They should add bastion, so genji can get up in it's face and W it to death, just like in OW.
the comparison is that they are all heroes who receive inoordinate community disgust compared to what their hero kits allow them to do objectively.
i havent really seen the vitriol for him come through in pros but im not really looking either so it could be there
im talking about stuff like e not being able to go through walls, the "fact that he has two mobility moves", him being faceroll and easy to play, the entire mewn thing, etc.
genji gets let through pretty constantly in pro games, the kind of vitriol im talking about involves him being banned every game because it'd be unspeakable to even consider letting him through because he is hands down the best in every situation and you cant go wrong picking him
I think they should make his movement abilities travel the entire map
Just like I think chromie's skill shots should travel the entire map as well
Well... I really dont think it's hyperbole to say that he's easy to play, that you should ban him if you can, and that you should pick him if he's up (as long as you're not supposed to pick tank/heal that is).
If you want to win in HL/unranked then you should be pick/banning genji. He is that good.
yeah i dont disagree with any of those statements, what ive been disagreeing with the whole time is the notion that he has to be broken down and built back up because he is fundamentally designed incorrectly. that is pretty much the main style of conversation i see when ppl talk about him, on reddit or here, that he is broken and that he breaks the game and that he needs several aspects of his kit reworked. that's the hyperbole
What i've seen people saying is that they should: nerf his hp, mana costs/cooldowns, lvl 7 dodge and infinite dragon blade. And maybe dragon blade damage in general.
There's other more extreme suggestions, like E shouldn't go through terrain... or cyber agility being conditional. which I think they could do those things, but if they do that then they should leave everything else the same.
I'm late for the obligatory Genji discussion GIF post but here goes
re: the gif, that monkey plays kind of like Genji does too when you think about it
Will this new hero be on PTR next week? I forget where we are in the timeline. Would this be a 3 week or a 4 week release?
So what do you guys think about Genji right now?
A fair and balanced, high execution and skill hero that is very good for the game.So what do you guys think about Genji right now?
looks pretty convincing to me Nirolak.
they said it's a well known hero
they show the portal to outland
kiljaeden is like one of the most well known characters from outland
i honestly dont think it's maiev. She's like a B tier character in terms of lore involvement i think.
I found some stitches gameplay
We should make this a thing. Real life GIFs used to demonstrate HOTS gameplay and events.
This is one of the post game screen after you win and someone thinks they carried:
When you get caught in VP but no one on the other team knows what to do with it:
Opened up on by Valeera but then you remember you're not a squishy:
I feel like it only works if it's a monkey and a dog.
so I guess monkeys and dogs are a thing?
its shit like this that makes me feel real old![]()
So back to discussion about hero classes in the game. I think I have it.
Tank - Anubarak, ETC, Muradin, Diablo, Johanna, Stitches
Bruiser - Tyrael, Artanis, Sonya, Leoric, Ragnaros, Thrall
Assassin (high burst, less AOE)- Zeratul, Nova, Butcher, Samura, Illidan, Valeera, Alarak, Samuro, Kerrigan, Genji
Mage (AOE ability) - Kaelthas, Jaina, Li Ming, Chromie, Guldan
Sustained/Physical Damage (low AOE, sustained damage, mostly non ability) - Valla, Zuljin, Raynor, Tychus, Lunara, Tracer, Sgt Hammer, Greymane.
Healer - Karazim, Uther, Lili, Auriel, Rahgar, Malfurion
Support - Zarya, Tyrande, Medivh, Tassadar, Abathur (sort of)
Pushers - Sylvanas, Azmodan, Murky, TLV, Probius, Zagara
Multiclass - Abathur (I think he's like Support + Pusher), Varian (Tank + Bruiser), Falstad (I think he's Mage + Sustained depending on talents), Monk (Healer + Support), Xul (Pusher + Bruiser)
Surprisingly Genji was the hardest to fit in here. He doesn't quite have the burst of those other Assassins but he definitely is the type of hero who likes to focus the squishies and kill hem fast by flanking or diving.
They are now old man. Now go back to WoW and kill 15 turkeys.
you seem super offended I'm playing wow but you forget that its the same friends list, and I NEVER see you play hots either... so whats up with that homey?