WHAT THE FUCK.......Showdown at Blackrock (again) - Ragnaros vs Nefarian

WHAT THE FUCK.......Showdown at Blackrock (again) - Ragnaros vs Nefarian
Wonder did they tune it up but watching Amaz, it looks like it's the same so far. -_-
Might have been a mistake by Blizzard.
Someone just posted this on Reddit:
Please be wrong, I've already got my free pack.
I have 3 of him, he better get nerfed lol.Here's to another 20k posts of talking about Dr. Balanced needing a nerf!
Hell I got a normal and golden Dr just sitting here incase they nerf it, give me all dat dust!
I hope I get another pack from the Unstable Portal one, because it has been a disappointing one again. Secretkeeper as the rare, yay!
I feel you, bro.
I'm not finding good stuff since looong time.
The 2 last legendaries I found were TWO Cairne. And I obviously already got one.
My girlfriend found YSERA and ONYXIA in the same pack instead.
I feel so miserable.
You shouldn't feel bad about repeat legendaries. That's 400 dust for one card when you usually get a new rare, maybe a common or two and 10-20 dust. Any legendary is very good to get from a pack.There aren't that many good legendaries but it feels pretty bad when you don't have many and you still get repeats. For me it has been 2 repeats from 6 legendaries open, so ehhh.
No. Ragnar vs Nef.New Tavern Brawl is out? What's the mode this week?
New Tavern Brawl is out? What's the mode this week?
You shouldn't feel bad about repeat legendaries. That's 400 dust for one card when you usually get a new rare, maybe a common or two and 10-20 dust. Any legendary is very good to get from a pack.
Beat Rag, get a Rag.
Blizzard has acknowledged the problem on Twitter.
Got Gorehowl and a golden Demonfire in my pack, but another pack wouldn't be bad either.
I've been playing Priest recently. How convenient!
I really liked to play with my own version of some kind of Randuin.
Unfortunately that deck sucks in this meta. :/
I'm getting Ragnaros vs Nefarian as my Brawl and I'm on the old patch. Weird.
Yeah, that's the problem. Only those on the new patch are getting the correct Brawl.
Okay. So I guess the patch was supposed to hit before this week's Brawl then?
Randuin always sucks, it just makes it sweeter when you do win!
Did Nefarian always have more than one Razorgore in his deck? This Nefarian I'm facing right now does. What the hell?
Did he play Chromaggus earlier?
Inspiring for more RNG.