At this point it's almost a given that one of the cards to be revealed will have battlecry- trigger your hero power.
another card that isn't terrible. Not great but it is far from worthless.
At this point it's almost a given that one of the cards to be revealed will have battlecry- trigger your hero power.
The inconsistency between the usual "Can't Attack" and this card's "Can't attack" is killing me.
I feel like this should be at least 3/4. Guess we have to wait for all the card to know for sure.
100% garbage
Inspire mechanic right now basically works like this (for most cards):
*If you don't Inspire with the card then they are pure trash or below average.
*If you Inspire once with them then they become either average or a bit above average.
*If you Inspire twice with them then they become insane or well above average.
*If you Inspire with two or more minions then the Inspire effects stack up in value considerably.
*If you Inspire twice with two or minions then you should win the game.
Man these times are pretty exciting.
I wonder how many we call right vs call wrong in the future.
I doubt it but... can you activate the Inspire effect the same turn you play it? Essentially use your hero power to give it charge.
Man these times are pretty exciting.
I wonder how many we call right vs call wrong in the future.
It should be noted that around 70%+ cards from GvG didn't see regular play in competitive decks. I expect the value to be higher for this expansion simply because this expansion has more cards competing against it (GvG only competed with Naxx and Classic where as TGT is competing against GvG, BRM, Naxx and Classic).
It'd be fun if everyone was wrong! For everyone to be wrong about most cards right now they'd have to be deliberately hiding the good or enabling cards though, which is cheating and doesn't mean everyone is wrong.
No, it says attack "as normal."I doubt it but... can you activate the Inspire effect the same turn you play it? Essentially use your hero power to give it charge.
Can't gen the card since I'm on mobile, but how bout this for extra hero power activation.
5 mana epic neutral 5/3
Battlecry: Reset hero power. Your next hero power costs (0) mana.
The biggest issue with a 5 mana card is that it can't be played in conjunction with much else. Just as Mad Scientist actually would be much worse if it were a 5/5 for 5, instead of a 2/2 for 2, with the same effect.
Here's the WoW TCG card the new Warlock card's art is from:
I'm not sure in what situations "gain +1 Health and you have to Hero Power every round you want this minion to attack for the rest of the game" is better than a 2/3.
Would be cool if the hearthstone version was like assassinate but could also buff a demon. Maybe 'destory non-demon minion. if cast on demon, restore to full health' or something. 5 mana.
Yeah mana cost is what I didn't know what would be best. Maybe a 3 mana 2/3.
You just described Felheart.
You mean demonheart? And sorta?
Felheart is a real card from GvG.
What if it can attack on the turn it is played? So a 2/4 on turn 2 or a 2/4 with charge on turn 4.Argent Watchman is probably the worst card yet. Stats need to be way better to make up for that downside.
Argent Watchman is probably the worst card yet. Stats need to be way better to make up for that downside.