Ugh, Webspinner brawl...
The one they had before actually sounded kind of cool too.
The one they had before actually sounded kind of cool too.
DyslexicAlucard said:I . . . think people are overestimating the power of Lock and Load. To be even close to a good as an Arcane Intellect, you need to draw two cards. So you need to use two spells that turn, on top of the Lock and Load itself. That's not only pretty slow, but it assumes a Hunter will have that many spells in hand by turn, what, 5? At the minimum? And that the spells would be the most effective thing to do that turn.
Plus, the cards are random, so unlike Arcane Intellect, they won't necessarily fit into your deck/gameplan smoothly, and may actually just suck. Sure, it has the potential to ball out of control and win games, but so do a lot of cards that aren't used because they're both too slow and inconsistent -- a problem I think Lock and Load may have.
However, if it is still pretty powerful, I think it'll be a good thing, as it will encourage Hunters to play a slower game. God knows I'm sick of Face Hunters!
You know Warrior is in a bad state when not even control Warrior is that good anymore.
Freeze Mage is nothing to The Shaman.
Purple played many suspect turns that game, but this one seemed like he was determined to outright lose:
It made zero sense. He should have fireballed both Boom and the TBV. He had plenty of low cost spells left in his deck not to mention Thaurissan to cycle fireballs off of anton later in the game, not to mention this was the world's worst plan for dealing with a minion which snowballs other minions. He had a single freeze with no guaranteed backup to not get punched in the face a turn later which is exactly what happened.
It's not really a misplay, he had Alex in his hand, he could win the game in two turns. You can't keep clearing things forever, he made a move to win the game quickly. What he didn't count for was Bloodlust and that card isn't exactly common. If there was no Bloodlust his play was perfectly fine. The threat of Doomhammer+rockbiter is usually far morel likely and immediate than bloodlust. Unfortunately though he didn't draw a single rockbiter the whole match but had bloodlust. When you watch the match from both sides it looks like a misplay to you, there are more things to consider.
Toast's Inconsistency In Hearthstone video is really great. Has Blizz ever said they intend to fix all this because it keeps getting worse.
6+ month's and blizz still hasn't changed or added 1 word to a bunch of cards... Lazy bastards confirmed.
I kinda doubt its them being "lazy." I think its more that they either don't think it's a problem or are having trouble changing it. Either way, Blizzard's lack of communication leaves something to be desired, and that goes beyond them having inconsistent card text.
So their code takes the text on the card and processes that for how it behaves, instead of just being a block of descriptive text?
They don't want to change the identity of the cards.6+ month's and blizz still hasn't changed or added 1 word to a bunch of cards... Lazy bastards confirmed.
They don't want to change the identity of the cards.
Yeah, that. I forgot the meme.You mean the "soul" of the cards?
The general mindset you see from pro players is that they take so called winning plays. Clearing things and just to be on the safe side and lose slower that average ladder player chooses usually are at odds with it. Sure, sometimes what average ladder player thinks turns out better but these guys win a lot more than average ladder player and they are here because of it. It's a different mindset, it's probably the better mindset to have.
There is no telling clearing things would end up better, maybe he had to deal with something else next, filling the board is easy for shaman. He saw the quickest way he could possibly win in two turns and took his chances, it didn't work out but doesn't mean it was a mistake. You're seeing the match from both sides and can't see what he was seeing.
I'll never understand people who purposely use their entire turn to waste time. You have to be pathetically desperate for wins to employ that tactic.
I'll never understand people who purposely use their entire turn to waste time. You have to be pathetically desperate for wins to employ that tactic.
I'll sometimes do it if I'm salty and facing somebody who is playing whatever the latest aggro deck is.
Turn 1 worgen? You can just sit there and wait.
When you get win 5 tavern brawl quest on a shitty tavern brawl week.
People keep trying to rush me down with their Webspinners.
Why are you trying to rush me down with your Webspinners.
In the 1st and 2nd turns there is no point in trading Webspinners because you are very unlikely to have the mana to play any of the beasts you get, so you're missing out on free face damage.People keep trying to rush me down with their Webspinners.
Why are you trying to rush me down with your Webspinners.
In the 1st and 2nd turns there is no point in trading Webspinners because you are very unlikely to have the mana to play any of the beasts you get, so you're missing out on free face damage.