Pulled a illidan in a pack yesterday. Felt good.
any tips for arena, i seem to just have some bad runs lately
Record some drafts and someone will surely help in here.
Pulled a illidan in a pack yesterday. Felt good.
any tips for arena, i seem to just have some bad runs lately
Miracle deck is nearly complete. Missing Vancleef, Acolyte of Pain (if you can believe it) and Nat Pagle. Subbed with Ironbeak, Questing, and Coldlight Oracle.
Fun shit. Feels just like storm. A deck like no other in Hearthstone.
Out of about 50 packs I've pulled Jarraxsus, Krush, and Grommash. All good legendaries but as someone who plays all 9 classes I sure would like a Neutral Legendary
How does this draft look to you folks? It's goten me two wins so far.
I had that happen but it didn't count as a loss.Alright, just had this happen.
Game starts, I pick my cards and get new ones, and then I'm waiting for my opponent.
Next thing I know is we both explode and it counts as a loss. Anyone know of any new bugs or exploits going around?
Got my 2nd Legendary card.
What am I even supposed to do with this card now? I wonder if he could be useful in my Shaman deck.
I had that happen but it didn't count as a loss.
Alright, just had this happen.
Game starts, I pick my cards and get new ones, and then I'm waiting for my opponent.
Next thing I know is we both explode and it counts as a loss. Anyone know of any new bugs or exploits going around?
Here is a cool short vid of someone getting 1,810,000+ damage out of eye for an eye.
You obviously don't want to sit on him for a large number of turns, but when combined with a lightning bolt you can use maly as a pyro, which in itself is weak play, but you can also use it as reliable board clear with it's high HP.
I run it in a few variations of spell heavy decks, but for questing and not for competitive play.
What am I even supposed to do with this card now? I wonder if he could be useful in my Shaman deck.
Counter spelled Unleash the hounds. Felt so good.
How do people get so many Prophets out like that? Do they just use Cho and Thought Steal and hope he's late in the deck?
I got 5 booster packs from friends via Diablo 3: RoS. If i buy Diablo 3:RoS digitally can i get a 6th?
There's a limit of 5 redeemable booster packs.
Man, those timer trolls are extremely frustrating and there should be an option to report them. I had a mage wait for the fuse to come every single turn before playing anything and constantly taunt me with emotes. In the last turn I had a 2/11 Taunted Kubiyashi Berserker, but only 9 health on my hero. Opponent did nothing for the entire turn, then just when the fuse was going to run out he sheeped my berserker and killed my other minions to spite me despite having lethal power. Then he did the 'sorry' emote.
Fuck that shit.
Luckily, I at least got a decent pack out of the arena run.
As for the timer thing, not sure how they can fix that but I agree that deliberate time wasting is bullshit.
Man, those timer trolls are extremely frustrating and there should be an option to report them. I had a mage wait for the fuse to come every single turn before playing anything and constantly taunt me with emotes. In the last turn I had a 2/11 Taunted Kubiyashi Berserker, but only 9 health on my hero. Opponent did nothing for the entire turn, then just when the fuse was going to run out he sheeped my berserker and killed my other minions to spite me despite having lethal power. Then he did the 'sorry' emote.
Fuck that shit.
Luckily, I at least got a decent pack out of the arena run.
I saw a druid play Malaygos then double Moonfire, double Innervate, then Swipe for lethal.
You can probably do a lot of things with Malagos if he stays alive, but you can say that with pretty much every legendary.
Weird, had a good run with the Reynad warrior deck (with extra black knight and blood knight) for a day last week, and I haven't won a game with it since. So many popular decks straight up counter it now, like hunter aggro or giant warlock or Trump mage.
