Kashmir? They have always fisticuffed over it since 1950. But yeah, could get ugly because there is no love lost between India and Pakistan.
Wonder how the turntables will turn since India is Axis of Shit oriented geopolitically, but it's Hindu majority and supposedly will do what's best for India and won't let someone puppeteer them, and Pakistan is a muslim country but pretty much West oriented, but also a good chunk of their population is antiwestern whatever

Arrrgh I love these conundrums, some are easy and retarded to solve like Arabs doing dumb arab shit pushed by the Axis of Shit, that was the likeliest scenario even almost two years ago at the start of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine, regardless what happened, but this is a cool headbreaker.
Will India engage Pakistan in the North? Both are pretty well armed. But if they engage, what happens with the Himalayan River Basins? Can India be like this...
With one eye paying attention to a conflict with Pakistan and the other watching China doesn't do any shit with their most precious and sacred natural resource?
For those not on the loop, the Himalayan River Basins is what prompted the invasion of Nepal by China, since it's the source of drinkable water for hundreds of millions of Chinese peoples, also for energy generation, irrigation and industry, the Yangtze and others flow from it. Also, what prompted India in turn to GTF like a bat on speed to the Himalayas and stop the Chinese, since it's the source of the *hrm* *hrm* drinkable water for hundreds of millions of Indians, the source of the only kind of *hrm* *hrm* hygiene hundreds of millions of Indians get, the source of the most venerated river for Hindus since thousands of years ago, the Ganges flows from it, and other lesser rivers.