I think some characters can't really do well because of Overwatch's third dimension.
Like Hanzo's big thing is climbing up walls and finding a place to shoot from. That won't translate well to HotS unless they can enable tree climbing and have that...do something. Pharah seems impossible to translate.
I think pharah can work. Rocket boost upwards and hover for a few seconds, melee can't hit during it. She can also move while shooting in this state. Her knockback is fairly easy to translate. I think most of her kit is ez.
This just got me thinking about how melee can hit other flying things in the game... how is Butcher hitting Jimmys wraiths?
Anyone want to play HotS with us in unranked?
Not enough people play HOTS compared to Overwatch otherwise people would be up in arms about the MM/ranked mode in this game too.
I am pretty sure if I did my placement matches this month I would be ranked as Silver where as last month I was Platinum 5. Makes me not even want to bother doing it to be honest.
There's no consistency in the MM system in this game. I am pretty sure right now in Quick Play my MMR is in low bronze but in the ranked modes I am like Platinum or something. Unranked probably somewhere in the middle, Team League Silver 3 lol.
That NA or EU? What's your battle tag?
Sorry I just saw this, and I should have said them the first time.
Karsticles#1474 and NA. Me, Dahbomb, and Mobius play a lot together, and I'd like to get 2 more consistent teammates so we can have more enjoyable matches.
Sorry I just saw this, and I should have said them the first time.
Karsticles#1474 and NA. Me, Dahbomb, and Mobius play a lot together, and I'd like to get 2 more consistent teammates so we can have more enjoyable matches.
We play in the evenings kind of whenever, but if Kioshen becomes a regular it would be based on his limitations. We usually start playing around 10 PM EST.what time (and time zone) do you usually play?
Oh no, I definitely want you with us if you want to commit. It's Tuesday, so let's play tonight. I like the idea of limiting my play by a few days so I don't just HotS all summer, lol.Like I said last time we played, for the summer I can't play monday, wed and thursday. For the rest of the week I can carve some time for group play. Unless you guys were tired of my commentary and if so I can understand.
Typing, but hopefully on coms next time.Kio talking? Well I'll be damned.
Well, most of the shots you called were more hindsight, lol. We need a legit shot caller though if you want to take on that role.I tried practicing my shot calling aptitudes. It did not go well as expected but it's a nice change of pace.
Well, most of the shots you called were more hindsight, lol. We need a legit shot caller though if you want to take on that role.
Situational depending on map, team comps, etc.What's best for Gul'dan, Q or E build? I can't tell in vs AI since I can't complete the lv1 quest.
What's best for Gul'dan, Q or E build? I can't tell in vs AI since I can't complete the lv1 quest.
Sorry I just saw this, and I should have said them the first time.
Karsticles#1474 and NA. Me, Dahbomb, and Mobius play a lot together, and I'd like to get 2 more consistent teammates so we can have more enjoyable matches.
This dude Karst actively avoids pings. I actually didn't even know about it until last night when he said so... it made so much sense after the fact!I did end up explaining after the fact mostly because I was restricted by typing it out. Not sure if I'd be the best shot caller because i still need to work on my game awareness but i'll try to use pings more.
Reaper's Mark (Trait)
Damage reduced from 2.5% to 2.25%
Tormented Souls (R)
Armor reduced from 20 to 10
​Level 13
Ethereal Existence (Trait)
Maximum Physical Armor reduced from 50 to 40
Basic Attacks per second increased from 1.25 to 1.33
Level 4
Celestial Attunement (Q)
Free cast window increased from 3 to 4 seconds
Level 13
Quickening Blessing (Q)
Movement Speed increased from 25 to 30%
Level 16
Mark of Mending (D)
Heal amount while a target is Marked reduced from 3 to 2% of attacker's maximum health
Elune's Chosen (Active)
Cooldown reduced from 40 to 30 seconds
Level 20
Eyes of the Huntress (R)
Reveal time increased from 2 to 3 seconds
Developer Comment: We have been reading a lot of feedback on Tyrande and have heard overwhelming requests to give her substantial buffs. While we would love to do so, our internal data shows her rework win rate is sitting within 1% of her pre-rework values (.8% higher at high-level play and .1% lower at medium/low levels). The rework was focused on lowering the power of her healing while greatly strengthening her utility and damage output. Our data is showing that we are meeting those goals but realize that a lot of players are still attempting to solo-support with her. We are actively aware of the Support role-perception issue, especially since it transcends just Tyrande, and are exploring a lot of different options to help alleviate the frustrations.
Good Malth/Anub changes. Xul rework is live as well. LOL @ them finally figuring out that the issue w/ people trying to use Tyrande/Tass as solo supports was not going away after 2+ years!Warrior
Basic Attack damage reduced from 95 to 91
Base Maximum Health reduced from 2003 to 1925
Locust Swarm (R)
Damage increased from 50 to 62
Heal increased from 17 to 21
Duration reduced from 8 to 6 seconds
Cocoon (R)
Range reduced from 9 to 6
Missile Speed reduced by 33%
Level 16
Epicenter (E)
Bonus area reduced from 85 to 60%
He's a noobstomper in solo queue. Has to be done even though he's pretty booty in 5v5.Yay more Malthael nerfs...
This is where you need to change around his abilities rather than just directly nerfing him to the ground until pubs stop getting owned by him.He's a noobstomper in solo queue. Has to be done even though he's pretty booty in 5v5.
He's a noobstomper in solo queue. Has to be done even though he's pretty booty in 5v5.
It would be cool to make stukov goes into a M. Bison pose instead of this awkward crouching thing
LUL they silenced Grubby, he had to contact Blizzard.
Both Tassadar and Tyrande should be in multiclass to be honest as Assassin/Support.They already have the problem "solved" with Tyrande. Switch her to multiclass like Varian. Unless there's a reason they haven't been adding more multiclass people (they don't like having multiclass heroes?) Or rename her into a specialist or something
Both Tassadar and Tyrande should be in multiclass to be honest as Assassin/Support.
Tyrande and Tassadar are most definitely not specialists though. Specialists seem like heroes that are good at pushing/taking mercs/taking buildings... neither Tyrande nor Tassadar are particularly good at that.
Both Tassadar and Tyrande should be in multiclass to be honest as Assassin/Support.
Tyrande and Tassadar are most definitely not specialists though. Specialists seem like heroes that are good at pushing/taking mercs/taking buildings... neither Tyrande nor Tassadar are particularly good at that.
I really don't like talking much during play, so it's not a good job for me. Does everyone really dislike it that much?The problem with all the GAFfers I've played with is no one wants to strictly shot call. Like we all do it from time to time, but most of it is just from having played so long. If that makes sense.
Most of the time we just know where to be and what we should be doing at that given time.
My game awareness is super low, so I would love a dedicated shot-caller. Like, sometimes objectives pop up and I'm so focused on harassing my lane I don't even notice.I did end up explaining after the fact mostly because I was restricted by typing it out. Not sure if I'd be the best shot caller because i still need to work on my game awareness but i'll try to use pings more.
Added! =DBoooo, no Stukov this week.
I will add you, I play sometimes pretty late around 8 pm
Will read.
I really dislike the "multiclass" idea.Both Tassadar and Tyrande should be in multiclass to be honest as Assassin/Support.
Tyrande and Tassadar are most definitely not specialists though. Specialists seem like heroes that are good at pushing/taking mercs/taking buildings... neither Tyrande nor Tassadar are particularly good at that.