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Have you ever been groped by a stranger in a public place?

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Have you ever been the victim of unsolicited groping? I wonder how widespread something like this. There are women-only trains in Japan because of how bad it's gotten there, but could it be as bad elsewhere, but it's just not being addressed as directly?

The closest I've ever come to having this happen was on a plane. We had just landed in Casablanca's airport. People were talking forever to get off of the plane and my friend and I were still sitting down, waiting for an opening in the line of people in the aisle.

A woman stopped next to me. I already had my carry on sitting on arm rest closest to the aisle with my hand on top of it. All of a sudden, she backs up and starts slowly grinding her ass on my hand. I immediately notice, as does my friend and the older white guy standing behind the woman. I'm taken aback and look askance at my friend who gives me a perplexed look. The woman stops moving, but she's pretty much sitting on my hand and I'm afraid to move it, lest it look like I'm the one trying to inappropriately touch her.

Out of my peripheral vision, I can see the guy behind us looking from her ass, to my hand engulfed in her ass, then to me. My friend was stifling a laugh while I was left in this awkward, uncomfortable position for about 10 minutes until people started moving again.

Looking back, I can laugh at it, but it's really awful when I think about it. I wonder how thing would've been had our genders been reversed, how I might have felt differently.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Yup. P.E in the 9th grade a senior took a hard grab at my butt and proceeded to give me the "do something about it" look. I was confused as hell at the time and stood there with my friend like an idiot


I was in bar... in a European country, I forget. Some guy walks in. American, by the looks of him. He goes on and on about some forum he created. I laugh. I ask him to buy me a drink. Out of nowhere he flings his hand forward and squeezes my butt cheek. I was impressed by his understanding of foreign mating cultures. His assertion of dominance was most enlightening.


Some women ran up and grabbed my arse while I was getting drinks at the bar of a club. I was waiting for my then girlfriend to arrive at the time. I looked back to the mid 40s woman running back to the dance floor, and then returned my attention back to the bar.

Kinda flattering, I guess.


In 6th grade, a girl's hand brushed up against my genitals while we were playing basketball. She didn't intend it, though. The crying afterwards was a dead giveaway.

A Human Becoming

More than a Member
I was in bar... in a European country, I forget. Some guy walks in. American, by the looks of him. He goes on and on about some forum he created. I laugh. I ask him to buy me a drink. Out of nowhere he flings his hand forward and squeezes my butt cheek. I was impressed by his understanding of foreign mating cultures. His assertion of dominance was most enlightening.
I knew this was coming.
Was she hot
The lack of this detail in the OP was suspicious.
A girl stuck her finger up my ass in 11th grade once. Does that count as groping?
Details man, details!


Never here in Canada but when I was in South Korea as an english teacher there were a few cases of this, the most notable was on a particular bus ride to a station. I was sitting down, and an older korean man sat next to me. After awhile he started talking to me asking where I was from, what I did, etc. It sounds pretty normal, but the entire time his hand was on my thigh, and when he laughed at something he would stroke it a bit.

I've seen men there act very touchy feely before (my boss for example would sometimes rub my back and shit out of nowhere), so I figured it was just a cultural thing, but I did feel weird about it.


I don't mean to alarm you but you have dogs on your face
A drunk girl once grabbed my junk while passing my on a sidewalk.
Yep. Had the ass grabbed a couple of times and gotten the arm around the waist a few times too. I'm sure most women have a had a poor experience in this regard.

Your experience sounds extra bad, though, OP. Sorry it happened. :/


Never here in Canada but when I was in South Korea as an english teacher there were a few cases of this, the most notable was on a particular bus ride to a station. I was sitting down, and an older korean man sat next to me. After awhile he started talking to me asking where I was from, what I did, etc. It sounds pretty normal, but the entire time his hand was on my thigh, and when he laughed at something he would stroke it a bit.

I've seen men there act very touchy feely before (my boss for example would sometimes rub my back and shit out of nowhere), so I figured it was just a cultural thing, but I did feel weird about it.

My sister-in-law had a similar experience on a bus in France. The creep sitting next to her wouldn't stop touching her, and practically had his hands in her pockets. The guys wife and daughter were sitting only a few aisles forward.
At a party once some girl did a lingering drag of her hand across my lower abdomen every time she passed me. Does that count?


