Quoting again just to thank you for this. I've added it to my avatar.![]()
Its funny cause I knew it was your post initially reacting to this before I even saw your avatar heehee
Quoting again just to thank you for this. I've added it to my avatar.![]()
So in most rhythm games, I ignored the stuff in the background, and I probably will here as well.
More games should do stuff like Elite Beat Agents, where the story's (or whatever animations in this case) told between the gameplay.
Unless it's stuff like HarmoKnight, of course.
I think you'd be pretty surprised, the animations in the background are really elegant and in turn tell their own story based on what is happening. For your first few playthroughs, it will be pretty hard to just ignore them, especially how in your face they tend to be.
You may as well, the timing in the demo seemed so loose on the stars I think I could hit them on a Kinect. They're a really dumb addition IMO (maybe they just did it to make players and arcade operators buy a new controller/cabinet?!); I think it would have been better if they used the analogs as... I don't know, effector knobs like in Sound Voltex (and now I'm imagining how big they would be on the arcade cabinet and cracking up).Waggle your FACE.
I'm not going to lie, the production for each stage is generally pretty good. Most of the songs look good, and it makes all of the levels look and feel distinct.The animations are also motion-captured for the dances at least, and there's that certain phase towards the end of the song that if you Perfect it, the ending can change!
Its funny cause I knew it was your post initially reacting to this before I even saw your avatar heehee
That logo literally made my day. XD
But you're missing the "Beleek". :C
Say what you will about the pointlessness of a lot of fluff in some OT's , but this is what happens when someone creates one for a game they have no interest in. It's really shoddy, screenshots are largely not even from this game, and the information is just plain wrong.
Possibly the worst OT I have seen.
Before this thread is derailed any further, can you just fix your original post?
The screens I used were all from different variations of Project Diva to give an idea of the gameplay and aesthetics, not necessarily from this particular version.
Before this thread is derailed any further, can you just fix your original post?
Before this thread is derailed any further, can you just fix your original post?
I'm really curious to see how this game reviews in the western press.
I'm really curious to see how this game reviews in the western press.
Because for what it is, the game is nearly perfect if you look at it from a mechnical/gameplay standpoint. Aesthetics are the main mark against it.
I think you'd be pretty surprised, the animations in the background are really elegant and in turn tell their own story based on what is happening. For your first few playthroughs, it will be pretty hard to just ignore them, especially how in your face they tend to be.
So are the songs not really that intense or anything?
So are the songs not really that intense or anything?
Some songs WILL make your anger jauge really up if you try them at some difficulties.
This is one of those games I don't really want to play that much (except as a curiosity), but I feel I need to buy just to support really unlikely localizations.
Myself and Red_Taiyaki put hours of work into it. I made some mistakes, but I'm insulted you think I don't care about the game.
The screens I used were all from different variations of Project Diva to give an idea of the gameplay and aesthetics, not necessarily from this particular version.
So are the songs not really that intense or anything?
Say what you will about the pointlessness of a lot of fluff in some OT's , but this is what happens when someone creates one for a game they have no interest in. It's really shoddy, screenshots are largely not even from this game, and the information is just plain wrong.
Possibly the worst OT I have seen.
So are the songs not really that intense or anything?
Friend that works at this EB is setting up a little event for next Tuesday, so if you're in Toronto, might be something to check out.
The other songs are decently challenging on extreme (Rin Chan Now will give you a hard time at first). But in my opinion, Extreme is easier than the other difficulties because it's more on point with the music, Playing normal and even hard, there are gaps in between notes, it's definitely harder to keep a rhythm and conflicting when it does not really correspond to what you're hearing.
I'm not saying a newbie will be able to play extreme right away though, you're going to have to get a lot of the fundamentals down. Double notes (idk what to call them), sustain notes, and later on you're going to want to alternate between the dpad and face buttons based (dpad doubles as an extra set of face buttons, remember this). That and star notes can be a little weird if they're right next to normal notes (transition from face buttons to analog sticks).
Friend that works at this EB is setting up a little event for next Tuesday, so if you're in Toronto, might be something to check out.
This is actually a very important point I forgot to highlight. On Easy and Normal, it will appear that the notes are flying from random directions, while on Hard you begin to see a defined path that they follow.
On Extreme, is pretty blatant that there is a track for the notes.
Will buy this game to support Domino's Pizza.
Quoting again just to thank you for this. I've added it to my avatar.![]()
Yeah, I kinda want to get it on Vita, myself. Just because apparently the inputs for the Star Notes feel better.
Sorta still balking at the price for the Vita version even on Amiami, and hoping that there'll be a budget version of it one day.
Are the songs different across both the PS3 and PSV versions of Project Diva f, or are they the same? (Seriously, I know next to nothing about this series outside of some of the songs, something about getting pizza, funny pizza commercials, and the PS3 demo. >.>)
Yeah, I kinda want to get it on Vita, myself. Just because apparently the inputs for the Star Notes feel better.
Sorta still balking at the price for the Vita version even on Amiami, and hoping that there'll be a budget version of it one day.
