Ohh so subscribed to this thread, sounds like a great idea! I'd love to participate but sadly have no skills to contribute .... although I'll try and make some music for anyone to use.
Sorry if I missed it, but are final games being posted to this thread?
Games will be posted in this thread, following the details mentioned in the OP. I'll link to all submitted games in the second post of the topic as well.
Well, my girlfriend (not a GAF user) wants to work on the game with me. Is that allowed for the competition?
Also, I might have to buy the dang "Zombie" pack for one of my levels. lol
Thanks for bringing it up, I'll say it's a-okay (and cute).
Your attempt 2 piece would be perfect for a horror game. Got a good Silent Hill meets Dark Souls vibe out of it.
Are we allowed to offer suggestions to other works if we're committed to someone else's project? I really want to flex my creative muscles as much as possible during this event.
I wouldn't mind trying to learn RPG Maker myself, either, but I have no idea where to start. Anyone got tutorial links, preferably ones that offer short exercises (how to make a cutscene, how to make an intro dungeon, etc)?
Thank you very much, engine isn't very complicated to use, a bit more complicated to get into some of the details of the engine and scripting and the like, but relatively simple.
You can throw suggestions, this is mainly a community project.
Definitely not a bad list at all, I will throw it into the OP Resources.
This isn't a GAF contest, it's run by the RPG Maker people.
There is a RPG Maker Developer-run contest, but this one is GAF-run and a different contest with different rules.
If only I knew how to code with Ruby
There are some guides to learn and practice from, if you want to start learning it.
Debating to enter or not...
The game I want to make is way longer than 2 to 3 hours...
Though I will post screenshots if no one minds of my game.
You can attempt and if it doesn't work out finish on your own time not for the contest. A valid strategy.
I... I totally am in. I may not make it, but I damn well will try. I haven't played with RPG Maker in well over a decade.
I wish you luck!
Thanks for recommending VX Ace. I've had a game idea floating in my head for years but never knew how to execute it until now
I'll definitely try participating in this, and probably seek out some team help once I finalize a design structure and the story.
If you seek a team, post here or PM me so I can add you to the second post list forming. Or message the people there of course~
I always love the concept art phase
-stares back-
I'm loving this thread and the deal which got me these 2 games for 6 bucks

. I have a question though.
I'm torn between using xp or vx ace. After doing a lot of reading, it seems as if vx ace is the one to go. My main issue is that I would like to use larger character sprites in vx ace similar to the ones used in xp. I know this is possible but the issue that'll then arise is that if I use larger sprites, all the default resources in vx ace would be useless to me as they would look so out of place in relation to larger character sprites.
If I go with larger character sprites in vx ace, does this mean I'll have to make my own custom tilesets to create my worlds to fit in line with larger characters? I know you can import xp tilesets into vx ace but how does that work with the new autotile feature?
Also, bear with me, I'm new to all this lol.
You might have to do some serious re-aligning and use of scripts to make it work, but it's definitely possible. I can hunt and pinpoint a few if you want, but basically it'd add a bit more work, but definitely can be done. Most of the work would be in re-alligning sprite sheets.
Going through the long ass tutorial linked in the OP, and I really like this. Not sure if I'll have the time to make a game with my own art, but I think I can come up with something silly using the generic art assets.
It's a good guide, though as mentioned a bit long. Happy you're enjoying it though~
Can I work with a friend who's not on GAF? At least to ask him for help when I don't know how to do something?
Sure thing, just credit them like anyone else (and maybe mention a friend as to not confuse them with a GAF member).
This sounds cool. I don't know much about this engine; before I go in depth learning about it I'd just like to know, is it very diverse at all in terms of gameplay? And can full res artwork be used rather than pixel art?
The default engine is to make something like a classical JRPG-style. You can stretch out what that means, like many 2D horror games, adventure-puzzle games, and the like are made from it. But other games can be made if you utilize Ruby scripting, people have also made Beat'em'ups, platformers, shmups, visual novels, and more in the engine, but going beyond games with that sort of perspective of an old JRPG will take some scripts and modifying.
Got my basic concept drafted, time to install some custom scripts and then do some artwork. I'm really excited for this
If I can figure out how to effectively do sprite art, I'll definitely toss my name up for helping other people too, but for now I haven't even tried it - seems like a whole different world from what I usually draw.
GIMP would be the best method to spriting, I will mention. It can easily do transparency and better brush tools than most other free art programs.
So this may have been asked already (I skimmed the previous pages but didn't see anything).
I bought the 12 dollar bundle cause I figure why not. Originally I was hoping to maybe make something that plays like A Link to the Past or A Link Between Worlds. After looking through a few tutorials and clicking around in VX Ace I'm gonna assume that a over head ARPG is a no go with this? Everything I've seen seems to be a turn-based or strategy style combat system. Or are the scripting tools powerful enough to pull something like that off?
You can do a Zelda-like system, it just requires some scripting. I know I've seen a Zelda-styled game made in RPG Maker and a script for it. I also have played a zombie-based game where the main character shot bullets and there was this cool feature you could lock-onto enemies in real-time and blow chunks of their bodies off if you timed your firing right (as the recitle moved), the scripting in VX Ace is actually very flexible.
you have two different deadlines in the OP, July 31st and August 7th. Which is it?
Also here's what I've been working on for the past day:
Edit: Also if any writers are looking to hop on a project, PM me, I could use some help. I've got my story planned out, but I'm pretty bad at writing dialog
I thought I tackled it all, but thanks for pointing out! Originally was July 31st, but updated to August 7th when people pointed out that many might not be able to work during E3 week and this topic would get flooded out during that time, so I added an additional week. Updated the OP now.
"Looks like death."
I think I might be in. I've been needing to do something to push myself to get excited about game development again.
I wish you luck!