So they pay/offset for plenty of more expensive munitions because use of less destructive munitions would cause backlash
Got it, geopolitics is hard lol. I think a lot of the bombings are because of the tunnels these would do no good in, but I mean if there's a lone rocketeer setting up etc.
Ginsu Knives are like the 'humanitarian' response, and it really is, to the fucking UN and all the cries of crying heart saint complex idiots around the world about 'collateral victims' when using Hellfires against islamist dumbos, because with them there always was his wife, his second wife, his third wife, his cousin, the two wives of his cousin, the uncle, the drummer boy

, grandma, grandpa and the goats, his sister-in-law, his plumber and attorney, Gandalf, Sauron, Gollum and all of them kids and nasty hobbitses.
Because they always are either surrounded by them to shield them, or like you saw in Bin-Laden raid, they're the most central or far away room in a complex and you have to go through the layers to get to him
They're intended for designated targets in the open and to slice them, just them, maybe you get the one next to them as 'collateral', but that's it.
You gotta love the cheek and inventiveness of engineers in the USA.
UN dumbo countries say 'Hellfire bad, civilians dead, bad bad USA nazis'
USA says 'Hold my steak peoples

and they design fucking flying knives lol. Problem solved, we kill only our targets slicing them cleanly

UN dumbo countries say 'Cluster munitions bad, civilians dead, children dumb play with explosives get fucked' which btw is totally right.
USA says ' Hold my freedoms fam'

and they design the BIGGEST SHOTGUN EVER, and then STRAP A FUCKING ROCKET TO ITS ASS LOL as an 'humanitarian' AoE substitute to cluster munitions. Hundreds of thousands of little armor piercing tungsten carbide pellets which spread in a concentrical AoE an rip through EVERYTHING but the heaviest armor. Imagine being ripped apart by hundreds of pellets of one of the hardest alloys at the same time.