I'd say purposefully abusing the timer mechanic just to annoy the other player is not the same as 'playing their turns to the fullest', especially if he or she has only one card in hand. I don't expect Blizzard to do anything about it, but I sure would appreciate them tweaking the fuse mechanic so that it can't be abused like this. For instance; Shorten the fuse so the trollers get less warning on when they have to play everything. Let the fuse run out once? That's fine. Twice in a row? 2 damage. Thrice in a row? 4 damage. etc. That would combat the trolling somewhat but would not massively impact regular play in any way.There's nothing to report there... he's playing the game as the game allows him to. No way in a million years Blizzard does anything against someone for using the taunt button and playing their turns to the fullest.
I'd say purposefully abusing the timer mechanic just to annoy the other player is not the same as 'playing their turns to the fullest', especially if he or she has only one card in hand. I don't expect Blizzard to do anything about it, but I sure would appreciate them tweaking the fuse mechanic so that it can't be abused like this. For instance; Shorten the fuse so the trollers get less warning on when they have to play everything. Let the fuse run out once? That's fine. Twice in a row? 2 damage. Thrice in a row? 4 damage. etc. That would combat the trolling somewhat but would not massively impact regular play in any way.
I disagree.Why do people always complain about rush decks when control decks are far easier to pilot.
haha, I said the same exact thing yesterday.Holy fuck there are so many Hunters and Warlocks rank 13-14. I want to play control, you know the actual fun part of the game but there is an impenetrable wall of dumbass cheese rushdown.
I'd say purposefully abusing the timer mechanic just to annoy the other player is not the same as 'playing their turns to the fullest', especially if he or she has only one card in hand. I don't expect Blizzard to do anything about it, but I sure would appreciate them tweaking the fuse mechanic so that it can't be abused like this. For instance; Shorten the fuse so the trollers get less warning on when they have to play everything. Let the fuse run out once? That's fine. Twice in a row? 2 damage. Thrice in a row? 4 damage. etc. That would combat the trolling somewhat but would not massively impact regular play in any way.
I disagree.
So what do you guys think, iPad version this week? Man I hope so....
Although with the event being on the 3rd it seems unlikely.
I think control decks have the higher winrates and they take fewer risks. I think there is more margin of error compared to other decks like midrange and early aggression. Aggro decks are actually pretty hard to play. Definitely harder than control. I don't even think there is a contest tbh.
Compare warrior control to any midrange+early aggression deck. Hunter has way more meaningful decisions than control warrior which pretty much pilots itself for the crucial first 5 turns and by that point you've probably won or lost depending on the match up (some match ups clearly not but many, yes I feel like the match is like 90% won or lost by that point). That is how I look at it at least.
I'm not saying control is piss easy, but aggression is harder.
Unless it's a launch day event (Thursday is the first day it's out for most regions).
It makes sense to tie it into the season end and it's probably been submitted and approved.
if they miss the season start it makes far less sense.
I think control decks have the higher winrates and they take fewer risks. I think there is more margin of error compared to other decks like midrange and early aggression. Aggro decks are actually pretty hard to play. Definitely harder than control. I don't even think there is a contest tbh.
Compare warrior control to any midrange+early aggression deck. Hunter has way more meaningful decisions than control warrior which pretty much pilots itself for the crucial first 5 turns and by that point you've probably won or lost depending on the match up (some match ups clearly not but many, yes I feel like the match is like 90% won or lost by that point). That is how I look at it at least.
I'm not saying control is piss easy, but aggression is harder.
Well, they couldn't tie the PC/Mac launches to the start of a PVP season, and they have no excuses for that (no outside approval committees I mean)... and they did it anyway. It wouldn't surprise me very much if somehow the iPad version got released a week or two in to the first real PVP season (which starts tomorrow - so a Thursday release would technically already be a delayed start for iOS); not saying it isn't releasing this week, but just that if it did release next week or the following on iOS, it wouldn't ruin the PVP season... getting to rank 20, even for a completely new player wouldn't take much more than a couple days at worst (at best it takes like 1 hour).
I <3 counterspell.
Best thing is that nobody uses it so nobody ever expects it.