I had a rather interesting Hero Academy related day.
I have a bunch friends playing and I was beating most of them pretty handily so I decided to make a youtube video just giving some basic tips and a look into why I make the moves I do. I CC'd the Hero Academy twitter account when I tweeted it. They retweeted it. I got like 10 new followers (who will likely unfollow soon because im an awful person) and the video got an ok amount of views.
And then one of the randoms I was playing sent me a message saying "Someone sent me a youtube video today and it was yours and I was surprised to find myself in it." And two others said "I saw your video on youtube." They weren't in it. But yeah, those were just random folks, not friends.
And then one of the devs tweeted at me. We chatted a bit. I pointed him to my podcast which he listened to (or atleast the part about Hero Academy) and we had a good back and forth. He said the team was made up of coders from Age of Empire 2/3/4. He also said he gets his ass kicked online - heh.
I dunno, i thought it was neat.
If you care here's the youtube video:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZFM9rrUPVys&list=UUTVb6d8gmC_R3HAzm7Af0Sg&index=1&feature=plcp *yes, i need a tripod*
You can skip to the 1 min mark, the first min is me just pimping my podcast like a tool.
And here's my twitter account, @coolrig is the HA dev.
I got over 10 challenges today and now i feel all this pressure to be good because I made a video... and i'm really not that good, it's just that my friends are terrible