Speaking of mana. A large overhaul of mana is long overdue a la scaling changes maybe. Ever since idk Greymane or even before new heroes almost never run out of mana spamming abilities while older heroes like tyrael have to show extreme restraint in using their abilities.Mana burn on all targets hit
KT can do alright on mana if he's using the globe quest on lvl1, which is honestly what he should be doing anyway because late game you are going to be spamming so many spells with Living Bomb procing all over.Speaking of mana. A large overhaul of mana is long overdue a la scaling changes maybe. Ever since idk Greymane or even before new heroes almost never run out of mana spamming abilities while older heroes like tyrael have to show extreme restraint in using their abilities.
Compare Li Ming and Jaina, heck don't even have to go that far compare Li Ming to KT.
KT can do alright on mana if he's using the globe quest on lvl1, which is honestly what he should be doing anyway because late game you are going to be spamming so many spells with Living Bomb procing all over.
So she has 3 bars, and is double-handicapped in her gameplay?Mana on auriel would prob fix her
Would stop the healing spam at least but they probably have a strict 2 bars only policy.Mana on auriel would prob fix her
Mana on auriel would prob fix her
I used to do Convection every time and I did alright but once I started using Mana Addict I became a lot more consistent with KT. In some maps I still do Convection like Braxxis, Shrines or Sky Temple because I know enemies will clump at objectives but on other maps I take the Mana Addict option. Especially against compositions that counter pick me, I just I know I won't have the stacks up on time.Nah man, Convection in most scenarios. It's just too good once it's stacked and it doesn't take a lot of work on quite a few maps. It and the build that comes off of it make KT an absolute monster and are what's pushed him up above 51% winrate. Empowered Flamestrikes with Fury of the Sunwell and everything else....yowza.
There are some comps you absolutely can't take it against, but then you probably shouldn't be playing KT there anyway I'd argue. And if stacking it is an issue, the same applies.
I'm pretty much the last person to ask about any Mage hero
I also really hate playing super passively, which Convection pretty much forces you to do as you protect your stacks...
Cause they want him using Gorehowl. But in HS he's very much a tank and his dad is very much 100% a bruiser or assassin and so radically differentiating them is good.Why is Garrosh being a main tank such a big deal on Reddit? People freaking out he's not an assassin lol
I haven't seen a more turrible suggestion since someone on here suggested Greymane's Q in Worgen form shouldn't have movement on it. Glad yall aren't hero designers. Just awful, awful stuff you've got goin on in here tonight boys.
Why are we so hell bent on nerfing heroes in the bottom 20 of win rates today? Auriel is good in very specific comps, and mediocre to bad everywhere else. That is OK. That is what bans are for.
eh it was just a suggestion cuz we were talking about mana
bakery has an interesting suggestion of making the w 3 sec baseline and removing 7, that def is more graceful than implementing mana
At this point Glaurung is NA, and Roll20 is an interesting team just because it's the first time he's played with anyone better than 4 bronzies with a bag of money.
Unless you're in QM and you don't care if you win or not, I don't think convection is the pick on KT.
Maledict with the secret discord tech
I think it's just better actually. Maybe not in boe.
But in general you get so much mana from the quest that you barely have to back and lets KT clear waves, solo mercs, and still show up to team fights with most of his mana. It more then makes up for the lack of damage I think and is 0% risk. Even before the quest is finished the extra mana gives you so much more in wave clear/map control that it's still worth giving up the minimum damage increase before convection is finished.
RIP Turdburger's interest in hots
Clarification I suggested to pick a side and either make it meaningful or consistently meaningless for all heroes.