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Heroes of the Storm |OT2| Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery

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Totally random, but talking about trolls they should look into some of the raid bosses like they did with Ragnaros. Hakkar? Blood Mandokir (raptor mount!)? Jin'do? I didn't do a lot of Zul'Aman, but I'm sure there is a boss or two there they could pull from.


Do we need more trolls after they add Zul and Vol'jin? Are there other big Troll heroes? I can't think of any.

What if they added the WoW Rogue class and it was a troll? That would be kind of dope


I'd be down for some Hakkar and Bloodlord Mandokir.

Other bosses/lore characters I'd like to see: Kel'Thuzad (amazed this one isn't in considering how much it's requested. Probably second most requested behind Diablo necromancer). Putricide, Algalon the Observer, Kil'Jaeden, Rend Blackhand.

Also, they should add in Dorn B'Dynn from EverQuest cause why not breh.
The lore doesn't really interest me, I like fun heroes. We already have Morales, Butcher and Hammer without any lore. I get where you're coming from though. It's easier to get excited over a character you like from another Blizzard property.


Always felt like Hearthstone only drawing from Warcraft was a bit of a missed opportunity. If they are indeed branching out that will be quite interesting.


I'd be down for some Hakkar and Bloodlord Mandokir.

Other bosses/lore characters I'd like to see: Kel'Thuzad (amazed this one isn't in considering how much it's requested. Probably second most requested behind Diablo necromancer). Putricide, Algalon the Observer, Kil'Jaeden, Rend Blackhand.

Also, they should add in Dorn B'Dynn from EverQuest cause why not breh.
KTZ was a lore character (WC3) prior to being a boss. Same with KJ. (He's back, back again in Legion, so a good chance we do see him this year.) Rag was iconic since he was the last boss of Raid 1 in Vanilla.


Yeah, HS going with other franchises would be cool as hell. Probably wouldn't play it anymore than I do (hardly ever), but it would be cool.


KTZ was a lore character (WC3) prior to being a boss. Same with KJ. (He's back, back again in Legion, so a good chance we do see him this year.) Rag was iconic since he was the last boss of Raid 1 in Vanilla.

I know, that's why I said other bosses/lore characters :D




Empower Sulfuras (Q)
Damage reduced from 222 to 211

Living Meteor (W)
Damage reduced from 75 to 72

Molten Core (Trait)
Cooldown increased from 100 to 120 seconds
Molten Swing damage reduced from 169 to 161
Meteor Shower damage reduced from 159 to 151
Explosive Rune damage reduced from 300 to 285

Lava Wave (R)
Cooldown increased from 100 to 120 seconds
Damage reduced from 86 to 60

Developer Comments: The addition of Ragnaros to the Nexus has once again unmistakably proven how painful it is to stand in fire. Lava Wave and Molten Core seem to be the leading power-houses of the newly released Raid Boss, so we are targeting the majority of the changes at them. We are also carefully monitoring his interaction with the Battlegrounds and are prepared to make adjustments as needed.



Level 7

Wormhole (E)
Now has a short delay before it can be re-activated to avoid accidental activation. This was always the case prior to his recent rework but was an unintended change made during the rework process.




Shield Overload (Trait)
Increased Shield Value from 360 to 375

Developer Comments: We feel we’ve slightly over-nerfed Artanis’ survivability for his added playmaking potential by being able to cast Phase Prism during Blade Dash. We don’t think he needs much, but this small change should make Artanis feel a little more like the bruiser that he is meant to be.



Base Maximum Health reduced from 2647 to 2567

Health Regen reduced from 5.52 to 5.35


Level 1

Bulwark (Q)
Duration increase on Shadow Charge's Resistance decreased from 3 to 2 seconds

Level 7

Soul Shield (Passive)
Ability damage reduction per Soul reduced from .35 to .25%

Level 20

Hellgate (Active)
Cooldown increased from 70 to 90 seconds

Developer Comments: It's been nice to see the positive reactions to the Lord of Terror's recent changes. That said, the latest rework gave him some new survivability talents that are slightly over-performing. The new stacking Resistant system is making the interaction between Shadow Charge, Bulwark and Soul Shield a bit too strong, so we are making some adjustments to compensate.



