dat tournament feel
If Demonfuse wasn't bad enough.... it doesn't work on Jaraxxus!
That would be quite funny though...
CardbackNow I'm not suggesting they cherry pick the 20 best cards from the set and reveal them all at the start, but Jesus Christ Blizzard, how are you expecting to sell people on pre-ordering the set with this crap?
I really hope that the card on the left allows some crazy Inspire synergy. It looks like it might be one that triggers Inspire as a battlecry.
Or you could just use Power Overwhelming instead... like what people actually do.Demonfuse would actually be playable if it wasn't locked to demons only. Then you could use it with Arcane Golem and Faceless for a 14 damage combo.
Or you could just use Power Overwhelming instead... like what people actually do.
I would say Coldarra Drake and Fallen Hero are "good" as well on top of the obvious one which is Effigy. These two cards would especially be great if Inspire decks end up being worth a damn.When that Amaz card reveal happens, we have seen 5 out of probably 8 mage class cards. Only one so far is really good.
I don't have high expectations for other classes really.
When that Amaz card reveal happens, we have seen 5 out of probably 8 mage class cards. Only one so far is really good.
I don't have high expectations for other classes really.
Trolls > Bore Elves
I knew I liked you for some reason.???
Trolls > Bore Elves
New card:
Why does this card even exist?
I mean, there's demonfire and demon heart for demons, and PO for non demons.
Did warlocks need this? I don't understand
blizz pls. I know we need bad cards, but cmon. This isn't even trying.
Kinda crazy that we have not even seen a Paladin card yet
They got a couple of good neutral minions though.Kind of sad Paladin is getting shafted in the card reveals as usual.
Maybe pally is only getting dragon inspire cards.
Fun guessing time.
Argent Caller
2 mana 1/2
Battlecry: Activate your minions' Inspire.
Heroic Warcrier
3 mana 4/1
Inspire: Activate a friendly minion's Battlecry.
Or you can just use Demonfire instead and not get punished when your turn 2 play gives the Druid ability to play Keeper of the Grove one turn earlier to silence your minion, then you are behind for the rest of the game.Turn 1 Voidwalker into Turn 2 Demonfuse. That's basically the dream and it is pretty scary. That's a 4/6 with taunt on Turn 2.
Consistent? Probably not.
Would old Undertaker but for Inspire instead of Deathrattle be broken, or simply enable the decks? I feel like all the cards are so slow, but that would at least give you an ounce of a chance in the early game.
A 0 mana 0/2?
New card:
A card that gains +1/+1 each time you use hero power, or one that gets +1/+1 for each Inspire card played? If it's each time you use hero power, that's much weaker than the old Undertaker decks because they used to get a forever growing Undertaker and a slew of deathrattle minions to back him up. You had ridiculous board presence plus the various deathrattle boosts. If it's each time you play an Inspire card, it's still weaker because the Inspire cards don't do anything unless you use your mana on your hero power instead of building a strong board. It would still be better than Demonfuse, though.
Lmao at that thread title change.
When, exactly, does the season end? I think I'm sitting at level 21 and kept putting off reaching 20 for this or that reason, but I don't want to miss the card back.
Brode's sick Mage draft got rekt by WarlocksI understand that not every card can be good, but I want to know what's Blizzard's logic behind releasing a card that's worse than Demonfire. Why not do something different or something that plays off inspire?
I understand that not every card can be good, but I want to know what's Blizzard's logic behind releasing a card that's worse than Demonfire. Why not do something different or something that plays off inspire?
If Paladin gets a dragon with taunt Blizzard is redeemed.
Mod Abuse always gotta change my titles! T_T