I got slapped in the ass hard by a girl in school in a hallways in front of everyone, I felt completely violated but there was nothing I could do.


I used to date a bartender at the Blue Moon (a sort of hippy bar)and one night ended up the only black girl at a Greatful Dead cover band show in Ballard (part of Seattle). I was in line to get a drink and someone fully cupped my ass and squeezed. It was like in slow motion. I turned around but I absolutely couldn't tell who did it so I just continued waiting in line for a beer.


My high school principal patted everybody down when one of the TI 84 calculators went missing.

These calculators are pretty big, so it would be obvious just by looking if anyone had one in their back pocket. So I did feel a little violated when the principal slapped my butt cheeks.

It was really pointless.


we all knew her
I have been to Milwaukee twice, and both times I had my ass grabbed by a dude in a bar. Settle down, Milwaukee.

mr jones

Ethnicity is not a race!
Drunk girl in the club grabbed my crotch when I was dancing with her. I was dancing behind her while she was grinding against me, and she turned around, got real close, and straight clutched my shit. She was grabbing kind of hard, so it wasn't pleasant.

I've been heavily traumatized by that degrading moment, and I haven't been the same since. :)


Had my ass grabbed my sophomore year of high school by an older chick right outside of geometry class. I was confused but she was hot. Few years later at a party some girl starts feeling on my abs out of no where, she was cute but I was not confused this time.


Never here in Canada but when I was in South Korea as an english teacher there were a few cases of this, the most notable was on a particular bus ride to a station. I was sitting down, and an older korean man sat next to me. After awhile he started talking to me asking where I was from, what I did, etc. It sounds pretty normal, but the entire time his hand was on my thigh, and when he laughed at something he would stroke it a bit.

I've seen men there act very touchy feely before (my boss for example would sometimes rub my back and shit out of nowhere), so I figured it was just a cultural thing, but I did feel weird about it.

I think that might just be a Korean thing. I had a bunch of Korean friends in college and worked at a Japanese restaurant owned and operated by Koreans and the men were extremely touchy-feely. Backrubs out of nowhere, handshakes that almost feel like hand-holding, stuff like that. I was a little uncomfortable at first, but I got used to it.

Living in Japan now, it's kinda terrifying riding on a packed train. A lot of men these days live in constant fear of being falsely accused of groping. Most men here are conditioned to always have both hands above their heads in plain view at all times. I do feel bad for Japanese women though, because there are an unbelievably amount of creepy pervs in Japan.
Was she hot

The lack of this detail in the OP was suspicious.

I was 16, staying in Casablanca for a layover to catch a flight to a country in West Africa. The woman in question was black with big, crinkly hair; she ended up flying with us to our final destination too, so I assumed that's where she was from. She was hot, as was her friend. They looked to be about early/mid-twenties as they wore trendy fashions. My friend had pointed them out to me before this and they may have noticed us looking.

While she was sitting on my hand, I tried to pretend like nothing was going on, though I did whisper to my friend under the commotion throughout the rest of the plane, asking him what he would do if the woman gradually became more and more blatant with what's she's doing to the point she was grinding her ass in my face, yet everyone continued to act like nothing was going on. He scoffed and said "Man, I would..." and pantomimed groping the woman right back since the situation would be so ridiculous at that point.

Even still, the act was unsolicited. I'd have been okay with something like this happening in a more private place, but this was too much.


Hopsiah the Kanga-Jew
A guy touched my general balls area on the subway once. We just awkwardly look at each other for the remainder of the trip.
Had my dick grabbed by female (and male) friends and a few female strangers while out drinking.

Its not an issue to me but I gauged their intent and realized it was either flirtatious or playful. I can see how having some dickhead groping your ass or tits if your a girl would be horrible.
I got my ass grabbed in the middle of the halls by some senior chick while I was a high school freshman. It was weird since I don't have an ass.


Unconfirmed Member
Not a stranger, no. I had a girl in eighth grade grab my crotch out of no where. It was realllly fucking alarming.

On a related note, most sexual assaults happen between people who know each other, not strangers. I'm not saying that to contradict you or anything, OP. I just think it's an important thing not many people realize.

Not a stranger, no
wordstealer (PS: I listened to that song like four days in a row a few weeks ago.)
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