Level 1

Enhanced Agility (Trait)
Increased Quest reward per 50 Essence Stacks from 1 to 1.5% Movement Speed

Developer Comments: We couldn't be happier with the state that Dehaka is in, but we have heard the feedback on Enhanced Agility. While we feel it is still a bit too early to make any large changes to the talent, we are happy to bring the numbers up in order to give him Mounted Move Speed when this is fully unlocked.


Kind of a weird color for the HotS emblem, honestly.

Edit - Based on that color, I doubt it's the brawl. Or at least, the brawl isn't the main focus. Not really a color associated with Trolls though, either. Diablo character maybe?

It's the same logo they used on their twitter page so I'd lean more on color coordination of the logo for Rag's release.


Rag nerfs that I expected, dude does too much damage in molten core form. This, along with the nerf to lava wave, makes heroic difficulty that much more attractive. It was already better, but now it's even more better :)


Damn they nerfed Rag pretty much across the board. And he'll still be good, lol

EDIT: Hammer ult looking better and better boiz. If you face a 3 melee team it should be autopick anyway. ez game ez lyfe


Yeah he'll still be good, the changes are really minimal besides the cd increases, which is how they should be approaching his balance anyway


I am kinda shocked neither he nor Kaeyoh jumped back in to try their hand at HGC with the guaranteed money.

I know Kaeyoh is streaming now and wanted to cast, but there doesn't seem to be room in casting for him. He could've pulled a chu8 and done streaming and playing, especially since he's living with Dread. Maybe living with Dread is the point, though. Since everything is online only, they'll be able to form a casting duo a-la Cooby and Jake back in the day and corner at least some of the broadcast.


Just did an all Lunara mines brawl.

We got a 92 skull golem at 25 minutes and it barely got one keep with one Lunara defending it and another helping for the final 30% or so of it's health. Some buff Blizz, lol.


Just did an all Lunara mines brawl.

We got a 92 skull golem at 25 minutes and it barely got one keep with one Lunara defending it and another helping for the final 30% or so of it's health. Some buff Blizz, lol.

Is there any chance the Golem changes don't apply to the brawl? I know it's just a regular Mines match with hero drafting from the 3-pool, but depending on how the brawls are set up, it's conceivable that the settings are separate.


Shouldn't be. Wouldn't make much sense anyway. But regardless, they had to have encountered that in testing either way. Kind of an egregious oversight considering how long they've teased this thing eventually coming back.


Kioshen bodied those fools on Tracer in that. We even won two brawl matches on top of that, including one where we were outcomped and way down and they just threw inexplicably. Feels like a winner man.


What the hell the thread died down drastically. I guess we need drama to get this going. Allright then. Scoobs you have a big nose ! Fight me.

Everyone is waiting on that facebook reveal huh
So last night I decided to drop the 15k on Rag and played some Varian since he's free this week. Rag is a lot of fun, granted I didn't try him pre nerf, but I still enjoyed him a lot. Varian I liked more than I thought I would, but I suffer greatly from "I can't back down yet, I have to kill that hero!" resulting in a few really dumb deaths on my part. Probably more than a few...


it's 3 days to christmas eve of course threads deader than usual. Thread's been doing good recently there were times I'd quadruple post over literal days.

Yeah that makes sense.

It's Zul'Jin

Of course but who can say really. It's not like the model looks to have been ripped from his wc3 days.

I'm too busy losing every single game I play to worry about my big nose.

Should have added a kappa at the end of my sentence but oh well. Hope it'll get better for you.


I like it. Change it up a bit, keep things interesting.

Would be nice if they showed both of the next two heroes instead of one, though my impression was it's just gonna be this one.
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