Just played a Priest v Priest, and the opponent plays Ragnaros when I have 6 cards left in my draw.
The 4th to last card is Shadow Word Death, the second to last card is Big Game Hunter, and the last card is Shadow Word Death. -_-
The Shaman synergies with Feugen Stalagg and Sylvanas is so good![]()
(Still need some sort of class healing to be true control)
If only Reincarnation would let you use Battlecries again!
Or maybe a neutral 0/1 minion for 1 mana that heals you for 5 if it dies or something :<If only Reincarnation would let you use Battlecries again!
Yeah I don't know 8 mana for 6 heal equals a Holy Light for 2 mana xDCome drink with me!
-brewmaster Aylinato
If only Reincarnation would let you use Battlecries again!
That was disgusting. Arena, opposing Priest:
Turn 9: Rag
Turn 10: Velen + Earthen ring on himself
I mean come on.
I still won.
Card has enough ridiculous synergies for its price as it is...
Yes, of course, but I need more!
On a serious note, something I've been wondering about, what are all the effects that are put on creatures where you get the benefit of silencing it. Examples:
Humility / Peacekeeper
I can't think of anything else. Still wondering about Wailing Soul but I don't see a point in having it right now. I think most Paladin decks run Kodos to combo with their spells and I haven't seen a freeze Mage in forever.
healing totem used to heal your hero. so op.
I'd think it'd be better if it costed less with less stats, then you could use it more easily, but that's probably why it is the way it is.Blessing of Wisdom, Crazed Alchemist? Wailing Soul isn't any good to me either.
Our lone class card, mana tide, is not very good in my opinion. Eggs and Spiders are pretty much required, and that's a lot of low attack early game already. What you want are things your opponent doesn't want to kill, so you can safely build up. Mana Tide really works against this.
This is the best I can do with a fast Mad Scientist Mage deck:
I just started the season so I can't say how well it works higher up; it's doing okay at rank 15 but it's not moving me up as quickly as if I were using a standard deck. When it works, it really works - it's really satisfying to suicide a Mad Scientist and maybe something else into the enemy's minions to clear the board, pull a Counterspell, and then play an Ethereal Arcanist on turn 3 or 4. The deck can play like you've spent twice as much mana as you've had, when everything clicks.
I don't like the lack of 1 drops, but it gets card hungry. The Harvest Golem and Acolyte of Pain are in there because I kept only being able to use 2 mana on turn 3, unless I wanted to just play a Secret (ick). Mostly this deck doesn't have a problem with Secrets building up in-hand - between the Mad Scientists, the Kirin Tor Mages, and the Sorcerer's Apprentices, you get them out pretty fast. Counterspell is the MVP secret. If I had Spellbenders I might put them in instead of Vaporize and maybe one of the Mirror Entities - protecting the Ethereal Arcanists is huge.
It destroys Miracle Rogue. It's all right against Warriors, Mages, and Shamans. Druids were tough.
This is the best I can do with a fast Mad Scientist Mage deck:
Welp, literally RNG stone today. Sigh.
yea it's the swingiest game i've ever played, don't take it too seriously.
So whats the word on the Stalagg and Feugen cards?
So whats the word on the Stalagg and Feugen cards?
Specs in Hearthstone would be fun as hell!
i thought the animal companion card was supposed to summon a random beast...
instead it just keeps summoning the 2/4 monkey (4 times) that adds +1 attack to your minions or the 4/2 board with charge (2 times);
Huffer, Misha, and Leokk is all it gives. Lore wise those are rexxar's most trusted pets. The more you know (wow lore is actually pretty good)
ah I see. I suppose it's still decent then, but slightly misleading if you don't knwo about the lore![]()
A temple enforcer?
Do you really need 2?
I struggled with deciding which 5 drops to use for a long ass time, but I've come to the conclusion that in most of my decks, Spectral Knight > Azure Drake. I suppose I'll have to start testing which I like more between Spectral Knight and Stalagg/Feugen since I don't really feel I can afford to have both in decks like ramp druid, control warrior, etc...
I'm leaning towards Stalagg/Feugen > Spectral Knight > Azure Drake though.
Huffer, Misha, and Leokk is all it gives. Lore wise those are rexxar's most trusted pets. The more you know (wow lore is actually pretty good)
I didn't know leokk was a monkey...I thought he was a cat
Not sure how I feel about zombie chow. He's great early game, but definitely a liability late game. Though even then he's great with auchenai + circle of healing. 4 damage board clear + 5 damage to the face? yes please.