Mobius and pet octopus
you want arcane golem in that deck.
It isn't a face deck. It is a tempo deck. I'm not sure what arcane golem would do better than other charge minions though.
you want arcane golem in that deck.
Burn in hell patronYes i'm that![]()
Wow this secret paladin was too stupid to see I had lethal on board on his MC turn despite the full secret tree.
Bleh, not a good screen cause the stupid secret procs, but basically he had 9 hp with me having 3 minions, a 3/3, 5/5, and a 2/2 on board plus a dagger. Had he removed the 2/2 he could have at least removed lethal from board.
its cool, we don't even see the screen
You'll be even saltier when you fight all the hunters patron has been keeping at bay.
Seeing more Zoolock with Patron gone but yeah mostly the same.So basically no change![]()
You'll be even saltier when you fight all the hunters patron has been keeping at bay.
Why not? Must be your browser.
I used the same service and process as the decklist which miladesn seems to be able to see.
How did Patron keep hunters at bay? If anything, Patron made Hunter a lot more attractive to play.
i use chrome. able to see it when I got the link, just doesnt seem to work on gaf
Because Patron punished the use of Explosive Traps, Snake Traps, Leper Gnomes and all the garbage minions they play in the deck.How did Patron keep hunters at bay? If anything, Patron made Hunter a lot more attractive to play.
After playing since launch, finally reached the mountaintop. Never succumbed to Patron to get it either
One of my prouder accomplishments in life
Because Patron punished the use of Explosive Traps, Snake Traps, Leper Gnomes and all the garbage minions they play in the deck.
Many of the Face Hunter minions had 1 health because they were offensive cards which could easily be cleared with Whirlwind effects and health gain with Armorsmiths. Plus Unstable Ghoul really put the hurt on Face Hunters.
The Midrange Hunter match up was better but still not that great for the Hunter. If the Warrior could execute the Highmane then the 2/2s basically just fed the Patrons.
And the "Hybrid" Hunter was somewhere in the middle of the two decks.
Congrats.After playing since launch, finally reached the mountaintop. Never succumbed to Patron to get it either
One of my prouder accomplishments in life
Other classes can't clear 1 health charge minions as efficiently as Grim Patron could nor do they have a way to mitigate the Hunter hero power. Whirlwind, Unstable Ghouls, Death's Bite deathrattle, Inner Rage etc. all resulted in Face Hunter charge minions being wasted easily.
You don't need your combo pieces to win against Face Hunter, that's the point.If Patron warrior used all their combo pieces to clear minions that you expect to die anyway, I don't see that as an advantage.
Rogue has much better tools for example and it doesn't remove their win condition. Of course Rogues also don't have four win conditions, but a Warrior using inner rage to kill a wolf rider wasn't remotely a problem.
Ugh, co op... you saying I need to interact with other people?
Switched to midrange Druid, instant winstreak. None of them close and all of them won with 20+ damage combos.
Shit's broken.
I like playing against Patron Warriors that haven't gotten the memo yet. That awkward moment when they play their stuff, then mouse over warsong commander...
I don't know man I played that new aggro Druid deck list and got to rank 4 easy. Fel Reaver doing work in this aggressive meta because all the aggressive decks aren't bothered to carry BGHs.No way. Druid gets wrecked right now. Can't get tempo against any of the bullshit out there. You had great draws or just played the right players.
edit: yah, I'm bitter...I don't doubt you won, btw...just bitter that my druid decks are getting wrecked.
I actually took this opportunity to put patron into my modified control warrior just to subvert expectations. It's still a good card imo, and it can definitely catch people off-gaurd b/c of the nerf to warsong.
Control Warrior does pretty well.What the hell can beat Dragon Priest? Control Paladin?
What the hell can beat Dragon Priest? Control Paladin?
What the hell can beat Dragon Priest? Control Paladin?
lol, faced a Dragon Priest while playing Circle Priest and they decided to play both their Northshire Clerics at the same time while I had a Chow and Deathlord on board. I burned their entire deck by Turn 5.
Tuskarr Jouster is a really disappointing card in my Mid Pally. Subbed it in for Healbots but the +2/2 doesn't seem worth it for the low frequency of activating. I think it only activated 2 or 3 times so far and one of those times was after my opponent had fatigued from their Fel Reaver. Gonna be so sad to cut those turtles though...
Yup, I put healbot back in for it after not consistently healing vs. a hunter. It hurt me to do but fuck joust.
Joust is just bad. Could see using Healing Wave in Shaman, that's about it.
i think my midrange hunter is dead, got all the way up to 8 with full stars and i'm on a massive losing streak, mainly to paladins, fellow hunters who get a better start than i do, and handlock. If i go for more anti-aggro i am even worse when it comes to handlock.
I like playing against Patron Warriors that haven't gotten the memo yet. That awkward moment when they play their stuff, then mouse over warsong commander...