This is happening. 10 PM Eastern, tomorrow night.
Pending Trasher.
This is happening. 10 PM Eastern, tomorrow night.
Also, remember not all 3 games need to be played, if one team wins the first 2 games, it's done.
Trasher can be home by 10:30 EST, if that works?
Yup I can do that. See you then. May the best team win.Also, remember not all 3 games need to be played, if one team wins the first 2 games, it's done.
Trasher can be home by 10:30 EST, if that works?
And the room host needs to have the gametype for semi pro made out. Tashi says it's Pro with radar, simple enough.
As long as he plays drunk and/or blindfolded.
When are my people free? I'm good for Saturday.
Trasher is dog shit at Halo now.
Week 1 Matchups:
-Tashi & Ryaaaaan VS. Trey & Cabbie
-Heckfu & Tunavi VS. HenryGale & Buddermilk
-Ramirez & Trasher VS. Aggro & Brocheman
-Nutter & Blood VS. Omlet & Thermight
-Plywood & Barrow Roll VS. Risen & Rackham
-Tawpgun & Grayman VS. Wahrer & Sai Kun
This weeks map & gametype combos for EVERYONE are:
1. Infinity Slayer on Haven
2. Slayer Pro on Relay
3. Slayer Semi Pro on Abandon
We've also had to adjust the "standings" structure of the league since we didn't come close to the desired amount of teams. The new rules are as follows,
We will be using a ladder system. For week one, every team is worth +5 points. Starting in week 2, beating a team higher than you will net you +10 points. Losing to a team higher than you will net you a -5. Beating a team lower than you will also net you +5, but losing to a lesser team will dock you -10. Doubling the points for lower/higher teams will keep it interesting, and make it so that once a team gets down in the ladder, it isn't impossible for them to climb back up.
Every team will play each other twice, and after that, the top 8 teams will move on to a playoff system, leaving only 4 teams on the outside looking in. Let's make this a success boys & girls!
Remember, 3 day advances, so you have until Sunday night to get these done.
Welp, time to take out the ole QnA tester. Sorry NutterBee. I'll be free pretty much any day in the evening EST time, so lets do this whenever.
I'll remember this Ram!
LOL, I wasn't too keen on you flaky Madden Gaffers when it comes to sticking with a Halo league!
lmao, he's going to dump on you so hard for this one.
Please, the only thing NutterB is gonna be shitting is his pants when he sees just how bad he's being beat.
Please, the only thing NutterB is gonna be shitting is his pants when he sees just how bad he's being beat.
LOL, I wasn't too keen on you flaky Madden Gaffers when it comes to sticking with a Halo league!
Trasher is dog shit at Halo now.
This is what happens to Ram when the enemies don't run in straight lines.
Good god, you haven't been banned for being somehow worse at this game than you are at DOTA
Change your gamertag to Have Garbage, Will Travel.
I hope you and Omlet have a long chat on skype before and after the game where you mostly just apologize profusely to him for being trash
wtf Thermite had a career game there, grats bro
LOL jesus christ, I didn't know papa Luke was gonna come in and protect poor little babby Nutter. Must be a TJ clan perk. I know it's hard to comprehend just how good I am in all things, but someday you'll be able to keep up.
Easy. Game. Easy. Life.
Is it cool with you if we play around 9:15 Central so after Nutter and I sweep I can be in bed by 9:30?
LOL jesus christ, I didn't know papa Luke was gonna come in and protect poor little babby Nutter. Must be a TJ clan perk. I know it's hard to comprehend just how good I am in all things, but someday you'll be able to keep up.
Easy. Game. Easy. Life.
Is it cool with you if we play around 9:15 Central so after Nutter and I sweep I can be in bed by 9:30?
I suppose I should start practicing.
I have a backpack at home that I should be able to practice climbing into.
I can play tonight if you can.
Trey, Cabbie when is good for you guys?
I know in the pond of your imagination you're a big fish, but in the grandest scheme, you're not even a guppy.
First matchup is done, me & Trash win 2-0.
Any complaints, concerns, suggestions, feel free.
The IS match didn't have ordnance Tashi when I changed the values to 200 or whatever, maybe a bug? I didn't change any of the other settings.
We all had the exact same stats for both games?
Yea, I knew I was going crazy. I swear I uploaded two different pics the first time, I fixed it! lol
I thought something magical happened.![]()
First matchup is done, me & Trash win 2-0.
Any complaints, concerns, suggestions, feel free.
The IS match didn't have ordnance Tashi when I changed the values to 200 or whatever, maybe a bug? I didn't change any of the other settings.
Hmmm, maybe. You should have had enough points for a personal ordnance. Weird.
Otherwise how did everything play? 300pts good? Map sizes fine right?
The PO circle wasn't even there, weird. But yea the settings & maps played fine, didn't get to try Abandon, but I imagine it's better than Relay.
I wish clips worked, Breg totally got Ninja'd with no radar on.![]()
Trasher didn't go negative, that's pretty magical.
Trasher didn't go negative, that's pretty magical.