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Help me find a (90's) song based on vague descriptions...

just want to add that if it was a big hit on the radio then it's likely to be one of tracks on those Big Shiny Tunes albums that Much Music released back then


This thread is damn great! Y'all got an ears for musics. I wish you well on you're quest Men In Boxes (have you ever heard of the band Living In A Box?)

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
You fucks need to stop posting shit from the 2000s

Classics. Is it one of these?

Candlebox had some 90s style straight happenin man


Dude...this is the song!

It fits my descriptions everywhere except it's not nearly as good as I remembered. What a journey the last 12 hours have been. Kacho, you're the ****!

Fellow NeoGAFians, fellow Concordians...this case is closed!
Haha. You were so close too. I do this with arcade games I played as a kid in the 80s; was that a weird dream or did I actually play that?
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