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Heroes of Newerth |OT| Free-To-Play [PC /Mac /Linux]


Just FYI, as with most updates where we do various interface tweaks, you may need to remove any installed interface mods until those mods are updated to avoid potential issues. The mods' authors will likely post updates for them within a day or few.


GAF parliamentarian
Just wanna say, despite owning the game since September, I put my first two games in today. No-Stat, so maybe thats why people were acting kinda nice, but my experience was positive. Now, I might man up and start playing instead of just keeping tabs on the community and hoping S2 has a hit on their hands.


Yo! Inhouse scrim is planned for tomorrow night (June 24th) at 8pm EST! Let's get at least 10 people going and rock each other's faces into the ground!

Word has it that if you don't show up, your butt is getting kicked from the clan. Show up just to make sure it doesn't. :|


Second-rate Anihawk
I'll try to be on for the scrim. IG name is 'Powerslave'. I suck though so I'll be playing Glacius/Plague/DSham and warding like a beast. :3


There is a behemoth of a patch out on the test server for those that want to check it out (new hero, new item, 2 hero reworks, tons of balance changes).


I love when I play AP I'm guaranteed to see either

Forsaken Archer, Electrician, Demented Shaman, Plague Rider, Fayde, Engineer

Every Single Time, forced to block out that game mode now. Getting a bit out of hand
Sebulon3k said:
I love when I play AP I'm guaranteed to see either

Forsaken Archer, Electrician, Demented Shaman, Plague Rider, Fayde, Engineer

Every Single Time, forced to block out that game mode now. Getting a bit out of hand

Valkyrie? Swiftblade?

Reason #262 on why I hate pubs: Night Hounds who take Smoke Bomb at level 8-10. Inevitably there's a gank in his lane before then and his lane partner (who dies) will always ask "why no smoke?" I was Pollywog porting in to save a tower from 3 melee heroes and instead of getting a smoke cover I get perma-stunned and we lose the tower, while the NH watches and does a late pounce.

It is sometimes funny though to see your terrible team somehow beat an even worse team. A Predator had THREE Steamboots "so I can go faster" and we still won.
All steamboots predator can actually be viable in pubs for the "lulz." This game is so much fun. The only game I've touched in the last 6 months. With more patches and new heroes it looks like I'll be playing for a long time. The only bad thing about this game are the terrible people that play it.

Casval said:
Sup guys, we're recruiting volunteer GMs. This is an unpaid position, but if you're looking to help out with the community and whatnot (and just join a cool club), fill out an application here:

If you don't have 100 posts, send me an email: [email protected]
Nice. I didn't know you posted on GAF Nome. I browse the HON forums sometimes and man:lol . Moderating that cesspool must be hard work.


To all previous beta testers!

This Friday we have a great patch coming to HoN with a full Rampage rework, new hero Gladiator, Report A Player functionality, new item, and a bunch of balance tweaks. To celebrate this excellent patch we are giving all old, non purchased beta accounts a Free2Play weekend. Starting Friday at noon EST and ending Sunday 11:59pm EST anyone can login with their old beta account and enjoy HoN once again.

What do you guys think of doing another in house scrim on Thursday?


Why are we getting a Rampage rework? He's great as-is and is an awesome carry if farmed. How about breaking mods that warn on the rampage charge instead?
Good to see Hon finally getting some press, one of its faults is it relied to heavily on word of mouth when they should have went with some advertising, imagine if they sold it on steam, would be a lot more players than there is at the moment.


Second-rate Anihawk
GhostRidah said:
Good to see Hon finally getting some press, one of its faults is it relied to heavily on word of mouth when they should have went with some advertising, imagine if they sold it on steam, would be a lot more players than there is at the moment.
I agree that a Steam version would make sense, but HoN has more people online now than any Steam game barring CS and MW2. Not too shabby imo.


IP block for asian players started yesterday so numbers are down. Almost all 50 players on my friends list :(.


GAF parliamentarian
kagete said:
IP block for asian players started yesterday so numbers are down. Almost all 50 players on my friends list :(.
Numbers are down? 21,000 online for me, which is more than most other days this week. Guess the assumption that SEA wasn't buying the game was true.


I typically see about 25-30K on during the middle of the day.
In house scrim tonight anyone? After last week's epic 70 minute scrim with valenti leaving, I think we need another.


