Should I use that gold up now on heroes or wait until it gwt converted to whatever new currency?
I would save your gold for re-rolling loot boxes come 2.0.Just logged in for the first time in forever, apparently I had a moint from Legion waiting for me. And 19.3k gold.
Should I use that gold up now on heroes or wait until it gwt converted to whatever new currency?
Im missing 23 heroes so I guess thats how long ago I stopped heh. Last one I bought was... Leoric I think? I remember Morales coming out just when I was stopping and I dont own her.
I do own Tracer from OW Origins like someone said.
edit: or 22 heroes since apparently cho and gal are 2 seperate heroes on the character screen. Can you still get that one free by playing with a friend that has him?
Some time ago there was a Nexus Challenge that got you a handful of new heroes for playing some matches with friends. There is another one coming up, so it would be best to save the gold until after seeing if that will get you some free heroes. Also, with 2.0 we'll get treasure chests holding all sorts of goodies, and it will be possible to reroll them using gold. Also....Just logged in for the first time in forever, apparently I had a moint from Legion waiting for me. And 19.3k gold.
Should I use that gold up now on heroes or wait until it gwt converted to whatever new currency?
Check out these free MegaBundles you'll have to choose from when 2.0 launches. You'll probably get several heroes with at least one of them.Im missing 23 heroes so I guess thats how long ago I stopped heh. Last one I bought was... Leoric I think? I remember Morales coming out just when I was stopping and I dont own her.
I do own Tracer from OW Origins like someone said.
Huh unranked draft these days, neat
Real talk.
This community was one of my favorite gaf communities in my years here, whoch was weird since... well you know, mobas :3
I keep wanting to go back to it over this last year or year and half, maybe 2.0 will be the time.
Huh unranked draft these days, neat
Just logged in for the first time in forever, apparently I had a moint from Legion waiting for me. And 19.3k gold.
Should I use that gold up now on heroes or wait until it gwt converted to whatever new currency?
Can you still get that one free by playing with a friend that has him?
ah yes, quick match ragers, how I missed thee
wel at least it runs fine on low on the laptop, looks better than I thought it would too. Trying to lvl up Rexxar to 5 for the gold, he seems as shit as I remember him ;_;
Yeah they went all-in making teamfights all about rightly maintaining your deathball or breaking apart the enemy deathball. Lots of new types of moves were introduced to affect those dynamics and keep it interesting. Then plenty of maps that demand you be apart sometimes, so you have to choose your moments to split and regroup wisely. All the different sneaky or clutch ways to break down enemy comp reminds me of SC2 proleague.and I see deathballs are still king.
Used to be best in game for it till they nerfed it hard. But I guess to be fair, soloing boss at 8 is a bit excessive.He seemed good to solo merc camps tho.
Its interesting how everyone complains about Genji's damage being low, and it is if you just consider his AA and Q, but he's always been top 1 or 2 at the end of every game I've watched in hero damage. He's also like double digit kills and 0 deaths in every game I watch too lol. I am 100% certain that good Genjis are going to be the highest form of cancer this game has ever seen, and we all know how high of praise that is given my thoughts on Chromie.
I'm basically just going to become an Uther main so I can shit on every Genji I see.
I've sent you the link to the referral thing Lamp, I think that should work and give you your sylv and ryanor and stimpack.
Not gonna lie, the idea of re-learning the game which was what kept me away for so long is now kinda exciting me.
Sorry to all the poor quick match bastards I drag down with me.
Does Milly still play?
Cheers Mal, and once again cheers everyone else for your advice. Y'all are nowhere near as beastly and brusque as people make out![]()
Some time ago there was a Nexus Challenge that got you a handful of new heroes for playing some matches with friends. There is another one coming up, so it would be best to save the gold until after seeing if that will get you some free heroes. Also, with 2.0 we'll get treasure chests holding all sorts of goodies, and it will be possible to reroll them using gold. Also....
Check out these free MegaBundles you'll have to choose from when 2.0 launches. You'll probably get several heroes with at least one of them.
How long does the mega bundle thing last? Cuz they are putting all heroes free for a month
Still good? I can give you a referral if you need one, I can't promise I play much because I am awful at MOBA-style games.
Thought just occured to me; does this mean every smurf account you make during this period is entitled to the bundle?
Thought just occured to me; does this mean every smurf account you make during this period is entitled to the bundle?
Wow I have most of these heroes! I play too much -_-
Do I get compensated for having most of them?
Nope. That's what the vet rewards are for. You can keep the 100 gems, but if you only have most but not all even buying a bundle for 1 hero is a better deal than whatever else you'd get to buy one. Plus you'll still have your other 1000 gems they are giving you.
Damn so basically there's no reason not to create as many smurf accounts as you want and taking advantage of this deal huh... sweet
See I have almost all heroes, so each bundle doesn't give me much - but I have absolutely no issue with these bundles even though I've bought lots of stuff with cash. It great for new players and brings more people into the game. The more players the better for all of us!
I think most of those points are only valid because of my shit tier MMR but I haven't had a game yet where I felt useless which happens with Zera at times.
We deserve free stuff because we earned it!
The Loot system is currently under heavy load. Please take your time opening chests.