New favorite golden:
Still the boss. And maybe now that Priest is back it's time to craft one...
Seems like doomhammer is the shaman's favorite tool all of a sudden. I guess people really love that rockbiter combination to cheese your way to victory
lets see... it does 16 damage on its own. Then plus 6 for each rockbiter. Yeah I start with 7 hp lol, not being serious
Hunter v hunter determined by drawing flare most of the time lol.
Sorta determined by who has the faster deck really. But sure in the straight up mirror midrange/trap hunter decks I guess flare is one of the more important tools. Without traps, it is often determined by who can develop board fastest and most of the time that means who drops highmane first.
I don't think I've seen a highmaine not get freezing trapped in 5 games without flare lol
Why did you draft 4 of them in the first place? The card isn't as good in arena as constructed because you can't guarantee the synergy
So, how to fuck over Mad Scientist-hunters? Having some luck with Tempo Warrior, but it still doesn't feel ideal.
Backspace is supposedly good? Anyone got a decent post-Naxx decklist for that?
Why do so many Shaman deck builds recommend Al'Akir the Windlord
I always though it was one of the worst legendaries
They enter the possible reward pool at 8+ wins, but the chance of getting one isn't very big I guess.Wow, I don't think I've seen a legendary from arena boxes before.
So I did a practice tournament today to prep for the college tournament for tomorrow
Right now im in the finals
first place gets $30
second gets $10
3 out of 5
I'm probably gonna zoo first game even though I warriored first every game in the tournament.
I'm gonna stream it here. feel free to watch.
EDIT: Just won $40 lol
I tuned in for the finals. That was fast. :-oEDIT: Just won $40 lol
Got enough gold to craft another legendary. Can't decide between Sylvanas and The Black Knight. TBK would be great in my control Paladin deck but Sylvanas would also be great for my Shaman deck....
Yeesh, I don't think I can hack it in this game. I lose constantly and have no idea how to build a deck.
I said it earlier, but I have a smattering of expert cards from a couple of packs I bought with gold, but I have no idea what to replace in the basic decks I got from that Reddit thread.
Congrats buy me sandwich![]()
I tuned in for the finals. That was fast. :-o
I hated, hated, hated, HATED playing this game today.
It wasn't even anything out of the ordinary. I didn't face Zoo, or ramp Druid, or miracle Rogue.. what I did face was just never being able to get board control all night long. I tried a number of different decks, and each one of them fell behind and stayed behind until I was dead. I don't get it. It was the same in both constructed and arena.
It's like sometimes the game decides "you get fucked today" and nothing you can do will shake it.
So...mad scientist is the best card in the game, yeah?
So...mad scientist is the best card in the game, yeah?
So...mad scientist is the best card in the game, yeah?
When already having a bow equipped mad scientist have some godly value even when you get a secret u dont need.So...mad scientist is the best card in the game, yeah?
The thing is... mad scientest turn 2, then eaglehorn bow turn 3... how do you beat that? hooooooooow.
The thing is... mad scientest turn 2, then eaglehorn bow turn 3... how do you beat that? hooooooooow.