Some western players in the forum are rejoicing that that they no longer have to play with non english speaking players.:lol
kagete said:
Why are we getting a Rampage rework? He's great as-is and is an awesome carry if farmed. How about breaking mods that warn on the rampage charge instead?
I'm sorry you have to play in the 1200 psr range.


Concurrent players are up to 28,000 now. So the number of players might be down during SEA Peak time which is early morning for USA.

Europe and USA concurrent peak numbers aren't affected.

I'm excited for the patch tomorrow.


Keep in mind that there are other factors which affect the player count, such as the upcoming holiday or the pre-patch lull.

Also. If you're in the Kalamazoo area, some players are hosting an event tomorrow at the Center Ice bar (same building as the office) - some of the staff will be there and it's my understanding that there will be drinks and pizza. I'll be around for sure.


Lyphen said:
Numbers are down? 21,000 online for me, which is more than most other days this week. Guess the assumption that SEA wasn't buying the game was true.

Yup, SEA players not buying is definitely true. Personally, my brothers and I bought the accounts for almost 20 friends in SEA.


I'm gonna be at a lake house near Bangor (about an hourish west of Kalamazoo) with some friends for the weekend. Maybe I'll see if I can get out there.


New patch. woohoo. free to play weekend.

Version 1.0.5
- New Legion Strength hero, Gladiator, based off DotA's Kunkka
well this patch is going to bring me back to the game, I use to play like mad 5 months ago, will love if this report a player feature works out as intended.

I am going to be a complete noob but if you see me on this weekend add me and lets rock this shit

name: Hadouken


If all old beta accounts are active, this weekend is going to be complete chaos. People are going to be smurfing and griefing all weekend. I'll log on to one of my many beta accounts to join in the fun. No way, I'm going to sign on my normal account to play...


One of the problems I have with this game is the community and developers seem to hate anything they think will make the game easier.

Take for example, showing the range of the towers. It shouldn't have to be a mod and should be implemented in game. Same with a circle showing the maximum range of a skill. Or right click deny. The communities arguments against this is being "LOL, go play a game that does everything for you" or something a long that line.


GAF parliamentarian
Troblin said:
If all old beta accounts are active, this weekend is going to be complete chaos. People are going to be smurfing and griefing all weekend. I'll log on to one of my many beta accounts to join in the fun. No way, I'm going to sign on my normal account to play...
Beta account are only allowed no-stat games.


Lyphen said:
Beta account are only allowed no-stat games.

They should just make this permanent as a demo or trial for everyone. Not just this weekend only. It should attract all the dota players who can't afford HoN.
So, I was thinking about getting this game since it seems like a lot of my WOW friends quit to come to this until Cata is out. I've never played DOTA but the videos of this look fun then I came to another problem.. Is this game even better than this League of Legends game I keep seeing compared to it?


GAF parliamentarian
DarkAngelYuna said:
So, I was thinking about getting this game since it seems like a lot of my WOW friends quit to come to this until Cata is out. I've never played DOTA but the videos of this look fun then I came to another problem.. Is this game even better than this League of Legends game I keep seeing compared to it?
I'd say yes. But LoL is free, you try it out first.

If you like the idea, and think you could play it at the next level, give HoN a shot. It adds a heavy extra layer of complexity to what LoL offers. In addition to much better game interface/graphics/sound/etc. I guess the only thing LoL offers that HoN doesn't do better is a relaxed environment to play in.


DarkAngelYuna said:
So, I was thinking about getting this game since it seems like a lot of my WOW friends quit to come to this until Cata is out.

Play whatever your friends are playing. If they are playing HoN, then play HoN. Both games are great in their own way. Asking in this thread would be abit bias.


I dunno how much of HonGAF follows the competitive scene, but round one of the Honcast Invitational was today. The number one seed, MSI, completely stomped in the faces of the number eight seed, clan Milk. However, now I'm watching the second seed, Loaded, versus the seventh, Empire, and it's some of the most exciting HoN I've seen in a good long while.

It looks like you can find both of those series on Honcast.com. Highly recommend watching, at the very lest, the LOAD v Empr series.


GAF parliamentarian
I don't know what it is, but HONCast's streaming always seems to cut out halfway for me, and then I can't FF to the right time. :\
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