Post on Reddit caught something cute w the recent hero releases that strongly suggests that the leak's accurate.
Death Malthael
Pestilence Stukov
War Garrosh
Famine ______ (but we know a guy who helped poison grain!)
That list is so believable that it makes me quite sad ... I liked knowing nothing of who was coming next 😢
Knowing that the most glorious arch-Liche, Kel'Thuzad, will be joining the nexus is worth it. If only for the confusion having two KTs will cause!
Post on Reddit caught something cute w the recent hero releases that strongly suggests that the leak's accurate.
Death Malthael
Pestilence Stukov
War Garrosh
Famine ______ (but we know a guy who helped poison grain!)
What is the body check talent? Is it a gap closer?
If KT doesn't get a li'l KT skin like Ragnaros did there is no justice
KT and K'T
Kael is supreme KT.
I forgot that but it is kind of damning to Kael'Thas "KT" reign that there's a several years old pet in the WoW Blizzard shop named Lil' K.T. for Kel'Thuzad.
I've adopted Karl Jim as my Kharazim nickname from the Core podcast guys 😄
Kael'Thas is just a crappier version of Arthas.
Think about it. They're both pretty boy blonde princes that dated Jaina, went crazy and sacrificed their own people for more power.
I like calling Kael'Thas KT because he's a hip youngster who would like an acronym like that.
Kel'Thuzad is a proper aristocrat. Don't sully him with some shit like "KT". Kel'Thuzad better be a godlike addition to the game.
Isn't Kael'Thas pretty old in human terms, though? I mean whoever it was said above part of the reason it didn't work out for him with Jaina was his age difference was creepy.
I like calling Kael'Thas KT because he's a hip youngster who would like an acronym like that.
Kel'Thuzad is a proper aristocrat. Don't sully him with some shit like "KT". Kel'Thuzad better be a godlike addition to the game.
KT is like 3 years old. He only was reborn as a lich in wc3.
I forgot that but it is kind of damning to Kael'Thas "KT" reign that there's a several years old pet in the WoW Blizzard shop named Lil' K.T. for Kel'Thuzad.
other games don't matter in hots.
yes they do, because if it was random ass heroes, nobody would care, like the countless other mobas that came out over the years
those vastly more popular mobas? Most of them are random ass to me.
See: SSBM-functions editionyes they do, because if it was random ass heroes, nobody would care, like the countless other mobas that came out over the years
other games don't matter in hots, it's not a 2ndary game to play and as such its own canon and timeline takes precedence.
Depends a lot since most of the Warcraft heroes are from before WoW , after Arthas became the Lich King.
Garrosh for example is the first WoW heroe from his era.
it shows 20 seconds in the spotlight. I get the feeling the non taunt heroic will be the go to actually because more useful at a low CDi cant find out what it's cd is though, that's pretty important, but yeah nice to have a warrior anti-support option
Edit: Actually there are a lot of WoW-but-not-WC3 heroes already in the game, so I'm not sure I understand what you meant
Jaina, Uther, Illidan, ETC,Arthas and Anub are from WC3.
Murky was recently canon on Legion
Lunara can be existing since the start of Warcraft 1