Me too man, malthael is stronk
Guys I think Malfurion should get a Death Knight Skin
That has been my tri-yearly post.
I didn't even realize Mc was still playing. I haven't seen him stream but like once in weeks.
I didn't even realize Mc was still playing. I haven't seen him stream but like once in weeks.
What the hell is going on with Samuros win rate? Approaching 60% again randomly after chilling around 51-54 forever.
Guys I think Malfurion should get a Death Knight Skin
That has been my tri-yearly post.
Garrosh is undertuned (either HP or DPS needs a buff for him, this is pretty much just a numbers thing- the other issues w/ him are in needing his GFX/Sound to feel more meaty) and Genji is a high-skill-floor/high-skill-cap hero who needs to be balanced around the top 1-20%, not Bronze league. (Gazlowe is an example of the opposite.)Hum i've just seen Genji and Garrosh win rate on hotslogs. Is Garrosh that bad and the nerfs to Genji have been this strong ? Or is it the time for players to adapt.
Hum i've just seen Genji and Garrosh win rate on hotslogs. Is Garrosh that bad and the nerfs to Genji have been this strong ? Or is it the time for players to adapt.
since my last post in here, I have "figured out" how to not be awful at sylvannas and now I love playing her. It is pretty great to just push a lane down and when everyone realizes how far its pushed and comes after you its like PEACE. Free week xul is nice too. Debating on whether I use coins to buy him or sgt hammer. SOMEONE HELP ME DECIDE!
"Solo Warrior" was such an awful way to phrase it. He's a Main Tank. But you cannot go triple backline DPS w/ him.
Typically least deaths gets you MVP
I believe kill participation is the biggest factor, followed by least deaths, but i could be wrong on the order there. He probably had a buttload of assists.
3 minutes of queue to play Stukov and I'm against another Stukov. Thanks.
Our Garrosh throwing DVa bomb into our team killing both supports. Amazing match.
I just queued into a group with Samuro, Valeera, Nova and Zera. What the fuck.
Edit: We stomped them as expected since they had 0 waveclear and we also had Morales reveal. They did get a couple of kills though whenever someone split from the group for some reason.
I'm hoping the enemy team was a 5-stack or a 4-stack of the stealthies with a rando? Even if that's the case, I feel back for the rando.
5 stack with Stukov support...for some reason.
Is Gamescom this weekend?
it's Thursday through sunday. Wednesday is press only.
Cool event went there in 2013 and watched duckdeok play in a SC2 event.
edit: looked it up and grubby was there too. Funny.
Seems like it's pretty much confirmed that we will see two heroes:So no news on KT or a surprise curveball hero til then![]()
Seems like it's pretty much confirmed that we will see two heroes:KT being one and firebat the other if the rumors are to be believed.
I'll take whatever as long as it gets Kel'Thuzad in the game...and hopefully not as a secondary support.
The one hero I've wanted the most since getting into the Tech Alpha. Not sure who I'll pine over next.