Log into HotS and /join general. Super easy to find a group of 5 to spam AI bot matches to zerg farm the mount right now.
ok will try
Log into HotS and /join general. Super easy to find a group of 5 to spam AI bot matches to zerg farm the mount right now.
I don't think I'm ever gonna use him vs real people anyway. He doesn't seem really worth it if the team isn't coordinated.As a solo-queue Medivh, only use portals for yourself. If anyone else actually uses them, it's a bonus but use portals primarily for your own mobility. Trying to make plays happen in uncoordinated games and save people who won't use them isn't worth putting the ability on CD.
Anyone hearing anything about Lucio builds? Only talent I'm feeling pretty set on is Party Mix at level 7. Back in the Mix at level 13 seems solid against Valeeras because anything that lets you survive long enough against her is great, once you're not stunned/silenced you just knock her back and escape.
Man, when your team is ahead Lucio feels unstoppable. He's super fun.
People are already slowing down on queuing up with Lucio. The high wait estimate lasted all of 3 games before I start getting instant queues with Lucio.
That is annoying but she's fairly weak otherwise in QM from my experience.Super tired of Valeera + Varian in QM. They can basically delete a hero.
That is annoying but she's fairly weak otherwise in QM from my experience.
Yeah the Valeera + Varian stuff is shitty at times. We found that Dehaka + Varian works better, though. More survivable, and still a ton of lockdown. Landing the tongue is easy when they stand still.![]()
Guys, I think Greymane might have 2 good ultimates now. I don't know what to do with my hands.
Guys, I think Greymane might have 2 good ultimates now. I don't know what to do with my hands.
I would say you're pretty casual in the grand scheme. You don't play but 2-4 games tops usually when I see you on, and you also don't play every day so that'd fit the definition.
At our peak we were playing like 8-10 games a night or more in the lead-up to release and right after.
EDIT: Pretty shocked at there being no Murky threads on the front page of reddit. If there's no outcry he'll possibly be left as-is for longer...which is good for Murky players, I guess.
because they drain so gosh darn much energy that I'm left with barely enough patience sometimes to be fun to hang around with.
I'm also surprised at the lack of Murky thread but at this point, no amount of whining will change anything. I'm sure the balance team is looking at the avalanche of data right to make sure things stays healthy. It's not like we'll have to wait 6 months for a nerf like another blizzard franchise.
That's how it goes. It'll get fixed, always does.
It's still super boring and lame?Wasn't even really that big a patch though compared to some others we've had. Just a normal sized patch. A rework, a new hero, some buffs and nerfs to other heroes. Not all that dissimilar to the Tassadar patch.
What are you concerned about being broken besides Murky? And what's wrong with Cloak of Shadows now?
Wasn't even really that big a patch though compared to some others we've had. Just a normal sized patch. A rework, a new hero, some buffs and nerfs to other heroes. Not all that dissimilar to the Tassadar patch.
What are you concerned about being broken besides Murky? And what's wrong with Cloak of Shadows now?
It's still super boring and lame?
Lucio actually looks like a support I'd enjoy.
I'm a little concerned Lucio is super duper OP.
Tass buff to his 13 also pretty ridiculous
Tracer.I wasn't interested in Lucio until I realized he can shoot while moving.
Are there any other characters that don't have to stand still to (primary) attack?
Jesus christ quick match is toxic right now with Valeera and Varian. If you get lucky enough to get both on your team its instant death every 20 seconds.
This is gonna sound dumb but I like the ui feature if amp it up is active and you trigger reverse amp.
Is it your team yelling at you because you picked the ultimate that "isn't in Overwatch"?
This is gonna sound dumb but I like the ui feature if amp it up is active and you trigger reverse amp.