I mean, quick match is quick match, but it's at high platinum/low diamond MMR. ¯_(ツThe nerfs seemed pretty rough given her popularity and lack of use in the pro scene, hard to understand what they were thinking there. I guess she just smashes people in low level play? In any case, it's early but she's now in the bottom 5 win rates in the entire game, GJ Blizzo
Yup Dva never seemed over powered to me but I can see why they nerfed her. She is a scrub killer. People don't know when to try to kill her and when to ignore her.The nerfs seemed pretty rough given her popularity and lack of use in the pro scene, hard to understand what they were thinking there. I guess she just smashes people in low level play? In any case, it's early but she's now in the bottom 5 win rates in the entire game, GJ Blizzo
Never in my life... Jesus.
Yeah. Malthael is a 4-week patch cycle so hopefully Stukov's only 3.So Stukov ptr next week and release on the 11th/12th I assume?
GFE hasn't been an international team for about a year.Tempo stays dominating NA. plz lern 2 int'l
EDIT: damn, not sure if that was a god tier comeback or a dumpster tier throw, also major lulz at the Udall hate. He's the new Zuna I guess?
GFE hasn't been an international team for about a year.
Yeah. Malthael is a 4-week patch cycle so hopefully Stukov's only 3.
Yeah, they normally work a 7-week block for major patches.do you mean the time between Malth and Stukov would be 4 weeks, so hopefully between Stukov and the next would be 3?
Does anyone have that clip yesterday that was Grimmjaws Diablo that 1v5 the enemy team at level 20?
I saw it on reddit, but cant seem to find it now, wondering if any1 else saved it or know the name
I'm no fan of Tempo but that characterisation is a bit unfair since they also dominated by straight up out playing their competition.
I am a fan of psalm though.
By outplaying I mean destroying them throughout the whole game. What you're saying and Dread brings up repeatedly is true, they are timid and reactionary all too often.The Tempo method:
Play the map, get a lead. Use lead to win a fight or two mid game. Dance around late game til enemy fucks up with bad decision making or too much aggression. Rinse, repeat.
I guess under the broad definition of "outplayed" then yes, these teams are getting outplayed for most of each game, but they still need to find that gear to finish games and not just let games expire like they prefer to do. They are basically just following the Cloud 9 playbook from the first year of competitive HOTS except there's no vintage Tempo Storm around to take advantage of their risk aversion late game.
I'm fine with them being the alpha dogs of NA HOTS if that's how it keeps playing out. They've had this issue for a bit, though, and the roster hasn't changed any...so I don't get why they haven't made any visible improvements in this regard. They know their weak spot, their opponents know it, and everyone watching knows it.
Just don't let him hit you when you're marked and he goes down in seconds.Been playing some butcher lately and it's amazing how good he is in QMs. Nobody really knows how to deal with him and it's super fun
Been playing some butcher lately and it's amazing how good he is in QMs. Nobody really knows how to deal with him and it's super fun
Samuro, Illidan, Greymane, Gazlowe, Sonya. Melee AA heroes are generally the best.What are the best heroes to clear out camps? I am going to try Gaz and Sylv just for fun