And the options available are extremely limited unless you are a Warrior. That is imbalanced.
Without decks like Hunter and Warlock aggro running around, we'd be back to the All Druids All Legendaries meta of 2-3 months ago.
To be fair, we're sort of still there with Control Warrior.
But... they're both control?
I'm looking at these Swiss results and I see there are a lot of Hunters, so that might merit a nerf. But they aren't nearly as dominant in the Opens, where sideboarding exists. This says to me that Hunters are easily countered but hard to prepare for in an environment like Ranked Matchmaking. They could use a nerf here or there to make them less miserable to play against.
Blizzard could introduce a new format for Ranked Matchmaking since it's already the "tryhard" mode. The game proper is missing one of the most important aspects of card games which is the ability to fine tune your deck in a single match (and hell, there aren't even matches). What we need is sideboard support for this game and for Ranked to exclusively use decks with sideboards in a best out of 3. This will alleviate a lot of the complaints I feel.
Obviously they're not going to do what I suggest anytime soon so I foresee Warrior and Hunter nerfs on the horizon.
In order to accommodate third party tournaments, they should include the ability for decks to generate a unique id number so that tournament organizers can be sure that X player isn't making illegal sideboards in between games.
(Or just do the Managrind thing where you can sideboard limitlessly, which is dumb.)
It is short sighted and lazy to make a deck so strong that you face nothing else but that deck. The fact that people are cool with design perspective like this is so crazy to me.
It's unfun, I think that's most people's problem with it.
Like watching a Storm/Eggs player go off.
The grind for gold heroes...
Fighting against a Warlock. Put him to 2 HP. He used Life Tap.
From Rank 7 to Rank 13 in 2 days just because I refuse to only play Druid to 'counter' the meta.
What a horrible game.
What a horrible game.
When I can't play Shaman AT ALL because UTH = lol totems, the game is bad.The meta is the game, I hate it at times to but thats just how it is, you can also play priest control, healadin and control warlock to counter aggression.
When I can't play Shaman AT ALL because UTH = lol totems, the game is bad.
What makes this extra sucky is even though I have 8 Legendaries, they are not Leeroy and Al'Akir. So I don't have that crucial burst, which means every Hunter matchup is perfect draw or die painfully slow.I mean, as a former Magic player, this is basically what I expected / wanted: A "competitive" scene out of Ranked that is basically a question of knowing the metagame. It's like prepping for a tournament, except with Bo1 matches so there's a higher chance of getting cheesed out.
Also, as far as Shaman vs Hunter is concerned, you just don't Hero Power with leftover mana. It's a pretty frustrating match-up at times since it's basically how fast you can get into Unbound + Feral Spirit and can you live long enough to Windfury + Leeroy / Al'Akir + Rockbiter. But Shaman does have a lot of burst possible with Flametongue use and so-on so it's not the worst thing ever. There's a good reason Shaman is one of the really popular Legend classes.
What makes this extra sucky is even though I have 8 Legendaries, they are not Leeroy and Al'Akir. So I don't have that crucial burst, which means every Hunter matchup is perfect draw or die painfully slow.
lol, I'm watching it while playing, he's losing against most Hunters actually...Trump is currently doing a free to play Shaman to legendary, worth a watch because he plays Hunter and wins against them, you dont have to use his build you may learn how to better deal with hunter as shaman from watching.
I honestly do not fear Paladin's who don't run Avenging Wrath. 2 Lay on Hands seems a bit too much & greedy. Even against nuke decks, 1 Lay on Hands and 2 Guardian of Kings should provide sufficient healing. I think replacing at least 1 Lay on Hands with 1 Avenging Wrath would make the deck a lot more efficient.
Though it says Mage Buster, I think your deck is exactly the type of deck my Mage countersonly 2 sheep worthy targets and the rest being in Flamestrike + Blizzard range
2 lay may be too greedy, but avenging wrath isn't that great of a card IMO. 8 Damage for 6 mana on random targets leaves waaaaay too much to chance. It's most useful when paired with equality, but if I'm going to use equality, it pairs much better with my other cards.
Shaman generally relies on lots of little minions and buffs to get by, and hunters eat that play style for lunch. Buff classes do great against that style of hunter since you can have 2 brawny minions and maybe a third with taunt and there is very little they can do about it.
Fighting against a Warlock. Put him to 2 HP. He used Life Tap.
As an aside, watching Trump's free Shaman dismantle a Control Warrior makes me a little sad.
The problem with Shaman compared to other classes for the vs Hunter match-up is that it takes more face damage than them due to Rockbiter and Axe but lacks the healing to make up for it. The fact that Hunter always has a good clock on them kind of haunts them throughout the match.
But, they do have an obscene amount of burst potential that many other classes end up lacking so Shaman tends to have the ability to suddenly end the match out of nowhere.
Draft 4 Soulfires - draw none in your first 18 cards.
Would you accept a friend invite from a person you just beat by topdecking pyroblast? Don't think so.
Oozing a Gorehowl really puts a thorn (or maybe more a pole) in a Control Warrior's side.![]()
I'm loving this game but a bit concerned for newcomers. Does anyone else feel like the rate for legendaries is a bit too low? After putting ~$25 in, plus a month of daily playing, I got one (Nat Pagle), who I DE for the full 1600. Granted, I could probably DE a bunch of cards and get one or two more. I'd estimate I've opened about 60 packs (15 purchased outright, ~45 from daily play) so given the 1/40 rate, 1 legendary seems about right.
Am I alone in this? Have the designers addressed these concerns at all in interviews? Going by the WoW model, it seems like Blizzard is well aware how over time the process needs to get easier (e.g. easier to level to 60 now than it was at launch).
Ooze is so good right now with so many Warriors, Hunters and Shamans with weapons that I'm surprised more people don't run it.
I've been Harrison'd something like 3 or 4 times a day![]()