never Forget, Random BR-Gate
I hope it's better too, but I don't like intentionally programmed randomness of the Halo 3 BR. For Halo, my Marksman class weapons should rely on solely my skill to hit or miss.
Personally preferred it to the sniper rifle-like Halo 2 BR.
So much new blood, welcome folks.
Is it possible to have all of HaloGaf on some sort of combined friends list on Xbox One?
I dont have one yet and have no idea how it works
You must have been grabbing host every game if you think the Halo 2 BR was a Sniper.Personally preferred it to the sniper rifle-like Halo 2 BR.
Still cannot believe some people wanted a nerf instead of making the rest of the sandbox more useful. I remember when Bungie spoke of the Pistol as being a worthy contender in the hands of a skilled player.Which was caused by a tiny skill gap in shooting from the aim assist and magnetism. Halo 2 BR definitely overpowered the sandbox, but that was because it is so damn easy to shoot in Halo 2. Halo should be a primarily mid-range firefights kind of FPS in my opinion, but that mid-range weapon(s) should take almost as much skill as the Power weapons. Halo CE did this with the Pistol, but Halo 2 failed to do it with the BR, then in Halo 3, they intentionally broke the BR so that they didn't have to reintroduce true shooting skill and the sandbox could be a little more "balanced."
343 should bring back the wahhhhhhhmbulance.
Would be running around nonstop during Halo 4's lifespan.
IMO, the Halo 4 Turbo BR was the best BR in the series. Halo 2's went through so many iterations that it was either the Halo 3 pistol or a zero-bloom DMR. Halo 3's served its purpose as a sniper-pinger, but it was useless at anything else beyond mid-range. Halo 4's first iteration was useless thanks to the DMR, but actually became worthwhile after the patch.
Halo 3 BTB yay... Or am I the only one interested?
Halo 4's BR is my favorite BR to date. Both mechanically and visually, though I think the firing sound could use some work. It is one of my favorite parts of Halo 4! It just feels so perfect: the accuracy, the number of shots to kill, the fire rate, etc. That feeling when you land all your shots and that last bullet gets the headshot as the previous one breaks their shields is one of the most gratifying feels I've felt in a while. Imagine if we had gotten the game focused on the BR and only a small handful of other core weapons like we did in previous Halo games.
Halo 3 BTB yay... Or am I the only one interested?
It's expensive here pretty much £400 give or take a couple of pence. That would be nice not sure that we will get it in 5 myself but who knows...The proper Halo.
Though i'd prefer to have a bunch of new maps, new vehicles, Grenade Launcher, Focus Rifle, and something new thrown on top of that. And rebalanced equipment.
Not Xbone+TMCC (ie closer to 500 in total here) interested though.
Well me and you should play it some time then if you want when it comes out? As for vehicular map control I think I do alright by myself with a banshee or wraith. Nebula is the one to ask about my performance though.Brute chopper splatters were so much fun in Halo 3, the vehicles didnt fly away with anything like you were in space and the warthogs turrets didnt suck or overload.
Vehicle map control is non existant in Halo 4 unless you have Prinz and the whole squad is protecting him
It's expensive here pretty much £400 give or take a couple of pence. That would be nice not sure that we will get it in 5 myself but who knows...
Brute chopper splatters were so much fun in Halo 3, the vehicles didnt fly away with anything like you were in space and the warthogs turrets didnt suck or overload.
Vehicle map control is non existant in Halo 4 unless you have Prinz and the whole squad is protecting him
It comes down to the H4 vs the H2 BR. Hm.IMO, the Halo 4 Turbo BR was the best BR in the series. Halo 2's went through so many iterations that it was either the Halo 3 pistol or a zero-bloom DMR. Halo 3's served its purpose as a sniper-pinger, but it was useless at anything else beyond mid-range. Halo 4's first iteration was useless thanks to the DMR, but actually became worthwhile after the patch.
Hey, we're back! Yay!
Halo 2 BTB >>>> Halo * BTB
I can't wait to play it again
Does anyone else here still play Halo 4 semi regularly? I have a few added already but my friends list is dead these days. Out of 99 friends I'm lucky if I see more than 5 online at a time. Most times it's just 2-3
Halo 3 BTB yay... Or am I the only one interested?
It's expensive here pretty much £400 give or take a couple of pence. That would be nice not sure that we will get it in 5 myself but who knows...
Well me and you should play it some time then if you want when it comes out? As for vehicular map control I think I do alright by myself with a banshee or wraith. Nebula is the one to ask about my performance though.
- Personal bio stuff. (occupation/hobbies/etc.)
Law by day, gamer by night. I read a lot and build Gundams. You can add me on Xbox Live if you would like: VendettaXXI. I'm always down to play whatever. Just toss an invite.
NVM, thought you were a junior! Welcome to HaloGAF. Gundams are cool.
just reminding myself Michael Wincott as the Prophet of Truth is GOAT, I honestly cannot overstate that enough.
edit: I seriously make that same joe staten face everytime I hear that last line
Salty to this day about his flanderization in Halo 3.just reminding myself Michael Wincott as the Prophet of Truth is GOAT, I honestly cannot overstate that enough.
edit: I seriously make that same joe staten face everytime I hear that last line
That and oddball will be probably what I end up playing the most out of everything.I can't wait to play BTB in general. H1, h2, h3 will all be fun for me.
I've not got the money either as it's quite expensive still so I'm probably waiting for a while till I can get one. But when we both get one we can play togetherSure thing! I was a good warthog driver in Halo 3 before everything could kill you in a breeze but still dont have the money for the console right now maybe next year.
It comes down to the H4 vs the H2 BR. Hm.
The H2 BR has way more reticle and bullet magnetism while the H4 BR has flinch and a bit of recoil. I think I agree, the H4 turbo BR is better simply because it takes more skill. I wish the DMR's kill time was faster though.
And a little piece of trivia for those who don't know: the H2 & H3 BRs have one-frame gaps between the bullets of a burst while the H4 BR does not. It's why a single H4 burst sounds and feels quick and punchy as opposed to being more drawn out.
Every time this gets posted, my view count jumps another few hundred. It never gets old either.
Every time this gets posted, my view count jumps another few hundred. It never gets old either.
I was for the longest time. I didn't become a member until roughly middle of last year. 5 years a junior lol.
I don't suppose there's a frame by frame analysis of each of the weapons on there.
Why? For CE, all one needs is 30 fps footage of someone firing the CE magnum at the max RoF. This video suffices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUoVJzkL5esOf course, it'd be near impossible to get accurate and precise data for CE and 2, but it would be interesting to see.
Check PMs.
Why? For CE, all one needs is 30 fps footage of someone firing the CE magnum at the max RoF. This video suffices: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HUoVJzkL5es