Well, wording it like there's a "trick" to the RNG is a bit misleading. It's still an RNG draw. It's more just that Webspinner gives a non-conditional Beast play for Hunter so it covers some missing bases. The fact it gives you an extra minion card, regardless of the quality of the minion, is a nice bonus.
Well, unless it's Angry Chicken.
I think the only reason it's playable is because Hunters needed more cheap beasts who aren't bad (lol Raptor, Croc and Stonetusk), and Webspinner is basically a Loot Hoarder for Hunters.
Chicken >>>>> Captain's Parrot.
I kinda like how midrange hunter deck operates. I've always wanted to play hunter more but I did not like how midrange operated tbh in the past.
Well, wording it like there's a "trick" to the RNG is a bit misleading. It's still an RNG draw. It's more just that Webspinner gives a non-conditional Beast play for Hunter so it covers some missing bases. The fact it gives you an extra minion card, regardless of the quality of the minion, is a nice bonus.
Well, unless it's Angry Chicken.
Why didn't you kill it with the whelps?Braindead Hunter plays a fucking naked Leeroy on 4, I can either take 12 by hitting it with my axe or go for a 25% Brawl... guess what survived.
Why didn't you kill it with the whelps?
It's been saying "Can't get more gold today" for like 30 wins now... in how many hours does it reset? Is it the same time as when the dailies reset?
Yes. Let us both have empty hands and roll out the double fucking Harvest Golem from my top deck when there's 7 cards remaining and I've got fattie taunts and Ysera in there somewhere.
Fuck you, rng.
I'll be fine... as long as there's zoo out there, I have a duty to accomplish.Go to bed Yoshi. You're at the gold cap, been awake for two days and it's almost midnight there.
I'll be fine... as long as there's zoo out there, I have a duty to accomplish.
I just realized how long 500 wins in ranked actually takes... all this time I've played this session and only at 69 :lol Not even 1/5th there... I'll never earn any of the golden portraits... as soon as I get around 100 wins, I switch to another class![]()
Are you legend yet?
It's really fun, complicated to play, I may change out the healing touch idk yet
CW vs CW best mirror.
I'll never earn any of the golden portraits...
I only like P vs P when my opponent opens up with double Cleric.Priest vs priest. Thoughtsteal and Mind Control make for some crazy shenanigans.
3 Rags? Sure, why not.
Why not buy packs right now? Why is Naxx stopping you?I can't wait to own all of Naxx so I can finally buy packs again. I have almost all the neutral legendaries I want (minus Greenskin). Now I just really need the class legendary cards.
Trust me, I've been close to dying during a game session previously, and I'm nowhere near that point right nowYou are the kind of person we read about who ends up dying at their computer because they don't know when to stop. I hope you're atleast having small breaks to walk around a bit.
If you're gonna mill you might as well go the whole nine yards. Get Mukla/Cho/brewmasters. Otherwise I don't think you're gonna consistently burn your opponent's cards.
Aaay, folks. Finally decided to play this game since it was sitting pretty on my Battle.net account. After playing Magic The Gathering at a small competitive level for a couple years, it really wore on me. I needed a different card game to try out, and this one was a good one to play. So far, I'm really liking it. I'm winning I'd say about sixty percent of my games. I mainly lose to those who have much, much better decks than I do. I'm running pretty much a few lucky pulls from boosters and the Naxx rares and a lot of the good default cards. I'm mainly running Warrior, I like the playstyle.
On a different note, what's the rule for disenchanting cards? Just do it? I ask, because I've got a couple of epics and one legendary(Gruul) that I pulled from boosters. I'm not particularly needing them, so I'm just wondering I should disenchant them.
Aaay, folks. Finally decided to play this game since it was sitting pretty on my Battle.net account. After playing Magic The Gathering at a small competitive level for a couple years, it really wore on me. I needed a different card game to try out, and this one was a good one to play. So far, I'm really liking it. I'm winning I'd say about sixty percent of my games. I mainly lose to those who have much, much better decks than I do. I'm running pretty much a few lucky pulls from boosters and the Naxx rares and a lot of the good default cards. I'm mainly running Warrior, I like the playstyle.
On a different note, what's the rule for disenchanting cards? Just do it? I ask, because I've got a couple of epics and one legendary(Gruul) that I pulled from boosters. I'm not particularly needing them, so I'm just wondering I should disenchant them.
What's the best control paladin deck out there right now pre-rank 5? I tried tides's taunt heavy version, but the spectral knights seemed underwhelming in the rush heavy lower ranks. They always just stay in my hand and I would rather play spells or taunts. Considering unstable ghouls as a replacement and better early game presence and while they'd work great with equality and the acolytes, I'm worried about them backfiring against my hero power.
I have found ghoul just amazing in a control pally. I don't even care if it kills 3 of my tokens, wiping an entire board with some fun pyromancer play is pretty awesome. You can also force a yeti to 1 health with truesilver, and just have the ghoul waiting, so good. I based my pally off of kolento's, updated and tweaked it over the past few weeks. I have more heals to more easily survive zoo (even though i've barely faced any this week). I threw in loatheb as he is not easily removed. Tried out spectral knight, but it just wasn't enough bang for the buck. 1 azure, 1 sludge belcher, loatheb, and 1 kodo are the 5 cards which always seem influx.