Are the songs different across both the PS3 and PSV versions of Project Diva f, or are they the same? (Seriously, I know next to nothing about this series outside of some of the songs, something about getting pizza, funny pizza commercials, and the PS3 demo. >.>)
The PS3 version came out later, and thus it has more songs and costumes. The Vita version has em as DLC, and if you had it beforehand then bought the PS3 game, there was an included code to get the DLC for free.
Oh, thank you for the quick responses, you two.
I see. I'll hold off on getting the Vita version or waiting until it goes budget then. This seems like the better buy.
Nooooope, import budget going towards Sen no Kiseki and a Japanese 3DS this year. Haha.More like you'll buy both now and get a budget one later because why not?
Quoting again just to thank you for this. I've added it to my avatar.![]()
Nooooope, import budget going towards Sen no Kiseki and a Japanese 3DS this year. Haha.
Nooooope, import budget going towards Sen no Kiseki and a Japanese 3DS this year. Haha.
Myself and Red_Taiyaki put hours of work into it. I made some mistakes, but I'm insulted you think I don't care about the game.
The screens I used were all from different variations of Project Diva to give an idea of the gameplay and aesthetics, not necessarily from this particular version.
Each song also has special segments to be performed:i hope i didnt get anythign wrong
God, I remember when I started playing Diva for the first time like about a month and a half ago.
In the last month and a half, I became hopelessly addicted to this game. Went from having difficulty on Normal songs to finishing the entire game on Extreme, having three songs perfected on Extreme, and the ability the Great or Excellent pretty much everything else (except NegiPosi*Continue and Sadistic.Music Factory, fuck those songs).
Neat to see the game finally coming to the West, but I don't need to pick up the English version after importing both the PS3 version and Vita version from Japan. Enjoy it fellow NA folk! The game is so worth it!
I tried the demo and I suck at it, a lot. I was actually rather competent in DJ max portable, and completed Osu on very hard, so I think I should be able to be at least decent. Tell me what I am doing wrong, Miku-gaf!
Game has nice IQ btw, 4xMSAA probably.
Hi everyone,
Just want to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us make this game a reality. Everyone's support earlier in the year during the Facebook campaign really did make a huge difference.
There's a lot more to come as we approach the release in August, so we're glad to see so many people just as excited as some of us at SEGA are.![]()
I'm also seeing a lot of comments about questions regarding the calibration system, which is good feedback. May see if we can do a little guide video at some point to help easily explain it, along with some tips and tricks for improving score.
I have both the Vita and PS3 versions and can confirm that this is an excellent rhythm game as long as you like the music. Definitely check out the demo if you are curious.
JP: March 7th, 2013
US: August 27th, 2013 (Digital/Retail)
EU: August 27th, 2013 (Digital Only)
Project Diva F is a PS3 re-envisioning of the Vita sequel to Project Diva, with upscaled visuals and slightly reworked controls.
Similarly to Beatmania and other rhythm games, though more particularly like Karaoke Revolution since the vocals are keysounded instead of the music, the player has to hit notes to keep the song going. Miss too many and you fail, or at least make the song sound awful.
If you manage a perfect session during key parts of the song, you get extended versions and more opportunities forget bonus!higher scores.
You can also play fashion designer and customize your songstress, if that's your thing.
The trick here is that while certain prompts only require pressing a button, i.e. X/O/Triangle, ones with arrows require you to press the coordinated button while tilting the analog direction. (I.E. a red Left Arrow means Left + X.)
Hatsune Miku
Megurine Ruka
Rin & Len Kagamine
There's also a couple more as DLC or unlockables, I believe.
World's End Dance Hall
English Demo
Weekender Girl
miku is cute, but game is ass.
In the last month and a half, I became hopelessly addicted to this game. Enjoy it fellow NA folk! The game is so worth it!
I tried the demo and I suck at it, a lot.
Game has nice IQ btw, 4xMSAA probably.
Just want to say a very big THANK YOU to everyone who helped us make this game a reality. Everyone's support earlier in the year during the Facebook campaign really did make a huge difference.
I'll check it out and see what the fuss is about
Sega you crazy bastards, I love you.
I have both the Vita and PS3 versions and can confirm that this is an excellent rhythm game as long as you like the music. Definitely check out the demo if you are curious.
Special Thanks to : Se-Ga, Vocaloid/Miku/rhythm game fans for helping this happen, and Red_Taiyaki for the banners!
Myself and Red_Taiyaki put hours of work into it. I made some mistakes, but I'm insulted you think I don't care about the game.
EU digital only? time to import
If there is one thing the original OP got right that yours didn't, it's the inclusion of that Domino's video.I inexplicably woke up far earlier than I needed to be up for work, so I made the following in about an hour. It would have been faster but right now I'm having an issue where my PC will hard lock if I try to load YouTube, so I couldn't quite do everything I wanted to do.
Anyhow, back to the topic. I'm definitely getting the console version, though I'd be lying if I said it plays as well as it does on the Vita. Yes, the star notes take some getting used to, but for me, I think it's a simple case of not being at all used to the wider ratio. There'll be some teething troubles, for sure, but it'll be worth it to finally consume all the content!