I don't think so.
didnt blizzard say in the last patch that you wont get common after winning more than 10 games in arena ?
Thanks, at this point i only want more gold to play arenaI believe they said you wouldn't get normal commons. You will only get golden commons at that point.
What's so fun about having to rely on random cards for winning?
In addition,it cost gold you could otherwise invest in packs,so it involves a high risk.
I can see others companies making your cardgame because heathstone. Just imagine a Mass Effect or Battlefield cardgame.
I don't know how the fuck you guys are playing Arena, but it is really sucking the fun out of this game for me. For the fifth time in a row now I get really shitty cards to choose from; no legendaries, no epics and none of the great class-specific cards, then having to fight against a Warrior that got two legendaries, plays two Shield Blocks and has a ton of great cards or a Priest that got two Lightwell, Lightspawn and Inner Fire. Stuff like that is not fun to me and it is severely impacting my progress in this game and my ability to enjoy this game.
2 packs, 240 golds, a golden common and you complain T_Tdidnt blizzard say in the last patch that you wont get common after winning more than 10 games in arena ?
Meanwhile I still suck at arena, I starting to think using arenavalue is working against me. Any good guides to arena to read? I might watch Trump's stream in the end but I'm not a big fan of watching other people play for some dumb reason.
So this just happened
Every card a rare or higher with a legendary
A good mana curve doesn't help shit when you have crap cards. Regular minions don't get the work done 99% of the time when your opponent has the better effect minions and clearing spells and you can't do shit unless you get dealt perfect hands every turn and your opponent fucks up. I think 'everyone gets a crap draft every once in a while' is a shitty reason to have to deal with it. This is also the fifth time in a row that I've had to deal with this, and that's very frustrating and to me makes me feel like this is the norm rather than something that just happens 'every once in a while'.Regular minions can win you most of your matches. Your mana curve is more important than any legendary. Also everyone gets bad drafts every once in a while.
I don't know how the fuck you guys are playing Arena, but it is really sucking the fun out of this game for me.
No, Triple Triad sucks.
Triple Triad is cute, but even a small downloadable title like Card City Nights is better.
A good mana curve doesn't help shit when you have crap cards. Regular minions don't get the work done 99% of the time when your opponent has the better effect minions and clearing spells and you can't do shit unless you get dealt perfect hands every turn and your opponent fucks up. I think 'everyone gets a crap draft every once in a while' is a shitty reason to have to deal with it. This is also the fifth time in a row that I've had to deal with this, and that's very frustrating and to me makes me feel like this is the norm rather than something that just happens 'every once in a while'.
Having to build a deck from random cards is fine and seems like a fun idea, but having it be so random that you can get only crap cards while your opponent gets three legendaries, four of their best class-specific cards, ten great effect minions and five great clearing spells is not fun at all and very, very frustrating.
I can see others companies making your cardgame because heathstone. Just imagine a Mass Effect or Battlefield cardgame.
I distinctly remember at some conference people were working on a Call of Duty card game years ago. I never heard anything come of it.
But I do hope HS kindles a digital card game renaissance.
I'm just real tired at the moment due to deadlines / work / other stuff. And sure, I could do that. I managed to get a decent streak on my second arena try, but then got kicked out of the arena by Blizzard server issues. Thanks, Blizzard! At least I got a halfway decent pack out of it this time, with Big Game Hunter, South Sea Captain and Counterspell.You sound just tilted man. And if bad drafts are the norm, then your opponents should have bad decks.
Maybe records your drafts and get feedback from here? I'm sure it would help a lot.
Using your smarts to make the best out of the random cards you are given is fun.
Arena: 150gold investment - at least 1 card pack and a high chance you get even more out of it. 7 wins and you get another free Arena run + a card pack
Booster: 100 gold - 5 cards - farm constructed again
No contest..
Any gold card is a win for me.Proof this game hates me:
You mean the one song that plays over and over and over again? LolI just wanna say: I haven't played the game but the Hearthstone soundtrack is amazing.
It's here to download (legally): http://us.battle.net/hearthstone/en/media/
And a fucking disconnect as the 11'th game... (was winning my a fucking mile because hey the deck is invincible)
Are there reimbusments in HS?
Why aren't they taking the game offline for a short while to fix it, instead of letting everyone play it in the state it is in now? Opponents going AFK constantly, disconnects all over the place, lag spikes, freezes, yuck... They'll probably not even bother to give a free arena ticket to the people whose arena runs were cut short due to the servers. ;-(
Proof this game hates me: